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How do I fix these mod errors? I'm playing on the most recent STABLE branch and just DL'd these mods 5 mins ago, unsure WTF is happening here

submitted by /u/RotInPixels [link] [comments]

Fun Day - Calradic Carnival V2

Come one, come all to the greatest event the fair land of Calradia has ever laid eyes upon! After all records of the unfortunate drowning of Duke Klargus in the Butter dunking contest have been made inaccessible to the public, we are fit to return for another year of fun and games!

Welcome to the very first Fun Day!

  • Fun Day features all sorts of various games and rule sets, ranging from simple hide and seek matches to full on jousting tournaments. These events will showcase Native in ways you never envisioned possible.

  • This month marks the return of the Calradic Carnival, a variety of games and contests guaranteed to make you look into your local Renaissance fair.

    • Relieve the terrible memories of high school gym class in Dodgeball, where speed and proficiency with the oddly stone looking balls are key to eliminating the enemy team.
    • Experience total class warfare in Nobles and Peasants, an asymmetrical battle where seasoned and organized Lords go up against an ill equipped yet vastly superior in number group of disgruntled peasants.
    • Fight to be the last man standing among hundreds in Hunger Games, a deathmatch where picking your battles and properly outfitting yourself can be more important than any swing of the sword.
  • No extra module download is required; Native is all you need.

  • Although it is in Native, this event is not a part of the Calradic Campaign.

When: Saturday, December 22, 4:00PM EDT

Server: Calradic_Carnival

Password: reddit

Module: Native

Voice: Mount&Blade Discord (Discord Client Download)

Future of Events

While Mod Nights will continue in the future, they will gradually be occurring less and less. Warband has never had particuarly many modules for multiplayer to choose from, leading us to the point where the only feasible options are repeats. While the Calradic Campaign will not be changing in any way, shape, or form, the event slot used for Mod Night will be shifted into more of a variety role. You can look forward to mini-games, tournaments, and more in the near future, alongside returns to our most popular Mod Night choices.

Donating to Our Events

As we are the same team that works on the Calradic Campaign. We use the same server and resources as we do for the campaign. If you wish to contribute to these events and/or the Calradic Campaign, visit our Patreon.

Submitted December 16, 2018 at 11:48PM by SuicidalCake


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