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Showing posts from September, 2024

Bug report in need of FIx

My game keeps crashing occasionally when I enter towns. I have GTX 4060 with Updated drivers, 200 GB of free space lef ton my 1TB hard drive, 16 Gb ram, and the setting on game are on freaking medium only, why does this keep happening? I know how to mess around with files and appdata if required, I just want a working solution. Not this is vanilla too, no mods, though some mods are downloaded for multiplayer, none are active submitted by /u/jim20130 [link] [comments]

Marriage questions

I had a girl say "My family thinks we'd be good match." And then I could romance her easy, and she didn't mention attractiveness. Why is that? How does attractiveness in game work? How can I trigger the girl to start the romance by her saying "My family thinks we'd be a good match" again? submitted by /u/Woekoaa [link] [comments]

Can it be saved? Anyway I can return to green numbers?

submitted by /u/cow2face [link] [comments]

What are some things you wished taleworld would have added in bannerlord that would have made it better?

submitted by /u/--Error2424 [link] [comments]

Sturgia play through!

So I’m taking this slow and serious, usually I would just get big army together and whipe valandia .. but aside from being op with finians and tons of elites…. Sturgia only but these fellas won’t spear brace and yes it says braceable… what are your thoughts fellas?? submitted by /u/Vince170- [link] [comments]

The last stand of Vlandia

submitted by /u/Locked_Hammer [link] [comments]

I guess we'll come back later...

submitted by /u/Lameclay [link] [comments]

Having trouble with late game

Im 13 years into my first campaign and ive sided with the Vlandians. I own Battania and the Western Empire while Durdurt owns everything to my west. My problem is hopping from castle to castle fending off 2k sized armies only for the enemy to beg for peace while the next faction declares war and sends their wave. Ive spent the last 3 years in game walking back and forth between my northern empire and southeast empire borders fighting off castle sieges and there seems to be no end. Durtdurt is no help whatsoever, he keeps sending his army down south often walking right past my besieged castles. The second i push into enemy territory a siege starts up north and if i take the city then go to defend it, another clan goes to war and takes the newly acquired territory. Does anyone know what i should be doing at this point? Whenever they beg for peace after we stomp them, Durtdurt goes to war with them again 3 days later. Should i use the diplomacy mod and section off to do non aggression ac...

Missing Party ID script error

Anyone know how to either turn off script error messages or fix a missing party ID error? My screen gets covered in these while playing Nova Aetus: SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 1608: Invalid Party ID:511; Line NO: 53 submitted by /u/yitcity [link] [comments]

Is there a guide on crashlogs for modding Bannerlord

Through some online research I've found C:\ProgramData\M&B2Bannerlord\logs and C:\Users\username\Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Configs\ModLogs as the two main locations for crashlogs. Read through a few logs and they are honestly not really making it clear which mod could be causing crashing. I use about 10 mods and I'd prefer to troubleshoot this myself rather than seek very basic help since I have the skillset to do so but I would like a little bit of guidance to get started. Is there a basic guide on crashlogs out there? All these google searches lead to very sparse discussions from 2-4+ years ago. I'm also not even finding where people get crashlogs like this one . I'm currently using Vortex with autosort mods to get a decent load order. One other thing worth mentioning, is I'm not even seeing this folder exist - C:\ProgramData\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\crashes edit: I fixed my crashes by removing the mod I thought was the main culprit (...

I think I like this game

Best $40 I ever spent can’t believe it’s been almost 4 years submitted by /u/Exciting-Wash-3426 [link] [comments]

What lords/ladies do you hate with a passion? Mine is Ingalther.

submitted by /u/Woekoaa [link] [comments]

Best tips to do the campaign?

Currently in the last part of the campaign and are at war with the khuzait, aserai, vlandia and the western empire. The khuzaits are almost surrender, they lost all their progress and only have about 4000 strength, the aserai in the south are at about 5000 strenght and they launch a medium sized army every once in a while, vlandia has about 8k and is our main focus. The western empire is at about 10k. My main strategy so far has been breaking into towns too defend cus I have fire catapults. Is this a good strategy? submitted by /u/Electrical_pancake [link] [comments]

I can finally start playing the game

submitted by /u/leeom75ge [link] [comments]


Hey guys! What's the longest time your character had ever lived? (I mean on a single playthrough, how many years) And what's the largest family with the longest heirline of yours? submitted by /u/G2Aegon [link] [comments]

Halp met plz am dumb

Playing the mod "the old realm" and keeping having this issue anyone know how to help me fix this submitted by /u/Big_Buffalo178 [link] [comments]

