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How do I fix these mod errors? I'm playing on the most recent STABLE branch and just DL'd these mods 5 mins ago, unsure WTF is happening here

submitted by /u/RotInPixels [link] [comments]

My adopted son betrayed me, is this a bug?

(ironman, honorable/morally good playthrough, sandbox, realistic,1.8)

Tldr; had a companion with high relation and a fief that rebelled against me in the middle of a war and joined the other side. Is this a bug or a new feature?

I adopted Ilgai the Fatherless into my party in the very beginning of my journey, after helping me conquer Akkalat from Ohkon and it's rebels, as a unaligned clan no less, we ruled it together for many years before eventually joining the waning Battanians.

After rising to the King of Battania (another story),

I was finally in a position to give Akkalat to Ilgai, I granted him the title of Chieftain and gave him the same family name as my own, a good old Battanian name "fen Swen". We held together the Battanian Kingdom, although some of the more cruel and merciless clans decided to leave to the Aserai or the Khuzait.

As my natural born children are turning 18, which have awesome new cutscenes, we begin a long war with the Khuzait. I rush to Akkalat, assembling all the lords to defend my son, Ilgai. After several siege attempts, we are actually on the offensive and begin to move to take Odokh, after finally conquering it, Akiser Castle and Simira Castle. Whilst in route to Odokh to defend from Monchug (only him, no army), I get a notification that fen Swen AKA ILGAI has joined the Khuzait whom we are currently are war with. I have 100 relation with Ilgai, and have treated him fairly and as my son, he has all positive traits and have been very careful to recruit only other lords & companions with positive traits.

I cannot believe with 100 relation and a long history ,my son Ilgai, betrays me and takes Akkalat for himself AND joins the Khuzaits no less. Is this supposed to happen? he had a fief and high relation? He is married to a nice Empire girl, what did I do wrong? How can I get him back?

edit: Oro of the southern empire sieged Akkalat with over two thousand men and took it from Ilgai, I only wish I could have helped.

submitted by /u/nervyliras
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