Make a elite cataphract force of 50 than charge them to their horse division. Elite cataphracts are superior in all ways. Then, charge the horses on to the pikeman and archers then charge the soldiers and arrows. Dont forget that these has to be mostly legionaries. I hope my tips help. submitted by /u/Visible_Tax7920 [link] [comments]
I would like to get some context on those six helmets that are deactivated by default in the game files.
- The Byzantion Helmet is, as title suggests, a helmet either inspired by, or copied straight from those used by the late Byzantine Roman Empire. Lore-wise, I think it was supposed to be some kind of a relic from the days of the Calradic Empire, but it was never implemented. Strangely enough, TW seems to have forgotten it altogether, because the Imperial troops in Bannerlord don't seem to use this particular type of helmet. (I wonder though, what type of Roman troops used it? I want to make a dedicated troop that is inspired by the real Byzantine soldiers that wore this helm, so, history buffs, a little help?)
- The Magyar Helmet is, likewise as title suggests, a helmet that was either inspired by, or copied from a helmet worn by the Magyars (read Hungarians). I have no idea what in-universe nation would wear it, since there doesn't seem to be any Magyar-inspired nation in Calradia. We can assume one of the two: 1) said Magyar nation was never founded in Calradia, and the "Magyars" are still beyond the Grass Sea; 2) the helmet is supposed to be worn by some other nation's troops, like the Khuzaits, or Geroians (this is just an assumption, of course).
- The Rus Helmet is, again, as title suggests, a helmet inspired by those worn by the Rus people. Now, I'm not entirely sure if this exact kind of helmet existed (I know there were similar ones), so if anyone knows better, please provide info. Otherwise, the helmet was supposed to have been used by the Vaegirs.
- The Sipahi, I found, was worn by Ottoman soldiers, light cavalry, I think. But that's all I can say. Please provide additional info.
- The Shahi - I don't know about this helmet, but by the looks of it, I'd say it's middle-eastern, maybe Ottoman Turkish (I think Sultan Suleiman I wore one like it in The Magnificent Century (a Turkish historical tv-series)). It has something inscribed on it in Arabic (or maybe it's just a decorative pattern?), whereas the name - Shahi - seems to be related to the Persian word 'shah', which means 'king' or 'emperor'. It's fairly reasonable to assume that the helm was supposed to have been worn by the Sarranids.
- The Rabati - I didn't find anything about this helmet, but it looks like a stereotypical middle-eastern desert bandit helmet, or some such. Naturally, it's most likely something to be worn by the Sarranids, or desert bandits.
There are a few other interesting pieces in the game, but I decided to write about these six because they come together in the game files.
Submitted August 29, 2019 at 08:47PM by DerPontifexDadaismus
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