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I am the army, skyler!!!! 350 vs 800 guys and get 100 kills alone :D submitted by /u/Kindly-Assistance-80 [link] [comments]

What was your most exciting/spectacular kill?

I got this game a couple days ago, been playing on the newest diplomacy module.

The kill that really made me fall for this game was when I was warring against the Sarranids. I was still a lowly mercenary, with a shitty nomad bow and a steppe horse. I was just getting to know about the troops of the game, but I pretty much didn't know shit, except that mamlukes are fucking scary.

Heading into battle I was with my lightly armored horse enthusiasts, and I was quite fond of my unit. I knew that their lives were one and gone but mine was blessedly not. So when the battle started, I beelined for the mamlukes and managed to dispatch a couple with relative ease. This particular battle was in the desert outskirts, and I found myself in the heat of battle, zeroing on the Cataphract from behind. I think I attempted to lance him but missed. I then tried to use mobility to my advantage and shot him, Parthian style. I put in a few shots from the back and charged in front of him, which to my dismay the mamluke took down my horse. I found myself, heavily wounded, staring down a very angry calvary unit, charging straight at me, with maybe 2 horselengths between him and I. I took aim with my shitty nomad bow and fired, hitting my opponent in the head and killing him.

Sorry if this is real weird y'all, I'm a wee bit under the influence. It would be wonderful if y'all could comment your most amazing kills, cuz I'm a damn nood and can't imagine what things can transpire in the long run.

Submitted July 18, 2018 at 08:19PM by El17ROK


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