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Showing posts from July, 2024

Bug report in need of FIx

My game keeps crashing occasionally when I enter towns. I have GTX 4060 with Updated drivers, 200 GB of free space lef ton my 1TB hard drive, 16 Gb ram, and the setting on game are on freaking medium only, why does this keep happening? I know how to mess around with files and appdata if required, I just want a working solution. Not this is vanilla too, no mods, though some mods are downloaded for multiplayer, none are active submitted by /u/jim20130 [link] [comments]

Does anyone actually play multiplayer?

It's like call of duty and I was not expecting it lol. I wish it was an actual co op or pvp campaign mode. submitted by /u/NoAppointment9249 [link] [comments]

Bannerking question

So I'm slumming it with vlandia for a while but hmmm. I'm on 1.2.8. Armies be acting odd, hovering around their lands same with half the lords. And I've not seen any rogue knights. Also is the economy supposed to be funky and odd with workshops being 6 figures to buy or high 5 figures submitted by /u/Spiritual-Credit5488 [link] [comments]

"Regrouping" Wife

So I decide to marry Ira, go through the process you know talk to her the first time go away comeback to talk to her the second time. So there we are, in Onira. I'm there, she's there Rhaegea this there great. I talk the second time succeed in convincing her. Hurray! Pop over to the other side of the room talk to Rhaegea and pay the bill. Huzzah we're married let's start popping them kids out. Wrong! Ira has to "Regroup" despite you know we both in the same room. So she disappears right and bam days later she pops back up.... in Ocs Hall. Like wtf lmao. Then to top it all off after a couple of nights waiting to regain health from taking out a bandits base on the way bam she's preggers. I'm giving her the squinting Fry eyes right now lol. submitted by /u/SI108 [link] [comments]

Need help

As the title suggests, I need help, specifically with how rebellions work. So in my run I am attempting to cause a rebellion in the settlement of Charas which is currently own by the western empire. I have been working tirelessly to make it rebel, I have been starving it for a (in game) year now, given aid to the gangs by giving weapons, and drained their coffers of every last penny. The militia outnumber the garrison 40 to 1. Despite all of this it just refuses to rebel so, I now ask you guys or gals what more can I possibly do to make it rebel? submitted by /u/Backstabber9090 [link] [comments]


When I watch video on bannerlord and people get companions they cost over 1.5k some times. But when I play they are almost 500. Is this a mod the makes the more expensive or am I just unlucky? submitted by /u/ChilI-Fr [link] [comments]

Wait... What happened?

submitted by /u/Sarthro_ [link] [comments]

Please help me

Ok im not good with tech in general so please be kind Im playing mount And Blade banner lord 2 on PC. im getting into console comands heres the question im having! Whats wrong with my formating below is what it wants me to put in "Campaign.add_progress_to current_building [settlementname] | [progress (0-100)] " So i type in "Campaign.add_progress_to current_building [omor] | [progress (100) " Its telling me to add a postive number so i put in (+100) and it tells me formating is off any ideas what this could be? Thank you in advance! submitted by /u/Bigtree285 [link] [comments]

Very soft confirmation that more content is coming from the devs

It’s not much but I’m hoping/coping submitted by /u/aledog [link] [comments]

Uhhh, who let the prisoners in the lords hall?

AND WHY ARE THERE 20 OF THEM submitted by /u/Latter_Commercial_52 [link] [comments]

Explosive arrows

So I recently tried a mod named Explosive arrows by Mse and it was dope, I single handedly wiped out an infantry charge of 95 troops and an army of 450 with just 45 troops. submitted by /u/Satans-alter-ego [link] [comments]

Can anyone explain why my little warband is crashing my game after i remove my xml file after importing? Here are my mods for troubleshooting help. submitted by /u/Connect_Spray_7107 [link] [comments]

Advice on sieges

I already am not great at sieges. I’m doing an all aserai cavalry run and I feel like my contribution to the army, personally and with my troops, is dead weight. I’m going to try and build an army from the ground-up that is more effective at sieges. I understand that fians are great, but what are some reliable siege units that aren’t so rare? I’ll be crossing the empire to fight the sturgians,and then hopefully coming back for the empire to beat the main quest. Also, what should I be doing during a siege? I’ve been basically trying to snipe people in the castle, but I can’t kill too many before I run out of arrows. submitted by /u/Hiro4ntagonist [link] [comments]

