Make a elite cataphract force of 50 than charge them to their horse division. Elite cataphracts are superior in all ways. Then, charge the horses on to the pikeman and archers then charge the soldiers and arrows. Dont forget that these has to be mostly legionaries. I hope my tips help. submitted by /u/Visible_Tax7920 [link] [comments]
Any good tips for dealing with bandits? Any mods wich make bandits weaker or remove them completly?
I restarded the game cuz i got attacked by 5 bandits groups, wich lead to me losing all my men and running from battle wich lead to all the lords in the faction i served to dislike and hate me =(
I get attacked by them ALL THE TIME and i lose soo many men cuz of it aswell as money. I know bandits are pretty weak as there is so many mods that make bandits stronger, but the problem is i got attacked by soo damn many
Submitted November 30, 2018 at 06:19AM by DeprezedKido69
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