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I am the army, skyler!!!! 350 vs 800 guys and get 100 kills alone :D submitted by /u/Kindly-Assistance-80 [link] [comments]

How best to get my liege to award a town fief to me in Warband Diplomacy mod?

So when I joined Sanjar Khan he gave me the Tulbuk village. I exchanged it with another Lord for Bulugur village (which is better because fewer bandits pass by).

Later on I captured Veluca and requested that I receive it, he granted it to me. But I knew I could never hold it (it being so far away from our territory and close to both Swadia and Rhodoks). So I exchanged it for Tulbuk Castle with another Lord (I wanted Distar Castle but the Lord in charge of that wouldn't give it to me because we had poor relations).

I then got my relations up with the Lord who owned Distar, but when I try exchange Tulbuk Castle for Distar Castle he just says 'I have no intention of giving up Distar Castle'. Why is that? Is there no way I can acquire it from him and get rid of Tulbuk Castle?

Anyway, the Khergit Khanate was doing very poorly in wars (because before I did all of the aforementioned I was a merc for the Sarranids and I was helping to fight the Khergits). The only town the Khergits had left was Tulga, Ichamur was taken by the Vaegirs, Halmar and Narra by the Sarranids. Even the Swadians had nabbed a few castles. I started to turn that around when I joined the Khergits.

I single-handedly recaptured Ichamur and requested it be granted to me multiple times (at least 4 or 5) because I didn't want to garrison troops there until it was definitely mine so sometimes other factions easily retook it and garrisoned it with ~50-100 troops. Every damn time Sanjar Khan gave the town to someone else. I did the same with Narra, wiping out it's 350-strong garrison entirely on my own to take the city. I requested he give it to me and, yet again, he gave it to someone else.

So what gives? I have like 650 renown, relations with Sanjar are in the 30-40 range. How can I get him to give me more towns??

Submitted August 15, 2019 at 01:23AM by -Caesar


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