Make a elite cataphract force of 50 than charge them to their horse division. Elite cataphracts are superior in all ways. Then, charge the horses on to the pikeman and archers then charge the soldiers and arrows. Dont forget that these has to be mostly legionaries. I hope my tips help. submitted by /u/Visible_Tax7920 [link] [comments]
The game crashes the same time of day, and the exception trace confirms that it is a OnHeroComesOfAge
error. However, there is not a listed module involved, so I am unsure what is happening. As far as I am aware, none of my installed mods impact a hero coming of age. I appreciate any guidance into how to debug which mod it may be, because I do not believe any of them impact the hero coming of age.
- Harmony (Bannerlord.Harmony, v2.3.3.207)
- UIExtenderEx (Bannerlord.UIExtenderEx, v2.11.0.0)
- ButterLib (Bannerlord.ButterLib, v2.9.10.0)
- Mod Configuration Menu v5 (Bannerlord.MBOptionScreen, v5.10.1.0)
- Native (Native, v1.2.10.0)
- SandBox Core (SandBoxCore, v1.2.10.0)
- Birth and Aging Options (BirthAndDeath, v1.2.10.0)
- CustomBattle (CustomBattle, v1.2.10.0)
- Sandbox (Sandbox, v1.2.10.0)
- StoryMode (StoryMode, v1.2.10.0)
- Diplomacy (Bannerlord.Diplomacy, v1.2.13.0)
- Distinguished Service 1.2.0 (DistinguishedService120, v7.2.0.0)
- Ancient Civilization (Ancient Civilization, e1.5.2.0)
- Ancient Calradia (AncientCalradia, v1.0.0.0)
- Arenas_extended (Arenas_extended, v1.1.0.1)
- BannerCraft (Bannerlord.BannerCraft, v1.1.5.0)
- Bannerlord Expanded - Spouses Expanded (BannerlordExpanded.SpousesExpanded, v1.2.10.0)
- BattleDuels (BattleDuels, v0.0.1.0)
- BetterCore (BetterCore, v24.1.26.2)
- BetterExecutions (BetterExecutions, v24.1.22.2)
- CompanionsLimitUnLock (CompanionsLimitUnLock, v1.0.0.0)
- CraftingPieceSorter (CraftingPieceSorter, v1.0.0.0)
- FamilyMatters (FamilyMatters, v0.0.1.0)
- gondor (gondor, e1.7.0.0)
- Highlight Better Items Fix (HighlightBetterItems, v1.1.2.1)
- Horses (Horses, v1.0.4.3)
- MavsExpandYourClan (MavsExpandYourClan, v1.0.6.4)
- RelationTracker (RelationTracker, v0.0.1.0)
- UnlimitedSmithing (UnlimitedSmithing, v1.0.0.0)
- Auto Return (VanguardAutoReturn, v1.2.0.0)
- Warlord (Warlord, v1.0.8.0)
- Dismemberment (Plus) for v1.2.9 (DismembermentPlus, v2.0.7.3)
- Improved Garrisons (ImprovedGarrisons, v4.1.2.17)
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