Questions about xbox version

Hi, I love M&B but also love to get 100% achievements in games... Is it possible to get 100% achievements on the xbox version of the game, or are there bugged/unobtainable achievements? Further to this, the multiplayer achievements, I'd imagine that there aren't many people online for this? How would one complete these? Thanks in advance :) submitted by /u/Peaceandpout [link] [comments]

Some pictures

First ever playthrough of a mount and blade game and I'm fucking hooked. I'm a vassal for Battania and I've just been warmongering for profit, trying to figure out how to expand without draining my coffers. If I get given a fief I usually end up giving it away due to the drain on my income. But hey, I'll figure it out. Who knows? Maybe I end up switching allegiences. submitted by /u/yanhairen [link] [comments]

Why doesn’t Bannerlord track stats besides time played like Warband did?

submitted by /u/GusGangViking18 [link] [comments]

All of them looks like gang-leader to me

submitted by /u/Alarming-Key4293 [link] [comments]

King of the clan didn't give me the town I conquered

Hi, I have 3 castles and 1 city to Me, which the king granted after I helped in defending or capturing it. After that There was a town that I raised an army and captured but the king gave it to someone else. I had offered the king the dragon banner few weeks ago. Same thing with a castle near by, I may have helped defending it like 3 times and also helped in capturing it twice. But the king gave it to some other chief. The one thing I think I did was wrong was I didn't allow to pillage tthe town or castle, thinking I will have trouble when prosperity and loyalty becomes low when I get the town. Due to this my relationship with my fellow clan members in my army went bad when I conquered. Does anyone know, what to do to get the town for myself in future? I am playing battanian submitted by /u/Aizen2787 [link] [comments]

Playing like it's warband, and it's just not working

Massive fan of warband, and picked this up on release. I kept coming and going cause I just kinda... suck? I'm not really sure how to go about making passive money in this one. I win a tournament every few days to keep the money flowing, but this isn't sustainable. Grabbed some workshops, but I'm seeing they aren't good income in this one. I absolutely do not want to cheese it with weaponcrafting. Is there a path to just slaughter my way through and install family and vessels, then let them worry about making money? The conquering and combat is the fun part for me, not the paperwork submitted by /u/GovSurveillancePotoo [link] [comments]

Anybody found any accessible houses where my player could “live”

I found this one on a cliff with a great view of the mountains and a furnished inside with a log outside for sitting submitted by /u/South_Caramel8966 [link] [comments]

What is a good way to powerlevel trade with or without mods?

I'm planning to start a playthrough semi inspired by England and i want to buy a few of Battania's settlements before they get the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Treatment from their neighbors but i need to max out trade just to do that at all so are there any mods that still work that add trade xp to things like caravans or is there a exploit to easily level trade? I don't like to use exploits but trade is one case where i would do so. submitted by /u/Connect_Spray_7107 [link] [comments]

How do I level trade in the current version of the game?

Hey gang, so I've been on my first run for the past couple weeks. Managed to get three cities given to me all in the same general area (Zeonica, Poros, and Amitatys). However we've been fighting the Aserai and we've been playing volleyball with Jalmarys and Rhotae. At one point I was offered Rhotae but didn't want it. However, I then noticed that the end perk of the Trade skill tree lets you trade fiefs. I want to do this but I noticed early game that trade rumors never yielded me any skill points. I make obscene amounts of money through smithing but trade seems to have gotten more complex than it was in Warband. Any tips? I specify the current version cuz the post I read about this problem was from a couple years back and mentioned selling horses submitted by /u/BeatsByDrPepper [link] [comments]

Friend's bannerlord is totally bricked when it comes to mods (i-1 -1 -1 -1) error? Hello, so my friend's bannerlord constantly crashes when he tries to use bannerkings and its dependencies. He asked me to make a reddit post about it. So, as you can see the mods are totally outdated but even when he puts them down to the correct version it still crashes. Does anyone know how to fix this i-1-1-1-1 error? Thanks submitted by /u/Decadunce [link] [comments]

