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Help in identifying crash cause (modded)

Help in identifying crash cause (modded)

Hey y'all, hopefully this is an appropriate place to ask this, as I couldn't really find a solution elsewhere.

But, I am having a repeat crash on my modded game, where I am getting an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error through the Better Exception Window screen. Normally, I can find the causes of errors using that window, but in this case it can't determine what module is causing the crash like normal.

From my research, that error can be caused by item mods, but the only mods I have for adding new items is the Open Source Armory mod, and the Banner Kings mod, and from what I can tell both are pretty stable, and no one else is having this issue with either one.

The obvious fix people would suggest is try turning mods off one by one and seeing if the crash persists, but unfortunately basically all my mods require a new game to be removed. This crash is not persistent in the early phase, and usually starts becoming persistent after about a year of in game time. And it seems quite random, whether I'm waiting in a settlement or traveling across the map. In other words, more of a pain than its worth.

So, my question then is considering Better Exception Window is basically useless in this circumstance since it has no idea what is causing the problem, what are some other methods I could go about to identify/fix the problem? I've heard Microsoft Visual Studio may have something I could use, though I don't know how to use it for such. (dnSpy is out, as it is currently incompatible with Harmony).

Thanks for any help/suggestions y'all can offer.

P.S. I attached a compilation image of what Better Exception Window does tell me. It doesn't mean anything to me, but perhaps y'all can find something useful in it. The Callstacks does say a lot of stuff about in game time, issue with the Better Time mod?

P.S.S. To re-iterate, this crash seems almost completely random. I'll reload the game after it crashes, repeat the same thing and it will run fine for several minutes longer than it did before before crashing. Or, the opposite will happen and it will crash almost immediately after loading back in. Location on the map seems irrelevant. Only time it doesn't crash is when I am loaded into a battle, so in other words it only crashes on the map mode.

EDIT: I tried disabling Better Time, as it turns out someone in the comments/posts of that mod on the Nexus page was also encountering this error, but unfortunately for me it did not fix the crash (though, interestingly, it did for them).

submitted by /u/SterlingKerman117
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