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Mixing Cultures?

What culture is the child of Parents with 2 different cultures submitted by /u/Due-Yam1628 [link] [comments]

What really ruins vanilla Warband.

Somewhere around 300-400 days into a vanilla play-through, Lords will start being indicted for treason. It starts slowly but can quickly get out of hand if one faction becomes too large too quickly. I think what causes this is lords grumbling about not being given lands and also the lords building animosity with Kings by constantly raiding villages.

Around 500-600 or so days in, some factions may start to fall apart, with the kings indicting more and more lords and taking the majority of lands for themselves. The indicted lords will then begin to flip-flop from faction to faction, because the kings don't trust them, and the lords hate the kings because the kings don't give them lands.

By the 1000 day count, many lords may have left the realm entirely, because they hate the kings and the kings hate them. The remaining lords routinely change sides and don't own any lands, instead the kings claim nearly everything for themselves. This results in the lords not having lands to draw men from and so every lord is running around with 40 or less lower tier troops, hardly a threat to a player who has 100 or so men. another side effect of this is smaller warbands, as less men report to the marshal because they are constantly getting owned by bandits and sea raiders.

Less power to the lords can result in an easier time for the player, with easier battles and more lands rewarded to you as a vassal. But this really breaks immersion for me. The game is supposed to be never ending, but because of this issue, I always know that a couple years in, my game is broken and I lose the will to play. I play on Xbox and so I don't have access to mods, but I will be buying the PC version soon, so feel free to recommend me any mods that might fix this problem. I REALLY hope that Bannerlord doesn't have any issues like this.

Submitted February 17, 2020 at 10:21PM by ajt913


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