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Showing posts from January, 2025

Looking for advice on troops for a infantry only army (

Like the title said I’m looking at building a foot soldier only army and don’t know what are the best troops for what roles……….but those Fian Champions go hard af but lack the vibe I want and that is a solid melee unit(s) and some archers to rain hell down submitted by /u/Short_Shoe_122 [link] [comments]

Weekly Questions, Discussion, and Subreddit Feedback Thread

Use this post to ask about anything related to Bannerlord! Start by posting a comment under this thread. Please also use this post to share your feedback on the subreddit and its moderation! We are always looking to improve. all r/Bannerlord and site-wide rules apply. ___ This megathread will be replaced on every Sunday. submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments]

War. War never changes…

submitted by /u/pwnlord53 [link] [comments]

I've never seen the Aserai steamroll this hard. What's the best way to cut them down to size?

submitted by /u/YourFriendLoke [link] [comments]

Oh great, Now I'm playing a Poseidon Silmulator. submitted by /u/TeamNorra [link] [comments]

Tis but a scratch

Surely this isn’t fatal…right? submitted by /u/dickrose511 [link] [comments]

question on what mod this is

so i downloaded quiet alot of mods on my realm of thrones world and i have this one mod when i raid fiefs or castle that says add followers to your party anyone have any clue what that mod is and what it does? submitted by /u/Competitive-Turn5324 [link] [comments]

English longbow/warbow mod

I've been watching a lot of this channel called thehistorysquad, a delightful older British gentlemen that used to reenact a english longbow man. Are there any mods with the longbow? submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Cry4399 [link] [comments]

Battle stretching from midnight to noon (EoE1100 mod with Erik’s troops)

I’m fighting Fatimid as Byzantine submitted by /u/SirMouseofLeipa [link] [comments]

Any recommendations for Mount and Blade Warband content creators in 2025?

ReformistTM TheVMPshow have been my go-to creators for letsplay videos but VMP has stopped uploading bannerlod videos for a year now and i haven't really checked much on Reformst for a while. Guiden and Koifish always gets a laugh out of me but Koifish has been playing Crusader Kings 3 while Guiden hasn't uploaded in a year too. In terms of animation, the only one I remembered was Mercenary camp. However he stopped making warband videos... have any recommendations on who else to watch? submitted by /u/curiousbystanderq [link] [comments]


If I have say 50 troops in a town will they level on there own and how would it level them like 25 archer 25 infantry or what submitted by /u/XcoffeeXaddictX [link] [comments]

Aitheen Attracts a Certain Type submitted by /u/CheezeSlayer [link] [comments]

Banner kings crashes

Hello all, I recently installed banner kings and did my best to follow the GitHub instructions, and I got into the game just fine, but once I try to enter the arena for a tournament it instantly crashes. Any idea what’s causing this? I’ve only got banner kings and it’s prerequisites installed to my knowledge. Thanks! submitted by /u/zaravya [link] [comments]

This game is so unfair dude

Fuckin’ losing my army twice over an hour and half session because each time I get slammed by a javelin from across the battlefield early on. Not like the shield isn’t raised, like it always is, I’m not playing any different. Just as luck with my head being where the javelin ends up. This stuff ruins the game dude. I don’t have infinite time to just do it again and again. submitted by /u/Ok-Willingness742 [link] [comments]

Now what?

The world is mine. I'm waiting for my grandchildren to be born for the achievement but what do I do now? No mods available as I'm an Xbox player, tempted to abdicate my emperorship and then declare war but then I'd be against 70k+ enemies and I'd be destroyed 😅 submitted by /u/iProctee [link] [comments]

Bannerlord doesnt launch without crash - taleworlds.starter.library.pdb

Hi. Bannerlord doesn't work for me since 2023. I have seen numerous ppl with crashes just as mine since 2020, yet internet and taleworlds still didn't find any solution. Launching bannerlord.exe/native, taleworlds.launcher.singleplayer/multi or clicking play in launcher.native creates a process utilizing 0.1% of ram and cpu, and it gets suspended after around 1 second. There is no crash log or any trace of what happened. I Took a look into it with process monitor. The game loads all the necessary system resources aka net dlls, etc. Reads taleworlds.starter.library.dll from win64shipping client and then tries to create taleworlds.starter.library.pdb but fails. Then the same thing happens with managedstarter.pdb, and bannerlord.exe closes itself I can't get anywhere with this as I don't have any single idea what to do next. I just hope that some of your ideas might lead me to any new trace, tool or general direction. For me this problem persists on 2 different PCs, s...

