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I am the army, skyler!!!! 350 vs 800 guys and get 100 kills alone :D submitted by /u/Kindly-Assistance-80 [link] [comments]

MY gripes with Pop early game

Anyone with suggestions to make Prophesy of pendor early game more enjoyable for a combat orientated player, like i tend to run around with 24 - 30 adventurers until i get to over 200 renown, but i just dont find mercenary gameplay fun in Pendor and the equipment and proficiency difference between most spwans and the player make it unfun to try and play a small mercenary crew until late early game or midgame, basically besides fighting the snake cult, who are fun and remain a legitimate threat from early to end , early game seems so empty of unique foes, and because of the way renown is handled in mount and blade i have to forego having any numbers advantage in order to gain renown which means running around with a bunch of heavy cavalry, although thats more a fault of warband than PoP. Actually i hope that the update after next allows you to first break away from raiding when a superior force decides to stop you, because not being able to raid unless im confident im stronger than my enemy is annoying, secondly i hope they introduce more powerful companions who arent anal about honor, im running a mercenary company, why cant i sacrifice a few fools to make sure the company survives, or running away, this whole stand and fight thing is nonsense when knighthood orders exist, when the fucking noldor exist, so if it isnt too much too ask, please make PoP more fun kinda frustrating.

Submitted December 23, 2017 at 12:06PM by ZuulosSunvaar


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