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Showing posts from October, 2024

Bug report in need of FIx

My game keeps crashing occasionally when I enter towns. I have GTX 4060 with Updated drivers, 200 GB of free space lef ton my 1TB hard drive, 16 Gb ram, and the setting on game are on freaking medium only, why does this keep happening? I know how to mess around with files and appdata if required, I just want a working solution. Not this is vanilla too, no mods, though some mods are downloaded for multiplayer, none are active submitted by /u/jim20130 [link] [comments]

Do you ever just buy your spouse out of spite?

I offered to marry Phostor(solely to get that lamellar with scale skirt armour) but he declined saying that my station was beneath him, so this is now a little personal, so I just find his dad and buy him for like 14k gold and now I have my nice new armour and a spite husband submitted by /u/JT3457mm [link] [comments]

Need help eating Vlandia

I am currently emperor of the Western Empire, and I have a big problem. Vlandia. They keep attacking me every few years, and since I took all of Battania and some of their southern territories blocking them from aresai, they only attack me when they are hungry. Every war I fight with them always lasts months and ends up with almost no territorial changes. I really need help combating them before the south empire catches up to my empire in terms of numbers. If anyone has tips, I would be very happy. submitted by /u/AMNK24 [link] [comments]

What are the best companions for caravans?

I keep trying caravans and they keep making barely anything and then getting destroyed, and I don't want to just not use them because they can be profitable (so I've heard). I'm wondering what the best caravan companions are, like what skills to look for. I've heard that trade doesn't matter and that what matters is scouting to avoid enemies better, but idrk. Also I'm a vassal for a kingdom, so I don't know if I should even try them since I'll be going to war with there being nothing I can do to stop it. So maybe I should even try doing caravans. submitted by /u/BenjiB1243 [link] [comments]

Clan leader offering the wrong person for marriage

I'm wondering if there's a way around this, I want to marry Mitela of dey Cortain (Vlandia) but whenever I talk to the leader of clan dey Cortain he offers one of his other children who is older and worse. I want to marry Mitela because she's young and has good positive traits, and I can change her skills how I please, but I can't figure out how to take her hand in marriage instead of her older sisters. Anyone know what I could do? submitted by /u/BenjiB1243 [link] [comments]

POV - You tried to retreat

submitted by /u/ewilhelmsson [link] [comments]

What is your longest year

submitted by /u/foreskinsmasher [link] [comments]

What should I be doing with captured lords?

I know you can donate them to castles for influence, I know you can execute them, I know you can sell them for ransom, I know you can trade them, I know you can sell them, but idrk what I personally should be doing with them. I'm a mercenary and I plan to make my own kingdom, and I would just let them go, but I need the money to save up for my own kingdom. Should I just donate them for the influence? Or do I make more by selling them straight up? Or should I just be letting them go because the reputation is more worth it than the money? submitted by /u/BenjiB1243 [link] [comments]

Traitorous Lords!

Last night I had my first experience of a Lord within my faction leaving the kingdom and taking his fiefs with him. I'm a vassal for Vlandia (though not in a vanilla game. I'm playing Banner Kings Cultures Expanded) and I had just taken Ortysia, which was raking on tons of cash each day, and the vote gave it to Ingalther. Within a month, he took it and two other towns with him when he joined one of the empire factions. I've played a lot of vanilla games and don't remember seeing that happen to an NPC. I've only ever bought a clan's loyalty/fiefs when ruling a kingdom myself. Has anyone else been a vassal and seen a clan take their fiefs from your kingdom before? submitted by /u/Adventurous-Safe-269 [link] [comments]

Cantric *please!* I’m trying to do an all oathsworn gimmick. this is just mean

submitted by /u/Fuzlet [link] [comments]

What do your character personality?

submitted by /u/foreskinsmasher [link] [comments]

Is everything okay, Gudonhelda?

submitted by /u/AcanthocephalaOdd777 [link] [comments]

"for the love of GOD." -caravan leader

submitted by /u/Important-Movie7805 [link] [comments]

Having a kingdom is "funny"

submitted by /u/riel_pro [link] [comments]

Gang Leader Needs Weapons

Whenever I do this quest I lose thousands of denars, how can I get dozens and dozens of one-handed axes without it costing me 4-6k denars more than what I'll get paid for the quest? Or should I just ignore this quest entirely? submitted by /u/BenjiB1243 [link] [comments]

Ragnavad if he was a sword

submitted by /u/DJspooner [link] [comments]

Should I start the Dragon Banner quest?