Game crashes on hero comes of age

The game crashes the same time of day, and the exception trace confirms that it is a OnHeroComesOfAge error. However, there is not a listed module involved, so I am unsure what is happening. As far as I am aware, none of my installed mods impact a hero coming of age. I appreciate any guidance into how to debug which mod it may be, because I do not believe any of them impact the hero coming of age. Harmony (Bannerlord.Harmony, v2.3.3.207) UIExtenderEx (Bannerlord.UIExtenderEx, v2.11.0.0) ButterLib (Bannerlord.ButterLib, v2.9.10.0) Mod Configuration Menu v5 (Bannerlord.MBOptionScreen, v5.10.1.0) Native (Native, v1.2.10.0) SandBox Core (SandBoxCore, v1.2.10.0) Birth and Aging Options (BirthAndDeath, v1.2.10.0) CustomBattle (CustomBattle, v1.2.10.0) Sandbox (Sandbox, v1.2.10.0) StoryMode (StoryMode, v1.2.10.0) Diplomacy (Bannerlord.Diplomacy, v1.2.13.0) Distinguished Service 1.2.0 (DistinguishedService120, v7.2.0.0) Ancient Civilization (Ancient Civilization, e1.5.2.0) Anc...

I am positively terrible at this game--

And I am so up for it lol! I just picked this up and am giving it a try for the first time. I'm in love with the combat mechanics, having to take into account the direction of my attack, drop-off of ranged attacks, aiming being worse on horseback, I hadn't anticipated how realistic the physics would be (I went into it blind). The only downside for me is having to tilt the camera to aim my attacks makes me motion sick after a bit, but I did find the melee lock-on command so I'm hoping that'll help. Looking forward to diving into this one more! To be clear, I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely into this :D submitted by /u/Perfectchaos791 [link] [comments]

The plot against the empire triggered, what should I do? Should I reload an older save?

submitted by /u/GoofyGoober55555 [link] [comments]

Just pledged allegiance to myself

submitted by /u/Amongussy02 [link] [comments]

Banner kings (CE) economy/pricing

Is smithing not as viable for money with this mod? Made a tier 5 crafted javelin that only sales for 500 denars?? Also noticed purgios no longer give fine steel should I just scrap smithing for money with this mod? submitted by /u/freaknyou23 [link] [comments]

crash errror

my game keeps crashing mostly on free roam. here is callback and my mods(i was using same mods crashes happens lately) Inner exception callstack: No inner exception was thrownOuter exception callstack: at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Settlements.Town.DailyTick() at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.DailyTickSettlement(Settlement settlement) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.MbEvent`1.InvokeList(EventHandlerRec`1 list, T t) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignEvents.DailyTickSettlement(Settlement settlement) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignEventDispatcher.DailyTickSettlement(Settlement settlement) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignPeriodicEventManager.PeriodicTicker`1.PeriodicTickSome(Double timeUnitsElapsed) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignPeriodicEventManager.PeriodicDailyTick() at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignPeriodicEventManager.TickPeriodicEvents() at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.Tick() at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.GameState.MapState.OnMapModeTick(Sin...

Can someone explain rebellion to me? As you might notice, loyalty is at 0 and the garrison is smaller than the militia. From everything I have read online about how rebellion is supposed to work in the game, this should proc any second. I have spent three hours of my day running around Calradia waiting on the rebellion to start up, and nothing. Is there any way to guarantee a revolt? Also, if it matters, playing stock. submitted by /u/LokiLausk [link] [comments]

Sturgian playthrough

I want to do my first playthrough of Sturgia and I'm looking for story ideas. (Like my characters motives and stuff.) I have played warband so I was looking into some story ideas from that game but I don't know. Any ideas would be appreciated :) submitted by /u/Forsaken-Primary-610 [link] [comments]

Posting a meme every day until people stop bribing me day 363(I'm gonna hit that button)

submitted by /u/Ph4d3r [link] [comments]

Posting a meme every day until people stop bribing me day 362(Living in a videogame)

submitted by /u/Ph4d3r [link] [comments]

Why don’t my men use siege towers

No matter what command I give they all go to the ram and once it’s destroyed to one seige tower then the third but it ends up not working bc they do it 1 by 1 and the enemy catapults destroy them before they get to the walls I’ve told my men to go to the seige towers but they don’t and if I make separate groups of units before it starts when the fight happens they have all been put into one group submitted by /u/ActuatorEmotional653 [link] [comments]

Thoughts on Svana?

