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Bug report in need of FIx

My game keeps crashing occasionally when I enter towns. I have GTX 4060 with Updated drivers, 200 GB of free space lef ton my 1TB hard drive, 16 Gb ram, and the setting on game are on freaking medium only, why does this keep happening? I know how to mess around with files and appdata if required, I just want a working solution. Not this is vanilla too, no mods, though some mods are downloaded for multiplayer, none are active submitted by /u/jim20130 [link] [comments]

[AWOIAF] Fact I know

After playing AWOIAF for a while I have discovered something that may interest you :
1. Be a Northman so you can recruit the wolfs at the wolf'den otherwise don't go in cause there are dozen of wolfs there ready to bite your limbs off.
2. After you have beaten a Free Folk vassal, he/she will tell you to stay at the southern side of the wall, must be winter is coming.
3. 50 Unsullied can be recruited for 75000 in Qohor when you talk to the good master in the tavern and buy him some beers. They are expensive but really worth it and are the best troop in the game, you don't have to pay them every week like other soldiers but still cost a price to upgrade to veteran Unsullied.
4. After you bought the good master a beer he will say that he has some unsullied for sale and slave warriors blah blah blah, chose the last option then the first one to make the purchase that's normal but if you chose the first one he will disappear, maybe permanent?
5. A Westerland lord ( I don't remember his name actually) have a very good armor set that the head will show your face and the armor is black, try to capture him and send him to the wall ( a better option than execute him ).
6. Talk to the weaponsmith in Qohor by taking a walk through town and ask for Valyrian steel weapon he will offer you 2 options, the one-handed sword for 90,000 and the two-handed sword for 120,000, I recommend you to choose the two-handed one cause it takes more Valyrian steel and must be better. Talk to him again and ask him to refine your weapon then choose the sword for masterwork version.
7. Queen Daenerys won't be there since you join but later will appear and send you a message as well as taking Dragonstone under her command.
8. After you have conquered some fief and have your own kingdom, you people will be automatically set to Crownland and your troop will be Crownland troop like Dragon guard. You can talk to one of your Master to change this.
9. I don't know where to find Brienne of Tarth as well as the Kingsguard.
10. There is a master of arm in Dragonstone and he trains Queensguard for the Dragonstone's vassals and king.
11. I don't know if you can have a child in the game but you can celebrate your love with your wife and................. if your relationship with your wife is not really well a message will appear said that not much interested was showed and you should improve the relationship with your wife before considered of having a child.
12. After you have captured the King's landing, you can ask Janos Slynt in the Lord hall to train you some Gold Cloak, they are fine soldiers but I don't think they are really good.
13. Chose other activities and visit the alchemist guildhall and tell him to make you some wildfire, they are powerful weapons and can kill wight as well as white walkers because they are fire type weapon.
14. Some Night's watch recruit can be found in Castle Black's tavern so you don't have to join night's watch to recruit their soldiers.
15. Does anyone know how to siege a castle? I don't know how to cause there is no Lead your soldiers into the assault but there are only warfare and other options like to send the vanguards, I tried this and eventually killed 453 troops.
16. Do you appear to know where to get timber? I need them to upgrade my settlement but can't find them in any local goods shop.

  1. If you can't find or can't convince the Kingsguards to join you, make your own, after you have capture King's landing, trade with the faction blacksmith and he will have the Kingsguard's armor. Now you will need to find a hero and ask him/her to join your party and give them the armor.
  2. Some Westerland lord such as the King and Lord Paramount have some heroes which follow them. I think they are the Kingsguards and someone calls the hound. I want them to join my party but don't know how, any pieces of advice?

Submitted May 22, 2019 at 10:46PM by drajo234


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