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Showing posts from November, 2022

Looking for advice on troops for a infantry only army (

Like the title said I’m looking at building a foot soldier only army and don’t know what are the best troops for what roles……….but those Fian Champions go hard af but lack the vibe I want and that is a solid melee unit(s) and some archers to rain hell down submitted by /u/Short_Shoe_122 [link] [comments]

Help with marriage please (I’m new)

So I’ve gotten to the point where the daughter will marry me but I have to speak with the father — but in the notes on his page it says he’s been taken prisoner. Do I just have to wait for him to be released? Can I release him somehow or pay ransom? If he gets executed can I not marry the daughter? Lol I don’t know what to do, or do I just wait?? Haha Please any advice… submitted by /u/scrollkeepers [link] [comments]

Battles near the end of the game start to get a bit lopsided...

submitted by /u/Iorith [link] [comments]

Stuck in an infinite war

So I'm a vassal of the southern empire and triggered the coalition war. We managed to knock out the Aserai and I've switched to attacking the Battanians and Vlandians but the western empire holds the territory between us as a buffer and neither side's armies will cross into the territories of the other. How can I make the war progress? submitted by /u/Living_Owl_2849 [link] [comments]

Help with main quest

So I planned on making the Vlandians be the ones who have the Dragon Banner. However, I managed to become king before I finished the banner because Derthert decided to fall over dead at the age of 51. Who do I show the banner to since I’m the king? submitted by /u/sqrambled_egg [link] [comments]

Daughter in law stuck leading party

So in the clan screen it says I have no parties, but when I try to move my daughter in law to my party it says she’s leading a party. I found her on the map and sure enough she is leading a party that doesn’t appear in the clan screen. I can’t disband it or ask her to join my party by talking to her. What do I do? submitted by /u/Rinsehlr [link] [comments]

Computer black screens while playing.

So ever since I put in a new graphics card (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980) my game keeps crashing my entire computer. There's still audio and I presume everything is still running but there's no longer and graphics going to my screens. I've tried multiple things such as removing all my mods and lowering the graphics to the minimum and only using one screen but nothing works. Anyone else have this problem? submitted by /u/MythicalstormX [link] [comments]

Legendary Bannerlord Multiplayer series *A Day in The Life of a Dreadguard*

submitted by /u/TheIronFister101 [link] [comments]

Nice Boobies Duckie Moments

submitted by /u/TheIronFister101 [link] [comments]

Why the hell did they remove the ability to change a companion's unit type?

Seriously, who made this boneheaded decision? Now I got companions with horses that are forming up with infantry fucking up formations. It is silly. I've had to remove their horses. Just seems pointless to do. I also used to like to do custom troop formations, such as having some troops deploy as a vanguard or skirmishers. Submitted November 28, 2022 at 01:35AM by Troub313

Things have escalated and I'm freaking out!

submitted by /u/Zebra-Tux [link] [comments]

The pre-set locations are ridiculous sometimes

submitted by /u/Kasumi_926 [link] [comments]

On a chilly morning after 20 days of siege , we charged the walls for the fifth time... and against all odds, the city of Revyl was finally ours! Victory, Sturgian is no more!

submitted by /u/aManIsNoOneEither [link] [comments]

Executing lords?

Ok, so I am playing banner lord on Xbox, and I am a lord of the Vlandia faction. So we're at war with Aserai currently, and I am trying to expand, but the Western Empire keeps declaring war on us. It sucks because I have two towns, Lageta and Ortisya, and they keep raiding my villages. I've been losing money, and my towns are close to starving because they keep starting a war with us. I always have just put enemy lords in jail, but it doesn't really do much, and I always hear executing lords is bad. Is executing lords feasible, or are the cons not worth it? submitted by /u/lilcj123 [link] [comments]

The Danger of Granting too many Fiefs

There is a danger in making your clans too powerful if you do not have enough influence, because they will start out-voting you and start trying to make policies that work against you as king. It's quite awesome actually. In my game I had to spend 900 influence to stop them from doubling the cost of revoking fiefs with Feudal Inheritance, which is already 200 influence per fief, and it's an essential process for balancing your kingdom. If I had failed to stop the bill from passing then there would have been nothing I could have done to stop the powerful clans from usurping power, because often after taking a settlement your hands are tied as to what lord to elect. submitted by /u/DeveloperDemon [link] [comments]

Shouldn't "Noble Mount" be a higher-tier version of war mounbts?

