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What does this red symbol mean?

submitted by /u/Electronic-Quail-764 [link] [comments]
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Crash issue.

Recently I just download this ROT mod for bannerlord which is based on game of thrones I did it through some videos and downloaded all the possible side mods for the functioning of ROT mod. My mid seems to run smooth but as soon as I try to interact with a person and tries to click on ( I am..... What's ur name?) option my game freezes and crashes. Did anyone of u encountered this type of issue if yes please give me a hand in helping me out to how to fix this crashes really annoying asf... Only happens with PPL who aren't my enemy rest of the enemy I can click on option of surrender or die otherwise if he's an ally then I cannot talk to him at all as I click on any of their option of game crashes . Humble request if anyone can help me out with it submitted by /u/Maleficent_Income495 [link] [comments]

Please help save my empire

Okay so i have been playing bannerlord for a while and it's been really interesting and i have played bannerlord with mods, I'm currently on v 1.2.10 and have quite a few mods, all compatible and nothing that alter significantly any of the core basic mechanics. But after defeating the Aserai who were the last thorn in the way of uniting entire Calradia under my banner, I actually ran into a very annoying issue. After a while of in game days/time I get a crash which is not related to any mod Here is the log ExceptionException Information:Type: System.NullReferenceExceptionMessage: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Stacktrace:at int TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.FactionManager.GetRelationBetweenClans(Clan clan1, Clan clan2)at float TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.GameComponents.DefaultDiplomacyModel.GetScoreOfClanToLeaveKingdom(Clan clan, Kingdom kingdom)at int TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.BarterSystem.Barterables.LeaveKingdomAsClanBarterable.GetUnitValueForFaction(IFac

Why aren't there more diplomacy options?

I think more diplomacy options should be added to Bannerlord. Simply put, we should be able to adjust the duration of the peace we make, because whenever I make peace with someone, they attack again soon and this is very annoying and because of this incident, I deleted 2 or 3 of my save files because every time I establish a new kingdom, there are a lot of others. The kingdom declares war on me and every time I make peace with them they soon attack again submitted by /u/swadian_knight_ [link] [comments]

Some older mods not showing up, and can't add items using commands

This happened with a couple of mods. At first I thought it's just the mod not working. But it seems that some older mods simply don't show up in inventory window, yes left side, when I enable cheats and try to look for them. Checked and double checked the names. My game version is 1.2.9. I tried with a couple of mods like I said. The last two mods I'm trying are "Camel Armor BM168" and "New Armor" They just don't show up, while other modded items show up just fine. I'm trying console commands and sadly it's also not working. Cheats are enabled in "engine_config" and I can bring the console and use other commands just fine. But trying campaign.give_item_to_main_party [ItemName] [Amount] does not work. Is there anything I can do to get the mods to work? Show up with other items, or use a command to add them. Or another way of adding items to a city or my inventory. Or even an easy to do patch or something to update mods to w

No, not the Fians! Story in Comments...

submitted by /u/Open_Storm_7484 [link] [comments]