Please help

I'm so damm addicted, this is not even funny any more. I've skipped almost a week of work already and do practically nothing besides playing bannerlord. Any game I have ever played I had never had such a thing happen before? Even if I liked a game a lot I always just played a few extra hours after work instead of sleeping, but never to the point where it's this bad. There is no salvation, I think I am a sturgian native now. submitted by /u/Prizrak171980 [link] [comments]

Is this kingdom building strat good or insanity

I started by grinding my clan for like 20 in game years and just captured rebelling towns. After awhile I had a large chunk of the map sprawled out everywhere just under my clan. I found out that no kingdom can wage war on you if you’re a clan. So I basically just worked on my cities and made them generate a large daily income. It got to the point where I had kingdoms like Battania and Aserai down to a couple fiefs and surrounded. I would then wage war on them as a clan and win after a long war of attrition. Not being a kingdom means you have like 0 expenses so I had a ridiculous amount of denars like 30 million. I started a kingdom shortly after and have been buying vassals left and right as well as chewing through entire empires. It’s crazy how expensive running a kingdom is though. Even with that amount of money you will burn through a lot… Is this a good strategy or too long and painstaking? submitted by /u/SignificantThanks310 [link] [comments]

Local bandit kills a man by throwing a rock at Mach 3

submitted by /u/WebNo4023 [link] [comments]

What is your go to weapon to smith and sell?

Hello I am trying to get more ideas to expand my smithing and maximize profit. Right now I am at 190 smithing and have been crafting and selling throwing axes, make around 3-7k per the cost to craft one is 3 steel 1 wood. Is there a weapon that is better for selling? Also I am wondering what the best method is to unlock more weapon parts, it’s been taking me awhile to unlock everything which is why I focused on throwing axes since I have all the parts for those unlocked. submitted by /u/MrWannabeStockMan [link] [comments]

How Every Legionnaire Wants To Go

submitted by /u/Bannerbord [link] [comments]

help please.

hey i might sound stupid, but i’ve played this game for quite a while now and just recently started forging my own weapons, and here’s the question; can i forge a pilum like weapon? i want a small spear that will can throw, that’s stronger than a pilum. is this even possible? submitted by /u/Acrobatic_Data4232 [link] [comments]

Olaf Has Been Having Strange Dreams

submitted by /u/Bannerbord [link] [comments]

Hair Physics

submitted by /u/AbsoluteSwordSense [link] [comments]

Well, they couldn't take the revenge of Monchug and lost 15 more ladies/lords 🪓

submitted by /u/passion9000 [link] [comments]


submitted by /u/TheyCallMeOso [link] [comments]

Does someone know how to add missing references?

Some child or something becomes of age in my game and it crashes with exception of "campaign teleport behaviour" with first line saying some sort of reference Is missing, I believe this is due to something some mod has added and the game can't find a template for it when it needs to, how can I find out what template I need to look for and where to look for it and how do I fix my game submitted by /u/Prizrak171980 [link] [comments]


Any fun challenge recommendations? Or just fun things to do I've done almost anything it seems looking for creative and interesting ways to play. submitted by /u/Embarrassed-Key-3792 [link] [comments]

How can I prevent that other lords take my clan groups into their army?

Bassically I have following problem. Everytime I wage war lords from other clans in my kingdom create armys, which also include my groups. This wouldnt be a problem, if: A: they woulnd loose 2/3 of their fights and end up devistated. B: my other groups units wouldnt be at least 1/3 of elite fighters. I give them elite fighters bc I recruit many POWs (i just realised that 80% of my units in garnisons and armys are former POWs) when I dont know where to put them when my own group and my garrisions are full and I want a base strengt when I create them. This I already lost 500 to 800 elite units bc of their losses, while their groups often only have low level untits. Is there a way to prevent them to take my clans groups intobtheir armys, other the take them into my army? submitted by /u/xLrgsx [link] [comments]

Where’s the best place to buy a sweet sword?