I'm doing my part (Empire Run)

submitted by /u/Vampy-Kitsune [link] [comments]

All hail, Titus, Emporer of Caldria

Garios just shit the bed, time for a real emperor to rule cachadria submitted by /u/RichQuanquan [link] [comments]

Abil Haijaa - Abdallah ibn Hamdan ibn Hamdoun the Elder

submitted by /u/edmur_1er [link] [comments]


Hey guys! Just wondering, what is this thing about Corein? I've played a few hundred hours but I must've missed something. (Never played the campaign tho) submitted by /u/G2Aegon [link] [comments]


What mushrooms has my character eaten submitted by /u/aiaiaikakakakai [link] [comments]

Installing Harmony mod for ROT etc etc

I have the Harmony mod installed but it crashes everytime i open it. I believe its because it moved "Win64_Shipping_Client" to the bin folder. At least that's what the trouble shooting says. But it doesn't say what to do with it, do i delete it? move it somewhere? Help plz submitted by /u/Dear_Rip_3576 [link] [comments]

Dragon banner

Hi I’m wondering what I should do? Okay so I have completed everything for the quests and I’m at the part where you decide who to give the banner to, the thing is I became King of Vlandia after Derthert died and I don’t want to start my own kingdom because I want to lead Vlandia, I don’t know what happens if I give it to the imperial woman and I can’t give it to myself because I wanted to support a non imperial Faction by giving the banner to Vlandia. I have 38 days left for the quest to fail and I don’t know what happens please help submitted by /u/MyLucidDr3ams [link] [comments]

Will I ever know peace?

I’ve killed 35500 of them, 58 of their lords and have captured multiple towns and castles. Why must I pay 15000 for peace?!?!!!!!!! submitted by /u/Canadiancurtiebirdy [link] [comments]

Help with crashing

So recently I bought Warband on pc. I installed the "America Civil War Revived Mod" off the steam workshop. Around every 20 minutes I get a crash. So I've already installed WSE but there's a problem. Whenever I try to run othe new launcher I get an error saying it failed to run core resource shaders. Any help would be really appreciated submitted by /u/SapphicSapprano [link] [comments]

The Legion Marches

submitted by /u/Aggravating_Salt737 [link] [comments]

I’m assuming this is intentional but it has me dying 😂

Funny. submitted by /u/Unlucky_Ad_7606 [link] [comments]

Rough game outline/guide?

I have 61 hours in. I'm loving the game. I started a million campaigns and re started because I was getting captured way too much. My last 2 campaigns I had over 20 hours in but I reset because I started warring way too early (I'm assuming) my party size was 200 and I had 700k denars... but all of my renown I got from cheesing big battles. I also executed all who stood in my way. Everyone hates me and I have no lords or clans in my kingdom. Just me and one of my companions that I promoted. So what's a good gameplan? Level up and have relation levels at 100 with a few clans before starting wars? Will the smaller clans join me then? I'm going to restart again and will spend some time with these bandits and such. Any help would be nice. Thanks in advance. submitted by /u/ValarMorghulis485 [link] [comments]


So I made a party with my brother as leader gave him troops and made him join my army. Now he is constantly losing troops without fighting any battle he’s managed to lose over 120 troops before I noticed. He has enough stewards points to have the party I gave him but now it’s not even a 6th of what I gave him not even 10 minutes ago. why is this? submitted by /u/Used_Yam_8952 [link] [comments]

My grandchildren are gonna love this update

submitted by /u/Alucianary [link] [comments]

Can´t Launch game

Hello, my game won't launch, when i try to launch the game through steam (like normal), it says that its starting for like 3 seconds and then it just reverts back to start, I've tried multiple things I've seen online none of them seem to work. Also I never had mods installed. I've tried verifing integrity of the files through steam, uninstalling the game, launch the game directly without launcher in admin mode, launch de launcher in admin mode, launch steam in admin mode, deleted the files from onedrive, moved the game from my external disk to the computer disk and the other way around, I also get the message below when I try to run Bannerlord.exe in admin mode. submitted by /u/alexctp [link] [comments]

"But sire! The castle's defenses are too strong!" Hold my beer

submitted by /u/CanIGetTheCheck [link] [comments]

Corein best wife

submitted by /u/luubi1945 [link] [comments]

New to the game, just got a castle and getting sieged nonstop

My first time playing and I am on a ps5, I went with a Battania background and at Clan 2, i pledged my loyalty to the Battania king. shortly after, war broke out with the Northern Empire. I attacked a few smaller armies and a caravan, a vote for varagos Castle came upand they gave it to me. I wasn't rolling around with a full army a no sooner than I pull up to check put the new digs, the northen army starts sieging me. I made it through two and another large army is coming. I can't even out run them so I can't recruit more troops. questions: Are they attacking me more because of my skirmishes or is it solely because I'm on the border and my castle doesn't have a full garrison? Is it possible to give up the castle? I have multiple save files, if I go back, is it possible to not accept the castle or if I vote for another lord would they have received it? submitted by /u/crcucb [link] [comments]

I almost feel bad for Meritor. This is some hardcore lowballing.

submitted by /u/BrandyFella [link] [comments]

How to get started?

