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How to earn parts

What's the best way to unlock parts? I feel like I smelt everything I get but still have no 3 tier parts. Do I need to buy the weapons and smelt them all or can use get by just smelting what i find? submitted by /u/trynalearnsumthins [link] [comments]

Any mod that focus on melee combat (and help me git gud)?

I love the melee combat in this game, and it's the main reason i got into it. In fact I spent 50 hours on the demo version just fighting with the trainers before I moved on and got the actual game. I have enjoyed mounted combat (best compared to other games) and archery but ultimately I crave the melee experience. I am a relative newbie with ~700 hours play time across multiple mods. I favor two handed weapons as shield blocking is boring with no skill and also shields break but weapons don't.

My current skill level: I can cheese my way through arena and beat all the opponents after reaching level 2-3 when i am not performing poorly. I can reliably manual block 1 on 1 most times and i can chamber every now and then. I charge into most battles with a two hand sword/axe/polearm

My question is: I know there are some mods that add npcs with clever AI and high skills. But some of them are like bosses that you only get to fight occasionally, or npcs that wear strong armor that I do zero damage to so it breaks the flow of the combat (because your attack doesnt have the stun/stagger effect on them).

I just want easily accessible repeat tough melee fights, kind of like arena (or training field, or those bandit hideout attack missions) but with the smart npc with clever AI and high skills. I like gekokujo but there are pesky ranged attacks (such as firearms) that takes away the joy of the honorable melee fight between a men and his opponents. Other mods like PoP and perisno become a mounted combat fest

All suggestions appreciated . Also my internet is shit so multiplayer is out. Thanks guys!

Submitted December 21, 2018 at 11:13PM by warchump


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