Honestly I’m pretty new to the game and have amassed a decent chunk of change and felt like getting a new piece. My current blade is pretty solid but thought I would treat myself if the group had a good suggestion. I’m still at the point that when I’m in combat I’m mostly hacking and slashing so probably more focused on swing speed, length and cut. submitted by /u/AustinChessPiece [link] [comments]

Performance improvement tips

Hey team, Redownloaded bannerlord today wanting a vanilla plus experience. I've installed banner kings and banner kings cultures expanded, among others to achieve this. The campaign performance is abysmal when fast forwarding time. Frame rate drops a lot. I've tuned the graphics down which has helped but it seems like more is going on to impact this. Didn't happen with any of my earlier vanilla only playthroughs. Any tips to improve it, or is this an issue with banner kings with how much more campaign related things are going on? Cheers! submitted by /u/Phenomenom94 [link] [comments]

Those don't look like "Plains" to me.

So, I end up loading into a fight after reading the Auto Resolve where it says that the battle location takes place in the "Plains" as well as looking visually at where im located on the map with not a single tree in sight around me, and then i get a marsh surrounded by trees. Begs another question, if I would have auto resolved, would it have auto'd on that map I loaded into or would it have auto'd with a Plains modifier to cavalry/horse archer troops? submitted by /u/tjburke93123 [link] [comments]

Bannerlord crashing and killing my whole laptop??

My laptop is old but still can easily survive bannerlord vanilla on high settings and have never had a problem with crashing this consistently with any game. I recently got the realm of thrones mod and I've been playing it for afew days but now all of a sudden (always either in a battle scene or the looting screen afterwards) something will happen and crash my screen will spazz (Pic 1) and then eventually return normal but my whole laptop will be unresponsive (2). Anyone have any ideas on how to fix im addicted to this game but it's so frustrating having to save every seccond and force restart my laptop multiple times a session. My drivers are fully updated, nothing running in the background apart from steam, power mode on high preformance. I've even tried low settings and it's still happened. submitted by /u/Dumass_dan [link] [comments]

Troops control

Is it just me or are troops hard to control I mean does anybody know why they always look behind them when I tell them to do something or go somewhere or when I’m setting up a kill box it feels impossible because they turn around and get pummeled if anyone knows how to fix this let me know because it is so frustrating and makes it hard to use tactics submitted by /u/Ok-Food7882 [link] [comments]

Can you kill all lords?

So I’m „quite new“ to bannerlord. I’ve played around 50hrs (most in the Old Realms mod), but I have nearly 400hrs in M&B Warband. And one of the new features of Bannerlord 2 is that you can execute lords. Now my question is: can I actually kill all of them so that there’s only my faction left? Or do they keep respawning? submitted by /u/McCoughsyrup [link] [comments]

Game of Thrones MOD (RoT) not working, help please

submitted by /u/Noble__Matrix [link] [comments]

Character starts doing this for some reason. Some npcs do it too. Anyone know why?

submitted by /u/Comrade_Chicken1918 [link] [comments]

Any money expert out there?

I've been playing for a few good hours but I can't still get the hang of making lil passive money. I've consulted online guides already but all of them feel outdated, all talk about horses that are not there anymore and when I carry trading goods the market stabilize after the first road making profit close to non-existent. Also, guides about workshops have a totally different results: some drain any posible factor to make them profitable and they end up with 500 others say that you get 600 just by rightful picking town-village resource compatibility. It is a big line of me complaining but the question remain: How tf I get rich? submitted by /u/CluelessDoppelganger [link] [comments]

When the Banner has no Lord.

submitted by /u/D0ctahP3ppah [link] [comments]

This is how they thank me for saving them from bandits

submitted by /u/Independent_Box5215 [link] [comments]

Killing my Wife if the next baby is a girl.

submitted by /u/Independent_Box5215 [link] [comments]

Throwing a Party with All of my Friends (Derthert was NOT invited)

submitted by /u/Cmp123456789 [link] [comments]

Accidentally got a tiny promotion. Any tips, tricks or advice?

submitted by /u/Ok-Desk-1239 [link] [comments]

Anyone else get stuck on how to proceed?

I always get to the same point in my campaigns, be they story or sandbox, where I simply cannot seem to get much further. It's usually around the time I've hit clan tier 2 or 3, and whether I choose to join a faction or not makes no difference. If factionless, I either wander the map aimlessly doing odd quests, tournaments, getting a wife etc, but never seem to be able to increase my party size by any meaningful amount, or progress towards my stated goal of starting my own faction over joining and uplifting another. If I do join one, it's more or less the same except my brain-dead faction leader is running around declaring wars he cant win, or getting 90% of his nobles captured, losing cities etc. This leaves me roaming the map, unable to catch up to parties weaker than me that I can stomp, but unable to do anything about armies numbering in the hundreds that do all the enemy's heavy lifting. Eventually, the faction is either destroyed, or I just lose interest in se...

