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Bug report in need of FIx

My game keeps crashing occasionally when I enter towns. I have GTX 4060 with Updated drivers, 200 GB of free space lef ton my 1TB hard drive, 16 Gb ram, and the setting on game are on freaking medium only, why does this keep happening? I know how to mess around with files and appdata if required, I just want a working solution. Not this is vanilla too, no mods, though some mods are downloaded for multiplayer, none are active submitted by /u/jim20130 [link] [comments]

[PoP] Any thoughts & suggestions about my playthrough? (possibly a Guide)

So the first time i picked up PoP i was overwhelmed at how hard it was - didnt know what to do to get the most out of the game

Now I'm on my 2nd playthorugh and i think i figured out some kind of plan to get to lategame asap

In char creation i went with i think: Noble Noble Noble and unfortunate events lIRC or something like that - anyway i had 5 riding some dighting skills and some charisma and leadership

My plan: go for some strength & get charisma to about 20 asap (and then use qualis gems to get it higher so i can get at least 8 prisoner management to catch unique spawns for more qualis gems & for leadership and persuasion (to have all companions at persuasion 10)

Here is my TO DO List:

  1. Kill some small parties (pref solo) to get from about 100 at the start to 150 renown (to participate in tournaments)

I didnt bother with looting and trade skills, since you get shitloads of cash from tournaments and later from Slaver army - best gear can be bought early (got lordly +13 mittens very early) or exchanged for qualis gems

  1. Take part in tournaments (about 20k if you win, after that 10k) - you can ask in arenas where the tournaments are held

  2. Ravenstern rangers are busted (one of the best archers in the game & easy to get and train) Dshar ghazi are also good but take longer to train

  3. Use tactics skill and terrain to your advantage with mainly archer army (pref mountain or river and kite while your archers decimate the enemy) - comes in handy later vs wolfbode, jatu armies etc. - place archers on top of the hill or across the river and some fodder (usually companions) in the front, while you kite

  4. Become a mercenary to get free cash

  5. when you have a big army, most companions and are decently ahead in cash and equipment you can just take a castle and found your own Kingdom & cko (tip: shieldstorm castle ist easy, bc noldors & noldor lords are around and will fight the empire if they come close)

  6. Grind qualis gems & grind honor - meanwhile training and equiping your CKO

  7. How to grind honor: capture lots of noldor nobles and let them free

    I prefer to get sarleon man at arms as a meatshield (sometimes has a hammer, but sometimes a morningstar :( RIP) - in the back i have pendor foot knights & mercenary sergeants as a second wave + other blunt weapon troops)

  8. Get honor to 250 (so that CKO sergeants upgrades cost only 4 per piece) - Why sergeants? Bc they are easier to get fast - later knights ofc

  9. Once you have equiped your CKO sergeants with doom maces+huge shield (huscarl or the kraken shield) + good armor + horses S You can now just F1 F3 noldor patrols and capture all while losing almost bo troops (of the 250+ CKO Sergeants)

Enjoy your Money Honor and renwon making machine :) (Btw regarding riding - get it to 6 and defeat jatu army -> 7 -> noldor spirit horse)

Also join a KO - ebony gauntlet is good for bounty quest and fast ranking while enslaving noldor

What do you think? Any suggestions? Or Tipps? Something you do differently?

Submitted November 21, 2018 at 05:42PM by johnny_51N5


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