Not sure if this is a bug/glitch, or designed this way... but frankly speaking I can't find any internal/external/lore/historical reason to believe the "noble mount" horse-tier, is something that's separate from war mount, and therefore, cannot be used for cavalry upgrades. For example, the "Destrier" is a type of horse that is practically SYNONYMOUS to "war horse" in actual Medieval times. Literally, the first paragraph of Wikipedia article on "Destrier" states: ​ "The destrier is the best-known war horse of the Middle Ages. It carried knights in battles, tournaments, and jousts. It was described by contemporary sources as the Great Horse, due to its significance." ​ And yet, classified as a "noble mount", it cannot be used for upgrading cavalry, at all. This, kinda makes the "noble mount" pointless within the game as once you've acquired a sufficient ...

Tips on having children?

Wife is 32. I have 2 daughters and need a boy. I have the virile perk on my governor, me and my wife. We have been starting in the castle that we own for days and days I’ve been save scumming for like 2 real life hours and nothing. Am I impatient or am I missing something here ? I’m aware of lower chances for age and number of kids but I NEED A BOY DARN IT! Any tips or comments would be appreciated submitted by /u/Morthal120 [link] [comments]

Finally i‘ve done it… Keep playing or Go for a new One?

submitted by /u/ElephantMindless8335 [link] [comments]

A tale of loss, revenge, and consequences

Peace to you, Calradians! Today, I wish to share a story about my little sister, Alya. I’m sure you’re all familiar with this part of the story. After the tragedy that was her parent’s death at the hands of the rogue Radagos and his band of raiders, her and her brother are thrown into captivity, only to be freed by their much older siblings. Eventually, Alya grows up! She’s learned much throughout her short but harsh life, and is determined to take those lessons to become one of the most accomplished doctors on the continent. She joins my warband, patching up the troops wherever we went, an elite kill-squad of Master archers from the desert region of Aserai. We crushed bandit lords wherever we tread, we repelled false claimants to our Aserai ancestral land from the scheming Western Empire, and through our efforts, we were offered Tubilis Castle. Now, let me tell you of the Imperial dog pig-fucker that shot Alya in the goddamn face! Meet Archon Saratis, the dandy looking frumpkin a...


​ submitted by /u/Arthein [link] [comments]

"You must win my family's favor" - WHAT FAMILY

submitted by /u/PossessionPatient306 [link] [comments]

The Pre-Game Timeline makes no Sense

This has bothered me for a while; but seems as though the timeline following the Battle of Pendaric was meant to be 25 years or so, but somewhere down the line they changed it to 4 years so that the game starts in 1081 rather than 1102. I realise it doesn't really change much, but this kind of thing does get to me. Lets look at the evidence: * Arenicos was meant to marry Rhagaea to secure the South of the Empire, but clearly they were married a while if they have a 21 year old duaghter. * Raganvad was just a boy during that battle, but at game start he is 37 with two teenage sons * Olek the Young is middle aged, but was also young at the battle which is why Olek the Old was in charge. * Arenicos' reforms needed time to happen. It takes more than 4 years to reorganise an army. * Penton is 51 at game start with all his children being adults. How old must have Emperor Drosios Neretzes been at Pendaric? In his 80s. So does anyone know why this change in the start date happened? ...

Does anyone know where to find these helmets?

submitted by /u/TransitionNo7036 [link] [comments]

I’m pretty much stuck and don’t know what to do…

submitted by /u/sprinklep0p [link] [comments]

Ah, yes

submitted by /u/manicsoliloquist [link] [comments]

Akkalat vote

I started out as a battanian, played as a mercenary for the first 6 years now I’m trying to settle down as the khan of Khuzait. I married Yana earlier in the game so I have 2 daughters with Khuzait culture. So now I’m having a problem with getting Akkalat as my fief. Aserai sieges Akkalat and won, then we seiged and won it back. Monchug tried giving me an empire cultured fief and I gave it back. But now when we vote for the new fief owner of Akkalat it just keeps going to Akrum with 57% no matter how long I keep save scumming. I can vote for me but Akrum keeps receiving it with 45%. So if this don’t work what happens once Monchug dies and if I become Khan? Do I receive his old fiefs or do they stay with their clan? Or should I just receive a fief close by and start my own kingdom, but decimate Khuzait and take their fiefs? I could probably take Husn Fulq submitted by /u/Ok_Professional_2807 [link] [comments]

