As excited as I am to engage in bigger battles with new variables in singleplayer (siege engines, etc), what I really have my hopes up for Bannerlord is the multiplayer, as multiplayer in games such as Mount & Blade, when done right (like in the sub's Caldaric Campaign), can be really enjoyable, the problem is that you need to be part of a community that pre-organizes such an event for it to be that immersive.
There are so many possible multiplayer modes that could be incorporated into Bannerlord that take it so much further than the deathmatch or siege.
There could be a campaign mode with regional servers, which could be like singleplayer but on regional servers, or maybe one fucking server, like a Mount & Blade MMO where you're recruited into a player warband or squad as you and your mates gradually recruit and train from a band of noobs with clubs until you have a sizable enough army of real players (and maybe NPCs, but there'd have to be a penalty for using NPCs rather than real players), to capture a castle or city, start a fucking dynasty. It would kind of be like a medieval style Eve Online, with political powers within each faction, gathering resources from owned villages to upgrade your castles, rivalry with nearby geographic powers, and the choice of whether to join one of the main player empires, an NPC one, or just start a band of bandits with a few of your friends, springing traps on caravans on abandoned old roads, being hired to fight in someone's war.
I guess what I'm trying to get across is imagine single player Warband but as Multiplayer, that would be a gaming experience everyone would want to try, I brought up Eve Online earlier and as punishing as Eve is, some amazing stories come out of that game, think of what tales of butter and sacrifice an online M&B sandbox could produce? It's definitely possible if Taleworlds was willing to invest in servers for it, it's just such a great opportunity for content
What do you guys think?
Would you play M&B online? Would you make your claim to the throne or just be a pawn? And the roleplaying potential would be great, imagine designing your own coat of arms for anyone who opens the game to see,
Of course there's a ton of small issues, like capturing castles and such, I think the Eve Online system of reinforcement timers is a great idea (Instead of taking a Castle by rushing it while their defenders are offline, after the first defeat there is a 48 hour timer to the next defense, giving the defenders an opportunity to rally their forces and defend their castle, and if they loose the subsequent defense, the castle falls to the attacker).
Another issue is that the map would be swarming with parties, perhaps this could be fixed by letting people see your party depending on it's size and the tracking skill could be used to determine who sees who on the map, like a small squad of like 5 bandits might see an army heading to their hideout, and they'd pack it up before they arrived, then, after they are long gone and the army arrives, the player with the highest tracking skill tries to determine where they went hunting their asses down
There are just so many possibilities in such an open sandbox, I just hope Taleworlds grasps the potential and decides to put something like this in Bannerlord
Submitted September 18, 2018 at 04:37PM by ElFlame
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