In Warband you would allocate troops to formations on your party screen. You could put individual troops in formation 1,2, 3 etc. In bannerlord it feels cumbersome having to do it in the battle deployment screen using the sliders. Is there a way to change this? submitted by /u/FingersToKeyboard [link] [comments]
Hi, I've just finished the Bannerlord campaign and I wanted to start installing a couple of mods but I'm having some compatibility problems between my version of the game and the mods and the game crash all the time.
The mods that I'm most interested in are Freelancer - Eagle Rising - Dismemberments and so far I've installed version 1.6.5 of the game, is there any version of the game that is more geared towards mods? If yes, which one should I install and how? I'm using Steam.
Thanks to everyone who will answer.
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