Seige Tips

I just did my first defense type seige on my own and I was petty nervous, I didnt want them to take my castle so I gathered an small army and bolted stright to my land. The numbers where not in favor but I knew if certain points was held maybe we could stand a chance. (I need some tips for like how to command better too and etc) ill upload a vid later submitted by /u/FewCandidate940 [link] [comments]

Vassals Swapping Fiefs?

Hey guys, no idea if this is meant to be the case so I thought I'd ask here. I'm playing the 1.2.7 version of bannerlord with the Europe Map mod atm and I've conquered most of Europe for my kingdom. I've got almost 10 different clans with fiefs in different zones that I've picked and given out to them. However I'm noticing clans seemingly giving their fiefs away to other clans, and fiefs that I only recently spent influence to revoke from one clan and give to another (because it wasn't that clans "area") has now been given to another clan without my notification. This is really bugging my little OCD brain, where the clan territories were once neat and organised. Is this intended? Is there a way to stop this?? Thanks guys. submitted by /u/_clarkie_boi_ [link] [comments]

I think I've ticked them off lol

Been picking off there small groups before they can gather up to an army as a mercenary and these guys came up from behind me 😂 submitted by /u/Kodiak_King91 [link] [comments]

Crashing when going into battle?

My buddy currently has these mods installed on a 1.2.11 version of the game: Harmony UIExtenderEx ButterLib Mod COnfiguration Menu V5 Banner Editor Diplomacy Improved Garrisons Fourberie Changing Culture Bannerlord Expanded - Settlement Interactions True Controller True Noble Opinion True Town Gold Complex Characters Surrender Tweaks Realistic Weather RBM Adonnays Troop Changer Custom Troop Artems Hunts Immersive Battlefields Epic Sieges De Re Militari RBM Spear Preference Fix Breakable Polearms Better Pikes Stealth and Ambush Artems Lively Animations Realistic Combat Sounds Historical Name Expansions Another Cheer Mod Arenas Extended Swadian Armory Swadian Armory RBM Patch Zweihander Zweihander RBM Patch Game's been fine for a while, but now when he goes into battle he crashes. Along with this, I've noticed a lot of characters with titles, but no names, like "the Golden" and "the Spicevendor" in his game. They take on h...


submitted by /u/SuperBeavers1 [link] [comments]

Think I can win this?

submitted by /u/Cute_Raccoon8881 [link] [comments]

Bannerkings Update is harder then I thought it was gonna be

submitted by /u/SeaWarning7143 [link] [comments]

What is this bullSh*t

I Taken down their whole empire and they want to pay 90 TRIBUTE submitted by /u/Cold_Ride4442 [link] [comments]

What happens if the kingdom you’re a vassal of loses all of its fiefs?

Are you treated the same as an NPC party? Do you have a set amount of time to find a new kingdom before your clan dies off? Or do you just become a drifting clan without a home? Currently a vassal of Battania, with the walls closing in around us we are down to just Dunglanys & Car Baseth. With the Northern/Western Empires closing in on our east having taken Seonon, Marunath & Uthelaim Castle, and the Vlandians closing in on our western flank taking Ab Comer, Pen Cannoc, Llanoc Hen, Aster, & Druimmor Castles. Should I jump ship before its game over? submitted by /u/FineUnderstanding583 [link] [comments]

The combat sucks so bad

I have been playing bannerlord for like 300+ hours and I tried out warband I found its combat to be more fun and less of a headache honestly. I wish its combat system was more like it or maybe even Chivalry 2 because that games combat is so sexy submitted by /u/FortniteManJohnWick [link] [comments]

Can I mix 2 existing weapon mod together for personal use?

So I have seen a few weapon mods and there are some weapon parts I really like to mix together but they are in different smithing tabs, so can I do something to mix the parts I want together in different tabs? Example: I like a blade in Family Sword WES mod but the handle in Native, so can I make a different one to have them all together How can I mod this? also if anyone has a mod with a Kriegmesser blade to recommend(or like 1400-1500 era type of sword) it will be fine. thank! submitted by /u/thenormalhuman1703 [link] [comments]

How good are mods for Bannerlord

So I have 300 hours on the Xbox store version because I have GamePass and I play that version because I have it for free but I've begun to run out of internal storage so I want to get the steam version and I was wondering how much mods can add to this game Any replies help submitted by /u/Killerkitten101912 [link] [comments]