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I am the army, skyler!!!! 350 vs 800 guys and get 100 kills alone :D submitted by /u/Kindly-Assistance-80 [link] [comments]

Bannerlord RBM Tier List (Realistic Battle Mod)

Bannerlord 1.0.2 - RBM 3.5.0

I did not find ANY tier list for the Realistic Battle Mod (instead vanilla game has so many - most are rubbish anyways)

I made some rough tests in the custom player battle mode with RBM (no matter if it's pikeman or swordsman - just same main class etc)


1. Vlandian Pikeman is now OP and wins at same amount against any last tier infantry

Score: 12/10

2. Imperial Menavliaton is strong and looks decent

Score: 10/10

3. Sturgian Shock Troop takes the third place and could perform well if you micromanage

Score: 8/10

4. Battanian Veteran Falxmen

No comments on this one

Score 6/10


1. Vlandian Banner Knight - not OP, but very solid and smashes every other cavalry


2. Difficult situation:

A. If you do not micromanage

Imperial Elite Cataphract - decent armor, heavy horse

Score 9/10


Sturgian Druzhinnik Champion - surprisingly nice, got buffed to OP (if you can hadle) and now could be your ONLY on the low party cap if you, not your character, have skills

You can perform master trics with that guy - he has a damn BOW, Northlanded Decorated Two Handed AXE and a Sturgian Heavy Lance

Score: 100/10

  1. Do we need a third place? I suppose no.

Ah, forgot to say that lvl6 Battanian noble been balanced but still very strong (if you turn off """realistic""" ranged reload speed in the main menu of the mod of course)

Would like to say again: tests were really rough and I am awaiting comments to correct my results.

submitted by /u/WALLYBSTER
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