Typically in my top 3 for characters I marry in a playthrough, shes extremely good at warfare and is one of the few characters I actually find attractive looking in Bannerlord and not some horrible Gremlin looking creature. submitted by /u/ScholarAfter1827 [link] [comments]

Posting a meme every day until people stop bribing me day 359(scary axes go brr)

submitted by /u/Ph4d3r [link] [comments]

Won the Wadar Hotblood in a tournament. Should I sell since Im too far off to ride it? or keep?

submitted by /u/chaliebitme [link] [comments]

which troop is better?

submitted by /u/Designer_Issue_69420 [link] [comments]

Is my wife broken? How do I return or trade it for a better model?

Married Corein and I think something's wrong with her. All she gives me is daughters. Sure she gets pregnant and shoots out babies practically like a cannon but what's the point if my children don't have the governing organ? Tried to return her to Caladog but I must need a receipt or something because I couldn't return her. Worst part is I married my brother to Svana (I didn't want her because my children should be pureblooded Batannians) and she's given him two boys already! submitted by /u/Zealus24 [link] [comments]

Posting a meme every day until people stop bribing me day 357(once again in the hospital! enjoy the last of my prepped backup memes. didn't upload this one cause I didn't think it was very good lol. but it's 11:45 here and I have nothing else made.)

submitted by /u/Ph4d3r [link] [comments]

What is your opinion about Azrogos's take on Empire. Or his ideal world without an empire ?

I think he is wrong, By Destroying empire we don't bring back old cultures, but we merely destroy another culture (empire's culture) and create an kingdom that is as large and brutal as empire which will probably continue to erase other cultures anyway submitted by /u/OptimusPrime-04 [link] [comments]

Help with game[ps5]

Help please I can’t play bannerlord at all and I just bought it three days ago. What happens is I create a new campaign make my guy and create his backstory and when I load in the game freezes for a good 2 mins then kicks me out. I’ve tried clear cache, restore database, and cleaning my ps5 idk what to do any please someone help me submitted by /u/UniversityApart4158 [link] [comments]

I think they said no

submitted by /u/ryaninflames1234 [link] [comments]

Xbox Gamepass version with mods and achievements activated simultaneously?

Ive Been tinkering with the Files on the PC Xbox Gamepass version. I've been trying to find just the smallest amount of code/ script to allow me to use a save file that has mods/ been modded, but still allow acheivement to work. Tried talking on the official Discord but got no valid response and tried messaging YouTubers, no response. I prefer to play this on my xbox , but definitely can play this on my computer. Anyone got any tips, advice? Know the loops hole? I'm up for anything that works. submitted by /u/KnowledgeSpunj [link] [comments]

Posting a meme every day until people stop bribing me day 354(Don't touch my garbage!)

submitted by /u/Ph4d3r [link] [comments]

Posting a meme every day until people stop bribing me day 353(wait, hang on, are Khuzaits bronies??)

submitted by /u/Ph4d3r [link] [comments]

I need to get my daughter in law pregnant

So my son got married and his wife joined my clan. I was going to give him a party to go out and kill stuff, but I can't include his wife with his party so they can kill and make babies. So how am I suppose to have grandkids if thru are always seperate? Is there a way to get around this? submitted by /u/Zyrexius80 [link] [comments]

Late game speed

Hello everyone. I have problem with my party speed on the world map. When I begin new playthrougth my party moves fast, perks in scouting and a lot of horses to collect loot, but after few years my party slow down. I don't mean just bigger number of troops, no matter if I have infitralry or cavalry. Every time it slow don to 1 point of speed. To make it funnier, when I'm in the army, speed rise up. Any ideas, tips? submitted by /u/Cahir24Kenneth [link] [comments]


So Im playing an Azerai campaign. Been a vassal for a while now (clan t5 at this point) just saving up money on free victories. I was in Unquids army. Sieging Tyal. We win but Unquid dies. (A little before Penton is recruited to our faction) AND PENTON IS ELECTED AS RULER? Why is it a guy that’s been in the nation for a few weeks takes priority to the throne more than someone who has been in it for 10-ish years? submitted by /u/Ready2Poop [link] [comments]

Posting a meme every day until people stop bribing me day 352(had an odd discussion on archers the other day. and this meme came to me.)

submitted by /u/Ph4d3r [link] [comments]