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I am the army, skyler!!!! 350 vs 800 guys and get 100 kills alone :D submitted by /u/Kindly-Assistance-80 [link] [comments]

Tales of Haremus

It began in a remote part of the Kingdom of Rhodoks in Jelkala, a newly hired civilian levy named Haremus had been eating lunch inside the tavern. Awaiting his Lords summon to sally out to Swadia; the Kingdom was at war with the Swadians for raiding each others iron supply.

Haremus currently runs a dye works in the city and makes about 3000 denars a week. Rhodoks need to look their best in fine clothing. He has chosen to serve as a skirmisher in the army of King Graveth. Eventually he was given an order to regroup outside the city in marching formation.

He was in charge of defending the baggage train and ensuring that no bandits attempt to steal it. At mid-day they began marching through the mountain passes of the kingdom. As they passed through a large valley the scouts were sent ahead to inspect out the land. They swiftly rode back to the march and reported that it was safe to cross.

Graveth halted the march at one point to check out the baggage. Haremus offered him some wine but his majesty refused and rode back to the vanguard. The army made camp for the night, as they only numbered to about 800-1000 soldiers. Their army was not difficult to manage. After all Graveth had only planned to strike Swadia through skirmishes on the villages.

As the army made ready for bed, Haremus headed over to his tent, only to be invited to the sharpshooter group singing a campfire song. Haremus was quite nervous as he had never spoken to troops of this rank. They were welcoming of him fortunately and he joined in. Rhodok wine is high quality and many of the enterprises sponsor the military. Haremus enjoyed his night and then slept from the drinking.

Next morning, as the army broke camp and marched towards the foothills of Eastern Rhodok kingdom. From afar they could see the prosperous villages of Swadia. The men cheered as they knew what glory and loot awaited them. During one of the scouts patrols one of the riders noticed something suspicious in the mountains. As they rode back nearby riders began to collapse like flies.

Luckily the rider made it back to the vanguard but the unthinkable happened as he arrived....

To be continued.

Submitted September 19, 2018 at 02:04PM by Cedarbeard


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