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How to earn parts

What's the best way to unlock parts? I feel like I smelt everything I get but still have no 3 tier parts. Do I need to buy the weapons and smelt them all or can use get by just smelting what i find? submitted by /u/trynalearnsumthins [link] [comments]

Warband is a masterpiece

The "child"hood game. Im in my teen years and Mount and Blade Warband is my favourite game of all time. The first time i heard of Mount and Blade is when i was a child, a game that contained everything i ever wanted to a game to have that was under development and coming out soon (Well shiiit) . I never discovered the name if it, good for me, i didnt have to wait as long as veterans out here and i experienced Warband when i was older.

My recent game was of Viking Conquest, Storyline mode. I have to say, this probably is the best Mount and Blade game i ever had! I never was so caring and immersed with my character Louis, a Frank with Roman blood that abandoned his life to cure his mother via the help of a renowned Frisian doctor. Im not going to spoil the Storyline, but its absolutely amazing, i chose the Christian side i will tell you that. The ending made me sad (as all endings do) but Louis became a legend and it made me happy. His son will continue the legend the opposite of sons of Ragnar Lodbrok, he will make the world a better place. I obviously chose the sandbox mode at the end, i have a England to conquer God damnit!

I will always revisit this game after bannerlord will come out.

Thank you Taleworlds, i hope the company will always stay ambitious, unique and give us our dream games :).

TLDR: I love this game, I love my Viking Conquest character Louis, (no homo) I will always revisit this game from time to time and thank you Taleworlds for this unique masterpiece.

Submitted July 20, 2019 at 09:28PM by Burtek5


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