Yep, it's this post again. As you have probably noticed, this subreddit has spiked greatly in activity since the release of Bannerlord, with many posts, especially ones containing questions or discussions being made. Unfortunately, a lot of these posts are also simply going unnoticed due to the sheer volume of things drowning each other out. We would like to bring to everyone’s attention that alongside this subreddit we also host an official, partnered community discord server supported by TaleWorlds devs where you can ask your questions, talk about the game, resolve technical and bug issues, and just have a good time in general! The discord is also the first place where you will learn about any events we’re hosting such as the Calradic Campaigns of the past, or smaller skirmishes held by smaller portions of the community. Likewise, the discord is a great place to group up with other players to play multiplayer matches in a voice channel, or to simply have people to talk with w...