Wondering if someone could help point me in the right direction as to what I should generally look at doing after exiting the tutorial and dumped on my own? I've played a ton of Kenshi and was attracted to the open nature of the game with kingdoms and armies, as well as building up your own character, but I'm feeling a tad lost as to how I should be getting started. I'm not really seeing any small bands of bandits or anything that I can fight to get junk to sell or build up my combat stats, and so far I've only found a couple oddball fetch quests at small towns. I tried my hand at a tournament, but since I'm a no name chump that just started out I pretty much failed immediately as I figured. Any just general tips or advice to nudge me in the right direction would be appreciated! Trying to go at the game mostly blind for the most part before consulting any guides or tutorials or anything. submitted by /u/Kenkune [link] [comments]

Lords Surrendering

It seems that no matter how much of an advantage numbers wise I have, the lords will never surrender to me even if it’s like 1000+ on my side versus their 200. Is it supposed to be this way? submitted by /u/Comprehensive_Mud283 [link] [comments]

Its form etiquette to take the photo on your phone right?

submitted by /u/TheCaptainADD [link] [comments]

It’s all coming together

Finally made my new kingdom. submitted by /u/Ok-Occasion2440 [link] [comments]


I have vanilla game. I can’t find an efficient trade even with mounts. I tried the aserai desert mounts to almost everywhere and most do not give me any profit . What’s the trick here submitted by /u/TwoPants11 [link] [comments]

Some RBM tweaks?

I started playing Bannerlord again, this time with RBM and while I like most of the changes, there are 3 I didn't like at all. Bow aiming is a bit too difficult now, mostly because you have to aim very high. I like the new draw weight mechanic, I just wish I didn't have to aim 10 meters above someone's head. Cavalry seems to get dismounted too easily. I didn't test it too much in battles, but in tournaments, horsemen get dismounted 3-4 times per round. Same thing with weapon disarming, again it's almost goofy, every 3-4 hits either you or your opponent gets disarmed. I'm guessing it's the posture system, but if I disable that it will probably make the AI block too well. Is there a way to tweak these, if so, please let me know! submitted by /u/Medical_Surprise_498 [link] [comments]

I need some help with something stupid

So I wanna do a house reyne playthrough and conquest of westeros in realms of thrones but there isn't really any armor. For me to create my custom troops. The only good one is the white castelry rock armor but I kinda need the light version in white too . And it isn't. So if it not too much to ask can someone tell/ask if it gonna be a version in white too :3 thx . I would do it myself but I can't leave a comment in modb submitted by /u/Bathroom_Relevant [link] [comments]

Do Any Mechanics Give Negative XP?

submitted by /u/hanks_panky_emporium [link] [comments]

The Reality of Bannerlord according to Mr. Raymond Czizm.

Something I see some players having trouble with is coming to grips with how obviously unbalanced the kingdoms are. But while it seems obvious that these nation states are rooted in historical tropes the developers went a little bit further. The first one people usually do pick up on is that battania is a failed state. They're a people destined for apocalypse. The fians cannot save them. Which is analogous of the Celts, a people who were culturally wiped out for all intents and purposes. A culture relegated to bargain bin music bins in the 90s, with the occasional hippie chick poet using their motif as a decoratice style she grew out of when she hit age 25. Battanians are kinda terrible at everything in the game. Their cultural strategy is almost exclusively useful in a single patch of land. They're highly specialized for their forested region but beyond that they're useless. No, seriously. Outside of fians and running good in the trees overland what do the Battanians ex...

Regular dude play through?