I have all 3 pieces assembled but I haven’t initiated the next part. I’ve been nervous to do so because the things I’ve read online refer to the banner as a “curse” saying once I start it, it will be an endless war with the other nations, but here’s the thing… I recently became ruler of the western after Garios passed away. Its basically been a constant war after war with each nation anyways and for what its worth it feels like Im usually the winner of these skirmishes, I have about 500k denars consistently, So should I just go ahead with the Dragon Banner quest since Im already at constant war anyways? submitted by /u/Knife_Neck [link] [comments]

The late game AI is so fucking stupid

I’ve conquered Vlandia, North and West Empire, Aserai and I’m almost done with Sturgia and the southern empire. Battania and the Khuzaits have 12k power each. I have 29k strength but my dumbass vassals keep wanting to start wars with everybody and it costs 1500 influence or more to vote against them so now I can’t even do anything about it. We’re getting castles taken from 3 different corners and now these guys wanna start a war with the khuzaits. We’re crushing everybody, thanks to me, but what the hell is their problem lmao. submitted by /u/Numerous_Decision_70 [link] [comments]

Conspiracy quests are such unbelievably annoying unreasonable garbage

submitted by /u/swashbumbler [link] [comments]

When to declare my own empire?

Clan tier 4 almost 5. 100 relations with all south imperial nobles and 80 something with amitatys’ clan. At which point would it be feasible to declare my empire, I have about 400 days before the quest expires. If I should declare now what’s the best tip for surviving all the early war declarations and getting other nobles? submitted by /u/CuminAcha [link] [comments]

Smart kid knows about Stranger Danger

submitted by /u/Dark-Lark [link] [comments]

Which kingdom should I choose to be a mercenary for?

I started playing the game just 2 days ago, I'm level 9 and I chose the Battanians as my culture. While I was playing, the Western Empire invited me to be their mercenary, and I don't know if I should accept or not. Like, what criteria should I have when choosing a kingdom to become a mercenary? submitted by /u/Electronic-Quail-764 [link] [comments]

Thought that was my wife…

submitted by /u/32redalexs [link] [comments]

What does this red symbol mean?

submitted by /u/Electronic-Quail-764 [link] [comments]

Crash issue.

Recently I just download this ROT mod for bannerlord which is based on game of thrones I did it through some videos and downloaded all the possible side mods for the functioning of ROT mod. My mid seems to run smooth but as soon as I try to interact with a person and tries to click on ( I am..... What's ur name?) option my game freezes and crashes. Did anyone of u encountered this type of issue if yes please give me a hand in helping me out to how to fix this crashes really annoying asf... Only happens with PPL who aren't my enemy rest of the enemy I can click on option of surrender or die otherwise if he's an ally then I cannot talk to him at all as I click on any of their option of game crashes . Humble request if anyone can help me out with it submitted by /u/Maleficent_Income495 [link] [comments]

Please help save my empire

Okay so i have been playing bannerlord for a while and it's been really interesting and i have played bannerlord with mods, I'm currently on v 1.2.10 and have quite a few mods, all compatible and nothing that alter significantly any of the core basic mechanics. But after defeating the Aserai who were the last thorn in the way of uniting entire Calradia under my banner, I actually ran into a very annoying issue. After a while of in game days/time I get a crash which is not related to any mod Here is the log ExceptionException Information:Type: System.NullReferenceExceptionMessage: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Stacktrace:at int TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.FactionManager.GetRelationBetweenClans(Clan clan1, Clan clan2)at float TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.GameComponents.DefaultDiplomacyModel.GetScoreOfClanToLeaveKingdom(Clan clan, Kingdom kingdom)at int TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.BarterSystem.Barterables.LeaveKingdomAsClanBarterable.GetUnitValueForFaction(IFac...

