So I've just started playing, and so far most of my time had been spent trading, getting money to buy wine and jewelry in Dorestad and using that to buy up cheap goods and sell them further along in a big ring around the North Sea. I've gathered a few companions and I've built some estates.
But I can't get combat down to save my life. I've even managed to find spearmen a few times that I have hired, and they work fine until I run into Viking raiders. Then everyone's dead and I lose renown and I can't get any closer to hiring better guys. I'm not hurting for money, and being beaten every week or so is just a setback for my trading, but I can't figure out what I'm supposed to do now. Is there an area that has only weaker bandits that I can grind in or something?
Submitted April 15, 2018 at 01:04PM by Dwarfdude194
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