Next playthrough I kind of want to just do mundane jobs and tasks all game and not fight for any kingdom or try to become a kingdom. Make enough money buy a ton of butter and hit fast forward for a couple real life hours and just see how much the world changes if I’m doing nothing. submitted by /u/Unlucky_Ad_7606 [link] [comments]

Is my character fire proof or is he just a flame god?

submitted by /u/--Error2424 [link] [comments]

Best sword in the game to do damage

So I usually main a sword and shield , but I’m not sure what’s the best sword and shield so if anyone can give me an idea on what to use and how to obtain? Like can I craft it or do I have to do something, but I would appreciate it 🙏 submitted by /u/NoseImportant8718 [link] [comments]

Heathen Raiders Have Come For The Butter

submitted by /u/Bannerbord [link] [comments]

Tech issue

So this isn't bannerlord specific... But I'm out of town for work the next almost week. Brought my Xbox to play bannerlord. The aspect ratio is incorrect! I can't see the edges of everything so the "HUD" is half hidden. They don't provide the correct remote here to adjust the tv, so I can't go to TV settings.... Even the buttons on the tv don't work. Any ideas to make the game for the screen the right way? submitted by /u/JackSHalifax [link] [comments]

We’ll meet them head on.

submitted by /u/GusGangViking18 [link] [comments]

Sometimes you gotta bail out a couple stompers until their backup shows up

submitted by /u/New-Reward-3673 [link] [comments]

We need more men

submitted by /u/Infinite_Category_44 [link] [comments]

Little sister defected to the Aserai after her husband died.

submitted by /u/I_do_drugs-yo [link] [comments]

Is there a console command for increasing "disguise and sneak through the gate" ratio? Or maybe a mod? submitted by /u/muhammet484 [link] [comments]

i think a Video is require when ever we take decisions in kingdom as concil shows and we sending out messages

submitted by /u/Necessary-Ad-1288 [link] [comments]

"And his name was Ali."

submitted by /u/RiotAmbush_ [link] [comments]

Are you sure this is a good deal? My clan is tier 2 submitted by /u/Kittymallow1 [link] [comments]

When you forget to sell prisoners, but that one noble is right there...

submitted by /u/xpyrolegx [link] [comments]

Does just the king pay tribute, or all lords?

I assume it's all lords since I'm not paying much, but no matter what I look up I just see people talking about how shitty and broken the feature is (which it is), but I would have much less of a problem with paying a ton of money if it was just me and not all of my lords. submitted by /u/clownbescary213 [link] [comments]

"Penton of the Northern Empire has declared war on Vlandia" He'll make his great escape west I guess? But he already tried that with the Battanians... Sad this is even with Diplomacy mod, you can see the exhaustion at the top which should be ending wars with enforced peace deals. submitted by /u/FitTheory1803 [link] [comments]

Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length

does anyone knew how to fix this? I think this has something to do with the posX and posY on the spclans of the xml of the mod. But how do I fix it? what are the exact posX and posY that refers to a location within the string? Im designing a mod like the mod Robber Barons at nexus so Im following his/her xml code but so far this is what im encountering. submitted by /u/meinee16 [link] [comments]

No wounded mod

Hello Bannerpals. Are there any mods that remove knock outs in battles so that units are only killed? Or even what to look for in the game files so I can do it myself? I want to shake up the dynamic a bit so that parties need to be regularly rebuilt after costly battles, though I've only really been able to find the opposite mod where units are only knocked out to maximize prisoners. submitted by /u/Cultural-Gas-9221 [link] [comments]

Garios finally admits he is the man behind looters

submitted by /u/Zeria333 [link] [comments]

In the next game I want there to be melee tournaments that feel like this

submitted by /u/Bannerbord [link] [comments]

What did I do?

So my friend got me into bannerlord, and I have fallen in love with the game. After about 20 hours of non stop restarts, killing my entire party, being captured, and other bullfuckery. I started looking up guides and exploits to help with the early grind. By doing the smithing loop I generated around 500k in wealth, bought a really nice army, and some caravans and started exploring other parts of the game. I decided I should start a family young and essentially bought Eys, the daughter of Dareth (I think I spelled that right? I'll check when I include images later), he's the Ruler of the Vlandians. I then sat in his army for a while as a mercenary until I could become a vassal, and I now have 100 relation with him. We are CONSTANTLY at war, with at least 2 factions. However, everytime we take a city, he and the other nobles vote to give me the city or castle. My character is 26, and level 24, with 14 fiefdoms. 8 castles, and 6 settlements. They're all on fringe territ...

How To Train Your Archer

submitted by /u/Bannerbord [link] [comments]

Looking for good dystopian/ zombie/ horror mod suggestions (maybe even fallout melee mod?)

Holding up in a city/ town/ crappy fort and scavenging sounds good. See alot of mods about fun happy stuff, or different takes on possible attempts at realism, i wanna see the grungy gross mods. Stuff that will keep the ai busy from fighting you because theres more pressing matters submitted by /u/PossessionPatient306 [link] [comments]

I’ll lead what’s left of the vanguard my lord.

submitted by /u/GusGangViking18 [link] [comments]