Why aren't there more diplomacy options?

I think more diplomacy options should be added to Bannerlord. Simply put, we should be able to adjust the duration of the peace we make, because whenever I make peace with someone, they attack again soon and this is very annoying and because of this incident, I deleted 2 or 3 of my save files because every time I establish a new kingdom, there are a lot of others. The kingdom declares war on me and every time I make peace with them they soon attack again submitted by /u/swadian_knight_ [link] [comments]

Some older mods not showing up, and can't add items using commands

This happened with a couple of mods. At first I thought it's just the mod not working. But it seems that some older mods simply don't show up in inventory window, yes left side, when I enable cheats and try to look for them. Checked and double checked the names. My game version is 1.2.9. I tried with a couple of mods like I said. The last two mods I'm trying are "Camel Armor BM168" and "New Armor" They just don't show up, while other modded items show up just fine. I'm trying console commands and sadly it's also not working. Cheats are enabled in "engine_config" and I can bring the console and use other commands just fine. But trying campaign.give_item_to_main_party [ItemName] [Amount] does not work. Is there anything I can do to get the mods to work? Show up with other items, or use a command to add them. Or another way of adding items to a city or my inventory. Or even an easy to do patch or something to update mods to w...

No, not the Fians! Story in Comments...

submitted by /u/Open_Storm_7484 [link] [comments]

My game keeps on crashing whenever I take a step on the Campaign Map (Modded)

Hey so I downloaded the mods listed in the Video “Making Bannerlord the Game It was meant to be” by Barbossa the Bamboozier. Everything works fine until I get to the campaign map, it loads fine, but then when I move, the game crashes. I turned off the mods to see if I could normally, and it works perfectly fine in vanilla. Does anyone know how to fix this? It would be much appreciated. submitted by /u/Ok-Awareness1200 [link] [comments]

Important context: No one declared war on Sturgia and all of these turned red within 2 days submitted by /u/arquillion [link] [comments]


I don't understand the whole inputs and outputs. Can someone explain in caveman language. I just wanna make decent passive income without micro managing everything. Do I keep outputs 0% or 100% or what does that do etc? submitted by /u/MasterUnski [link] [comments]

Can anyone help?

I not that tech savvy of a guy but I’ve deleted it and reinstalled it get rid of all the mods and restarted my pc can someone help if they can submitted by /u/Mr_rex_the_dog [link] [comments]

Why shouldn’t I?

submitted by /u/GusGangViking18 [link] [comments]

Party Leader & Captain Perks

New to the game. Asking. Question 1 Minister of Health (Me) does it does it apply to my (Brothers Commander Party). If i lead i assume it applies. If my brother leads does it apply since im party leader? Question 2 I assume Thick Hides applies like Minister of Health? Question 3 Ignore Pain applies when in commander slot correct? submitted by /u/ArchangelDremora [link] [comments]

My beloved game is not opening(HELP)

2 days ago my game crushed while I was playing bannerlord and ı cant open it then the last Page coms and when I click into that it just kicks me from not opened game submitted by /u/BBBurki [link] [comments]


submitted by /u/Bannerbord [link] [comments]

I'm about to F1 + F3

submitted by /u/KatAirlines [link] [comments]

army npc convergence bug. Bug keeps happening!! These parties just converge and i cant do anything to resolve the issue. What do i do about fixing this issue? When ive tried to enter the conflict i get the "dont get involved" message. Im in the end game (this has come up way before for me and i just loaded a previous save.) Im pretty sure but i keep getting overrun with enemies and it turn out allies are locked in a conflict that cant be concluded or joined. submitted by /u/PartComprehensive833 [link] [comments]

Any way to not make duels take forever?

