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Bug report in need of FIx

My game keeps crashing occasionally when I enter towns. I have GTX 4060 with Updated drivers, 200 GB of free space lef ton my 1TB hard drive, 16 Gb ram, and the setting on game are on freaking medium only, why does this keep happening? I know how to mess around with files and appdata if required, I just want a working solution. Not this is vanilla too, no mods, though some mods are downloaded for multiplayer, none are active submitted by /u/jim20130 [link] [comments]

Just talked my way out of certain death with a vassal of Kingdom of Swadia

The Nords (the kingdom I'm a vassal of) declared war on Swadia. So my first decision was to besiege a castle because I wanted to level my soldiers up, as well as wanting to see if I can start a rebellion (by the way, I've really been struggling to do this. Any help would be appreciated lol). After taking the castle, I see directly next to me Count something or other from Swadia coming at me. So my character being the charismatic rogue he is, got to him before he did and struck up a conversation. I somehow managed to, before he attacked me, to persuade him to leave the Kingdom of Swadia and join the Nords, avoiding certain death. I'm still surprised I managed it.

Submitted February 18, 2019 at 05:50PM by bluetundra123


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