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How to earn parts

What's the best way to unlock parts? I feel like I smelt everything I get but still have no 3 tier parts. Do I need to buy the weapons and smelt them all or can use get by just smelting what i find? submitted by /u/trynalearnsumthins [link] [comments]

Mods for "Pre-Battle Preparation"? Plus, a couple more questions. [New Player]

Since i'm a very passionate Total War player a friend of mine said that i had to give this game a chance (I had never heard of it before)

So! I have spent a good amount of hours into the game with 3 reseted characters and i wanted to make some questions to decide what to do next:

As i said, i'm a big fan of the Total War series, but do not worry, i will not compare both games after the next point

Background: One of the first annoyances and negative experiences that i had with the game was the battles, i highly dislike the fact that both my units and the enemy instantly and brainlessly charges at each other with no consideration whatsoever! I know about commands and how to use them, but i'm talking about pre-battle preparations, things like who's charging first IF charging at all, who's attacking-who's defending, etc I don't think it should be as complex as Total War's system but it would be nice to have a small couple of options, even if the AI would sometimes wait for me to attack and set up tactical/formation traps.

  • Is there any adjustments i can make to change this?

I already tried changing AI Battle to Good and Battle Speed to Slowest but unless a general is needed(Only tried with sea skull-drinking-guys I already know your memes ) it doesn't seems to change a thing in terms of the use of Tactics and general time of the battle

If not: Is there a recommended mod for this? I don't want to change much the core vanilla experience tho(for now)

  • Heroes/Companions: What are the Must-Have companions in the game?

I'm not to fond of heroes in this types of games, i never get more than 2 or 3, i know about Jeremus, any other recommendation for passive boosts?

  • Any optimization mods out there?

  • In terms of improving and fixing the Vanilla experience what are some of the best mods available?

For the moment i want to stay as far away as possible from big mods that add factions and units left and right to focus on those that add text only improvements to the ini and coding files

Thanks for taking the time to read this -unnecessary- long text and my apologies for any grammatical nightmares! Still gotta polish dat english skill! Corrections are more than welcome!


Submitted June 27, 2017 at 07:37PM by Radaistarion


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