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How to earn parts

What's the best way to unlock parts? I feel like I smelt everything I get but still have no 3 tier parts. Do I need to buy the weapons and smelt them all or can use get by just smelting what i find? submitted by /u/trynalearnsumthins [link] [comments]

Tried RPing as an Iltanlar warrior, it went badly

Ok, so for those who don't know, the Iltanlar were a people related to the Khergits. However, instead of being steppe nomads, they actually lived in the mountains. They used to inhabit the area around Mt.Iltan, so basically the territory between Tial and Baltakhand, at least if the flavour text is anything to go by. Ultimately, they got assimilated by the Khergits and the larger Khuzait horde.

For this RP I created a Khuzait dude named Khomar, of clan Unggun, who specialized in athletics, archery, one-handed, and polearm. No mounted specialization, since you can't ride horses in the mountains, at least, not efficiently.

So I started out. Spawned near Makeb, as all sandbox Khuzait characters do (I really wish we could spawn in a random town of our culture in sandbox). Immediately found a Khuzait thief companion in the tavern. Set out toward Baltakhand, recruiting villagers and fighting bandits.

Well, I don't know about you, but I actually suck as an infantry unit. I don't know if it's Bannerlord that's so unbalanced (those looters are terrible!), or if I'm just this bad, but we'd get our arses handed to us more often than not. I even once managed to fail a hideout raid because of it (consequently losing all of the Borrowed Troops I needed to train for a village quest), then we got piled on by steppe bandits. In another battle, we got overwhelmed by the looters, and the whole encounter was carried, and saved by a lone Nobleman's Son, who would pick out the remaining looters one by one. Truly a hero for all times!

Gah! I should just stick to what I'm good at: mounted archery and polearm combat. >.<

Submitted January 14, 2024 at 11:57PM by CheezeCrostata


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