I plan on getting the Jeremus equivalent laid/married early and often so that he can sire the most intelligent bloodline Calradia has ever seen. Should the worst ever happen in battle, or should time take its course, there would always be a Jeremus Jeremusson to take up the mantle of doctor for the party.
Ideally the head Jeremus would have 2 Jeremusson pupils at any given time. Each successor, in theory, possesses the skills and abilities of his predecessors as well as the vigour of youth.
We could go further. Given enough descendants, I'd love to form the Jemguard. A group of twelve warrior scholars, their devotion to book and blade eclipsed only by their absolute faith in the current Jeremus. The Jemguard is dressed in light-medium protective gear and armed with a trusty shortsword, shield as well as the signature quarterstaff. Metal staves would denote senior members. They exclusively fight as a unit surrounding the 2 pupils and Jeremus, most commonly fanned out in a circle. Only members of his bloodline may enter the group and the most senior of the Jemguard would be promoted to pupil rank should either of those be promoted to Jeremus or die.
The rituals specific to the Jemguard that ensure their fierce intellect and battle prowess are highly sought for but well hidden, obscured to those outside of the lineage. Curiously, they all seem to sport tonsure haircuts including the females and they engage in fierce sparring that leaves all members unconscious.
Their sigil is respected, feared and revered by commanders Calradia wide. They know that under this protection, battles will be that much more hard fought. Even a seasoned tactical veteran would break into a cold sweat, the men under this sign renowned to bring the wounded back from the brink of death, fighting fit for the next skirmish. Normally it'd be simple enough to find and target these combat medics and many tacticians make the mistake of underestimating the Jemguard once. Upon finding the men they've sent return with broken bones and covered in welts or not at all, many war parties reconsider engagement upon seeing this banner.
The Jeremus Clan words are 'The danger in the dosage'
Submitted April 20, 2019 at 08:30PM by Footbeard http://bit.ly/2DqDpqP
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