For simplicity sake imagine a peasant is Tier 1(T1) and a Knight is Tier9(T9).
A Peasant and Knight should fought differently, it shouldn't be just a matter of stats, so a peasant should have some animations "locked" and its AI should always be the "Poor AI" and a Knight should have "Good AI". So if possible they could have various tiers of animations and AI between T1 and T9.
Its really immersion breaking for me that a peasant and a knight are essentially fighting the same. Now I know I cannot ask wonders from Taleworlds, but what I am suggesting seems within their power. But I have a felling they will think or care about this. For whatever they and most of their fanbase understand that a knight is supposed to be better than a peasant, but somehow they only think of hard stats of health and power strikes.
Submitted March 10, 2019 at 02:42PM by MeSmeshFruit
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