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How do I fix these mod errors? I'm playing on the most recent STABLE branch and just DL'd these mods 5 mins ago, unsure WTF is happening here

submitted by /u/RotInPixels [link] [comments]

Bannerlord feature list

With early access drawing ever closer I´m seeing some people confused with the features of Bannerlord. Because of this, I thought it could be helpful to those people to compile a list of known features that will either be included in early access or added later. Feel free to contribute if you see some missing.

Here are 20 features I know of (and can remember) in no particular order.

  1. Six unique factions.
    1. The Khuzait Khanate - Based on the Mongols
    2. The Sturgians - Based on the Kievan Rus
    3. The Empire - Based on the Byzantine Empire
    4. The Aserai - Based on various pre-Islamic Arab tribes
    5. The Battanians - Based on Celts and Picts
    6. The Vlandians - Based on the Normans
  2. Everyone can die whether it be from aging, being killed in combat or being executed (Kings, lords, and companions). This feature can be turned off if the player doesn´t want it.
  3. You can have children that you will play as when your character dies.
  4. Massively improved sieges (Siege weapons, better AI and multiple stages).
  5. Officially supports up to 1000 AI battles (Will probably be able to increase the number with a battle sizer mod).
  6. Craftable weapons.
  7. Campaign map 3 times larger than the one in Warband.
  8. Companions can be placed as governors in fiefs to provide additional bonuses.
  9. Crime.
  10. A realistic economy that you can use for your own gain or abuse to hurt your enemy.
  11. AI is beholden (largely) to the same rules as the player (See point above for an example of how you can utilize this).
  12. More extensive character creation (Both visually and in terms of RPG elements).
  13. Better moddability (fewer features hardcoded).
  14. Multiplayer (Co-op is not confirmed nor denied).
  15. Better overall combat AI and campaign map AI.
  16. Formations.
  17. Deeper more meaningful politics. Influence is a "currency" that can be used to engage in said politics.
  18. Unique board games for each faction!
  19. Clans within factions mean there will be internal politics (power struggles etc).
  20. Separate slots for civilian clothing and soldier clothing.

Submitted February 12, 2020 at 06:07AM by henriksen97


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