Simply put, what if the dirt roads where made a little wider and your party could move up to .3 faster just by issuing a “stick to the road/trails” order. (always boosting party speed by .2)
Taking it further it would be cool if a perk allowed you to select a companion that had enough leadership skills (and atleast 40 riding skills) and then order them to form a raiding party so that we can still raid caravans and even smaller parties while marching our bigger party/army to our bigger targets. If I’m an army this could effect cohesion and increase the likelihood of a healthy prisoner escape while making your main party/army slightly dissorganized.
The raiding party would select all your fastest horses and chase down a given target. You can order the companion to “set ambush” by selecting a viable spot from overworld, If there is one. A high tactics skill would allow companion to need less cover for ambush. Another order could be “attack target” and they would simply chase the target and attack them allowing you to ride up and finish them off.
The risks involved are the unorganized state, increased rate of cohesion loss and the raiding party could only be a certain number of hints like 20 for low leadership companions (placing a fighting companion in command of a unit should give them leadership experience of the fight is won, on an unrelated note). And 30-50 for higher leadership. They could be attacked by another small fast party in the area that wasn’t seen before.
There needs to be some mechanics for ambush and concealing position and movement while Perhaps also making the hostility (they should all be white numbers until they get closer) of other parties unknown even if a scout can see them. Now if they are far away but still then they’d be revealed.
Don’t know why sleeping and resting soldiers isn’t a mechanic (I first thought my characters portrait indicated their state of rest lol). It’s such a critical aspect of war. You can’t simply just outrun Bigger armies while ensuring you don’t have to stop for food. Maybe there are aspects of the geography that the defenders or more experience commanders (a.I or player) take advantage of.
Also choosing where to make camp and ensuring soldiers don’t become mutinous, enemy scouts aren’t watching and gaining info and sending out your own scouts and patrols to protect perimeters from bandits/raiders and surprise attacks. We spend a lot of time in the over world and these mechanics would help to balance the warfare dynamics at play on the overworld.
Also when your hunting bandits or small parties early game (or late) it feels like a medieval police patrol sim and the tracks we can read from the ground are useless when it all comes down to speed (95 percent. The other 5 percent is just making sure you aren’t trapped by obvious geographical features. It should be about using the tracking arrows, anticipating where an enemy is heading based on their tracks and what is in that general direction.
Having sleep and camp makes the mechanics 3 dimensional instead of being a frustrating rat chase. Enemy A.I would have to be good at hiding tracks or marching im deceptive ways. The sleep period only needs to be 4 hours at most, but atleast 2 for rested soldiers. Also not resting could put wounded units and companions at grave risk. Leadership Perks could grant extra benefits to a well rest d party while helping untested ones push through. This would also make taking castles more important as you would need a place to station reserves for fatigued units.
It’s not as tedious as it sounds and as long as encamped enemies are harder to spot unless your right on top of them it could work. Surprise attacking a thousand strong legion camp with 200 men doesnt gauranteee easy victory either and youd have to have a marching/troop movement strategy /destination in mind. You could get in trouble just wandering around untill you find a favorable encounter.
Overworld Wartime would feel so much different and tense. It would also implement more ways to earn the calculating trait (I feel like this one is earned too easily. Almost as easy as it is to have Valor trait taken away).
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