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How do I fix these mod errors? I'm playing on the most recent STABLE branch and just DL'd these mods 5 mins ago, unsure WTF is happening here

submitted by /u/RotInPixels [link] [comments]

My love, Lady Tabath

Lady Tabath descended the winding narrow stairs that lead to the great hall of Rivacheg. She had said goodbye to her father at the gates just yesterday, and yet the scouts were already sounding his return in those droning notes so dear to her from childhood.

Boyar Meriga stood at the head of the table, with a friend at his right hand. They both drank from shallow cups, stinking of blood and rotting fish.

"Father," she said, hurrying to them. "I thought you were to meet Boyar Doru."

"Not yet," Her father replied, slathering a slice of bread with what little butter remained at the keep. "We ran into an army along the way. If Boyar Hanun hadn't been nearby they might have been at the walls by now..." He trailed off, swinging his butter knife at the man next to him.

"An army?" Lady Tabath drew in a sharp breath. "But the Nords have gathered at Suno. Surely the Swadians haven't made it this far North already?"

She noticed Boyar Hanun raise an eyebrow, looking quietly amused behind his ale.

"My lord?" She said formally, narrowing her eyes at him.

"My lady," He returned. "I only recieved news of Swadias declaration moments before we arrived."

Lady Tabath paused and glanced at her father, whose face was glowing red. The message she read wasn't for her, it came for the Lord of Rivacheg. It was a well guarded secret that Boyar Meriga had forgotten how to read. She wouldn't disclose it to this man, regardless of how much her father seemed to adore him.

She spoke slowly. "Am I to know where to find every Lord, but nothing of what they're doing?"

"My lady," Boyar Hanun started, but she didnt stop for him.

"I've also been informed of a battle at Weyyah Castle."

Now it was Boyar Hanun's turn to blush, and she wondered at how men in command of so many could be so sensitive to criticism.

In a rare moment of awareness Boyar Meriga saw that his guest was uncomfortable and dismissed his daughter with a wave, but she was already halfway to the door.

A short while later Boyar Hanun found her next to the weaponsmith on his way toward the main gate. Before he could make a stuffy formal greeting she spoke to the look on his face.

"Let me guess, he said no, and you hastily memorized a poem on the walk over. Go on, tell me how love is our battlefield; surely you'll be the first to suggest we elope."

Instead he took both her hands in his, still armored and tinted red with the blood of the sea raiders hed saved Boyar Meriga from the previous evening. She'd never been so close to a lord, even at feasts. The sword at his hip was so long she didn't know how he could swing it. And the smell...

"My lady, I will convince your father, even if only a King of six factions is enough to be your match."

Lady Tabath struggled for something to say, but he was walking away as soon as the words were off his lips. Her father had no army, no castles for Boyar Hanun to inherit. What could be worth fighting her fathers battles for him still, after all this time?

Before he was too far to hear she called to him.

"Boyar Hanun, next time you ride to Weyyah I would bring men with shields!"

Submitted November 19, 2018 at 03:22PM by VainsParty


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