In Warband you would allocate troops to formations on your party screen. You could put individual troops in formation 1,2, 3 etc. In bannerlord it feels cumbersome having to do it in the battle deployment screen using the sliders. Is there a way to change this? submitted by /u/FingersToKeyboard [link] [comments]
The game crashes the same time of day, and the exception trace confirms that it is a OnHeroComesOfAge
error. However, there is not a listed module involved, so I am unsure what is happening. As far as I am aware, none of my installed mods impact a hero coming of age. I appreciate any guidance into how to debug which mod it may be, because I do not believe any of them impact the hero coming of age.
- Harmony (Bannerlord.Harmony, v2.3.3.207)
- UIExtenderEx (Bannerlord.UIExtenderEx, v2.11.0.0)
- ButterLib (Bannerlord.ButterLib, v2.9.10.0)
- Mod Configuration Menu v5 (Bannerlord.MBOptionScreen, v5.10.1.0)
- Native (Native, v1.2.10.0)
- SandBox Core (SandBoxCore, v1.2.10.0)
- Birth and Aging Options (BirthAndDeath, v1.2.10.0)
- CustomBattle (CustomBattle, v1.2.10.0)
- Sandbox (Sandbox, v1.2.10.0)
- StoryMode (StoryMode, v1.2.10.0)
- Diplomacy (Bannerlord.Diplomacy, v1.2.13.0)
- Distinguished Service 1.2.0 (DistinguishedService120, v7.2.0.0)
- Ancient Civilization (Ancient Civilization, e1.5.2.0)
- Ancient Calradia (AncientCalradia, v1.0.0.0)
- Arenas_extended (Arenas_extended, v1.1.0.1)
- BannerCraft (Bannerlord.BannerCraft, v1.1.5.0)
- Bannerlord Expanded - Spouses Expanded (BannerlordExpanded.SpousesExpanded, v1.2.10.0)
- BattleDuels (BattleDuels, v0.0.1.0)
- BetterCore (BetterCore, v24.1.26.2)
- BetterExecutions (BetterExecutions, v24.1.22.2)
- CompanionsLimitUnLock (CompanionsLimitUnLock, v1.0.0.0)
- CraftingPieceSorter (CraftingPieceSorter, v1.0.0.0)
- FamilyMatters (FamilyMatters, v0.0.1.0)
- gondor (gondor, e1.7.0.0)
- Highlight Better Items Fix (HighlightBetterItems, v1.1.2.1)
- Horses (Horses, v1.0.4.3)
- MavsExpandYourClan (MavsExpandYourClan, v1.0.6.4)
- RelationTracker (RelationTracker, v0.0.1.0)
- UnlimitedSmithing (UnlimitedSmithing, v1.0.0.0)
- Auto Return (VanguardAutoReturn, v1.2.0.0)
- Warlord (Warlord, v1.0.8.0)
- Dismemberment (Plus) for v1.2.9 (DismembermentPlus, v2.0.7.3)
- Improved Garrisons (ImprovedGarrisons, v4.1.2.17)
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