I was inspired by the addition of arquebus in PoP 3.9.3 and made a custom matchlock-armed knighthood order and armed them with 15-16th century weaponry. I also changed the reloading motions in Pendor. Musket reload motions in original Pendor seemed to be cut in half for the sake of balance. I wanted the muskets to be historically accurate as much as possible for the roleplay elements. It was a pretty enjoyable experience but the battlefield of pendor seems to be heavily dominated by bows and crossbows. Slow-reloading muskets don't really stand a chance against horse archers.
So I wanted to find a way if there is a way to add barricades in the battlefield through modding. Wagon-walls in fire&sword seemed to be a good option but I'm not sure if they can be implemented in a totally different mod like pendor. I'm afraid those wagon-wall generating mechanics are tied to the maps of fire&sword.
Adding sapper abilities as in Napoleonic Wars seemed alright, but it also seemed to be quite a challenge. I am pretty new to modding of M&B, but am eager to learn. Would any of those be possible by chance? Or is there an easier way to implement barricades in the battlefield of Pendor?
Submitted April 23, 2019 at 04:12AM by cramer1592
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