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How to earn parts

What's the best way to unlock parts? I feel like I smelt everything I get but still have no 3 tier parts. Do I need to buy the weapons and smelt them all or can use get by just smelting what i find? submitted by /u/trynalearnsumthins [link] [comments]

Casual Night - Masque of the Red Death Edition






After four straight years of constant war, Calradia breathed a sigh of relief, a brief respite of peace after the fall of Praven. But be there any rest for the wicked?

Plague has broken out across Calradia! Rumours abound from whence it came - across the great steppe? On a ship from Jumne, or Balion? Or perhaps simply the Gods punishing us for our sins?

A conclave or the wisest and most holy men of Calradia met to determine its true origin - Boyar Valishin did not wash his hands after returning from the latrine. Went right back to eating. I saw it. We all saw it. Disgusting.

At any rate, that cats out of the bag, in a big way. Harlaus has boarded himself up in his insane asylum private mansion outside Praven. The nobles of the Vaegirs have stockpiled grain in their citadels, the Jarls of the Nords hoard latrine sponges, and the Rhodoks, slightly missing the message, have stockpiled excrement en masse. Or that might just be Jelkala?

Before isolating themselves from the world, however, the nobles of Calradia neglected to issue orders or bidets to their people. As a result, all hell as broken loose! Roving bands of Khergits panic raid villages for the last available wives in stock, Swadians attempt to close borders but remember they don't own any, and roof Vaegirs shoot warbows into crowds of peasants, fleeing for the countryside! What are they even defending? Who knows!

In this state of anarchy and panic, local armed groups gather and strike out across the continent in search of groceries and baby powder, asses itching at every step.

This Saturday, March 21st, we'll see some faction pair ups we never had the opportunity to do during the regular course of our events. As the standard event format has concluded for Warband, there will be no persistent land changes, no Lords or Kings in fancy armour, and only the notion of organization.

The contenders -

  • Rhodoks versus Swadians (Battle)

  • Sarranids versus Nords (Battle)

  • Sarranids versus Vaegirs (Battle)

  • Khergits versus Swadians (Conquest)

  • Vaegirs versus Nords (Siege)

Server Info

  • When: Saturday, March 21st, 4:00PM EST
  • Server: Calradic_Campaign
  • Password: reddit
  • Voice:Mount&Blade Discord

Calradic Campaign Map

NEW Calradic Campaign Forum Group

Calradic Campaign Starter Guide

Submitted March 16, 2020 at 10:08AM by Mephistopholees


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