Make a elite cataphract force of 50 than charge them to their horse division. Elite cataphracts are superior in all ways. Then, charge the horses on to the pikeman and archers then charge the soldiers and arrows. Dont forget that these has to be mostly legionaries. I hope my tips help. submitted by /u/Visible_Tax7920 [link] [comments]
One of the bows in Warsword conquest is broken or oddly balanced and I am trying to fix it. I need some help though.
The Dragon Bow in warsword conquest has what appears to be zero accuracy. No other bow has this. On max power draw and max bow proficiency, the accuracy only then becomes okay. I have tried fixing it in Morgh's and Item editor but item editor just could not open item_kinds1 and morgh's is showing ALL bows as zero accuracy. I then tried editing the accuracy value in item_kinds itself but I don't know which value adjusts accuracy.
I tried comparing other bows to the dragon bow to see which stat looks different and even on them I don't see a 99 for accuracy.
Submitted May 23, 2018 at 04:07AM by Fumblerful-
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