Was playing the old realms mod and got in a tournament, got in a 1vs1 of sword and shield Block, attack, block, attack, block, attack Tried the kick, only worked once and didnt confirm a hit Block, attack, block, attack Any way I can win these? Or just make it not take forever Block, attack, block, attack submitted by /u/Almadula9 [link] [comments]

Crash report (help)

submitted by /u/Lopsided_Mind_5717 [link] [comments]

How to siege?

Hey everyone, I have been playing bannerlord for a long long time now, but usually when I get to the late game I get bored, give up, and start a new campaign. This time will give myself the goal to finally capture the entire world!! And to do this I need some good knowledge and tactics to capture castles and capitals without losing many men, do you all have some recommendations for me? Thank already ❤️ EDIT: I already use the strategy of making trebuchets, destroying the wall and enemy catapults and starting the battle. So what I am most curious about are the strategies to use my troops effectively in battle. E.g. what troops are good? Where to position them? Etc. submitted by /u/Chyto_Games [link] [comments]

Why is cunning the hardest skill to increase?

I get you have to work for it but damn all I do is hunt bandits and sell them back in the city. Im currently with Vlandia as a mercenary and for whatever reason they wont fight anyone right now even so I can only hold so many prisoners at a time is there any better ways to help this? submitted by /u/Repulsive-Project357 [link] [comments]

Met the Empire in a bridge battle, worth it

submitted by /u/Open_Storm_7484 [link] [comments]

Attempting to stop Khuzait expansion

Mercenary run joined 2 factions against them Battania and Sturgia submitted by /u/Tyler_Young01 [link] [comments]

You think you do, but you don't

submitted by /u/AdMinimum5970 [link] [comments]

need some passive income

just hit clan tier 2 and im working for vlandia as a merc. 70 troops is about all i can maintain with the merc contract and a single caravan. i understand the merc contract will pay more later but i need to start winning battles first. i've got another companion slot so i could invest in another caravan but i was thinking i may need an engineer or a commander? workshops seem super complicated, are they worth doing? i've seen conflicting answers on whether or not they are worth it. i know i can do smithing to make lots of money which is good but i dont want to be burning money super fast while im not actively smithing. submitted by /u/Adventurous_Bee_3553 [link] [comments]

Why does chain mail exist when fur is so much more fashionable?

Oh right nvm submitted by /u/Bannerbord [link] [comments]

You’ll never forget your first

What was your first city that you ever captured? Mine was Epicrotea. submitted by /u/Zestyclose_Back_3015 [link] [comments]

I finally got 7 kids!!!

submitted by /u/Asleep-Strawberry429 [link] [comments]

Personal Javelin Holder

Am I a psychopath for this? submitted by /u/many-brain-tabs-open [link] [comments]

King Graveth is a fraud

This man is a weak pretender. I joined kingdom of Rhodoks after watching so many videos saying join them and first it was good, like real good. We took majority of Calradia and complete my removed the vaegir and reduced Swadia to just a castle and a village. I took over shariz and multiple castles all by myself with only 90 men then this fraud pretend king gives it to some random vassal bum who wasn’t even in the fight. “I’ve consulted with my peers and have given it to the most worthy” then he lets the Nords come down and rawdog us while he watches them take 2 of our cities at the same time the sarranids take back shariz. What does this fraud Graveth do? He makes peace with them. As a result all the vassals I fought with defected and lords that never even fought for their fiefs come rushing in like vultures for free food. Graveth is a fraud, supporting a claimant is way better. submitted by /u/Jadeinchina [link] [comments]

Why don’t I get crazy amounts of renown for my victories?

I’ve defeated almost all the kings in battle, King Harlaus twice, and every instance I was undermanned like 3-1. Why don’t I get renown for that or like nobody mentions me defeating the king or anything. Like just now I defeated Sanjar Kahn with only 90 men while he had close to 300. Or am I just asking for too much. submitted by /u/Jadeinchina [link] [comments]