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I am the army, skyler!!!! 350 vs 800 guys and get 100 kills alone :D submitted by /u/Kindly-Assistance-80 [link] [comments]

It took me over 180 hours, but it was worth it.

Ok, so that 1 game where I captured all of Calradia didn't take me 180 hours, but that's how many total hours I have between Mount & Blade and Warband.

GOG gave away Mount & Blade sometime last year. Played that for a little over 5 hours, and could tell it was an awesome game, but everybody was saying Warband was the better version. So as soon as Warband went on sale again, I picked it up, and now I'm waiting on Bannerlord like the rest of you (see free game giveaways work).

I must have started a new game a half dozen times or so, never getting more than a couple hours in. Not that the game wasn't fun, but I was constantly picking up on the new tactics, strategies, and game features I didn't even realize were there and wanted to start over to implement these into my character. Finally started to get the hang of things, was 50 hours into the game now, had a town, a castle, a village, and a wife, really liked my character, and thought I was doing pretty good.

As I was trying to figure out the next step to take, I started reading about Mods. Man this Floris mod really does sound like it makes the game so much better: no more constantly searching for the Guild Master, manually selling items or upgrading my companions' equipment. So I tried to play Floris, but wasn't able to properly move my Native save file over, and I can't go back to Native now that I know about Floris. 50 hours of fun down the drain.

Whatever, I'll just start a new game. But there were just so many changes with Floris, I got frustrated having to learn stuff all over again. Like I had finally mastered tournaments in Native, but now they're completely different. Even on the easy Floris settings the game felt much harder. Mostly I was just frustrated having to start a whole new game again though and wasn't ready to invest the time.

Then about a month ago, somebody posted a simple question about Warband over in /r/patientgamers, and it brought that itch back. Jumped back in, slowly mastered the new tournament format (hated it at first, but definitely superior once I got the hang of it), got much better at combat, and overall just had a blast. Now I'm sitting here wondering where did the last 6 weeks of my life go?

Submitted January 20, 2019 at 07:55PM by RUA_bug_Bill_Murray


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