So I played about an hour and a half of M&B: Warband today and couldn't find anything fun about it at all, so I refunded it. Now that it's a few hours later I'm beginning to regret that I didn't at least push right to the 2-hour refund limit.
This game has so many good reviews that I really don't understand what I'm missing. It seems to be 99% combat, and the combat is just awful. I don't get the appeal of this game and it frustrates me that I don't get it because so many people clearly like it so much.
So what I'm wondering is if this is a game that you really need to spend 20 hours in before it starts to become fun. I've read a few posts by people who were immediately drawn in for 12 straight hours in their first session, but I'm not sure if that's the common response or if these people are unusual.
Does the fact that I hated the first hour and a half just mean that this game will never be for me, or is it normal to have to persevere for hours before starting to find the fun? And is it really a game of almost entirely combat, or is the beginning just particularly combat-heavy? I guess I was expecting something with a bit more RPG to it.
Did anyone else start out feeling like this and then come to love the game? Part of me wants to rebuy it and spend at least six hours come hell or high water, but if it's just going to make me frustrated for no payoff then that seems a bit self-destructive.
Submitted February 16, 2018 at 03:20PM by Nye
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