So, I've been messing with some light modding lately (yeah, I know, years late to the party), looking at doing some smaller tweaks to troops and the like - I've figured out some basics with the Troops.txt file like upgrade paths (which I did with Viking Conquest's balance mod to weld in the Shieldmaiden Troop Tree mod to it) and have figured out gear (tested it on a basic fix for Sarranid Guards so they're not wearing worse armor than the tier before it), even to switch companion initial gear.
So from there, I thought why not mod companion skills as well while I'm at it? Have some who are specialists actually be specialists right away like it's done in Viking Conquest (adjusting levels appropriately), while others could be blank slates still. However, my google fu has been weak and all I've been able to find are things linking to modding tools and editors.
I don't object to them, but I was hoping to try and keep it 'lightweight' so I could mod it into Diplomacy and such rather than make a full mod from scratch. Is there any resource that identifies what number corresponds to what skill in the file, or at least the logic of the order so I could cross reference it to something else like the character export file? Most of the guides I've found for the Troops.txt file only guided the basics like upgrade paths, attributes, and items.
Submitted April 26, 2019 at 04:29PM by Luke_Danger
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