Companions Post-Loss

I just lost outside of Charas, escaped, because you know, Calradian jails run on what's essentially an honesty policy, and half my companions are in Tyal? I know we can recall them now, thank the Heavens, but why in the world are they there? That's 6 days I have to wait now, for my scout and surgeon. I think what drives me the most nuts, is all the QoL stuff that's only a few lines of code and less realistic. So they ended up on the other side of the world in an hour? Cool. submitted by /u/conleyc86 [link] [comments]

Need help

Any tips on how to run my kingdom I just left the vlandians have 2.8 million denars 2 city and 3 castles what should I do? submitted by /u/Ambitious_Ad_5590 [link] [comments]

Fighting vlandia they just wont die but Rhagaea keeps giving me the battania lands xD

submitted by /u/RyuujiIkuto [link] [comments]

Game freezes.

Heyho, the game freezes mid-loading when trying to enter, keep, tavern, streets or enter battles. Its like it completely fails to load an ingame world thay isnt the grand map. I had this nuisance occur two months ago and today after updating and decimating my mods aswell as the game it self it for some reason it still occurs. Weirdest part is that it doesn't happen immediately. I can start a new game and play 40-100 days without problems but once it starts this indefinitely loading bug the save is ruined. Its not even freezing/crashing with a crash report or anything rather than taking forever to load, I can e.g hear the audience when trying to get into a tournament. Has this occurred to anyone else aswell ? And if did you find out what was causing it? submitted by /u/seckrt [link] [comments]

playing catch with a trebuchet

submitted by /u/NevilleFknBartos [link] [comments]

Xbox players: A warning regarding saves.

Do not under any circumstances try to clean up you're saves by deleting old ones, even if you have named saves the game is bugged and will convert your named save to "Saveauto1" so when you delete it your not actually deleting a auto save but said previously named save. Ended up losing my entire charather and over 200+ hours of a run doing this. I advise you just advoid it completely. May Thöuk King-Slayer find peace in Valhalla, his story cut short so soon after becoming king of the Sturgians. submitted by /u/Bringer-of-the-Law [link] [comments]

No trade xp

Can someone explain how to get trade xp? I’ve seen the buying and selling for a profit but in my game it doesn’t show the red or green prices on any character and I’m probably 100 days in and my trade is still at lvl 1. submitted by /u/ForeverTheSadOne [link] [comments]

Can't take Varcheg because of this crap pile

submitted by /u/Awesomespazz100 [link] [comments]

In Bannerlord, using the quick save function should overwrite the oldest auto save, or have a set of saves it cycles, it should not overwrite the most recent save no matter what.

I just started a new game, and have been very diligent about saving, (not using save as, which I now know I have to always.) Got an incredible marriage offer for my brother, a chick in full cataphract armor, so I’m swimming in cash. Started this game up with the idea of marrying ira, and running the southern empire. I’m swimming in cash so once I do the persuasion checks I’m good right? One would think. First set. All good. Second set, while save scumming I fat finger that shit and hit save and quit. I lose all my progress back to before my brother got married, as I’ve just overwritten the one slot the save function has been using for the last 45 minutes of playtime on accident. So now, I lose some of the best armor in the game, and a great early game economy to get my power base going, or, I have to realign the direction of my campaign. Submitted November 23, 2022 at 12:47AM by Perpetual_bored

Game keeps crashing with mods loaded

submitted by /u/JEBZ94 [link] [comments]

Companion Bug

​ I've gotten this bug where sending companions in my party to a fief causes this message to pop up that i lost them in a battle, never having gone into one in the first place. At the same time they teleport all over the place when i try to send them to a fief, refuse to stay at the place they're governing, and will sometimes straight up nope out of me taking them into my party, and i have to press the option twice before they listen. this makes the companion system completely unpredictable for me, why are they acting like this. I've verified my files and removed any potential mods in the way, switched to multiple versions, etc. submitted by /u/KrovenKrull [link] [comments]

Wtf am i supposed to do???

I had a party of 30 men, serving as mercenaries. I was attacked by an army of 90, lost, and was imprisoned in a city. Escaped, and was immediately attacked again. 1 vs 100. Imprisoned again, escaped again, immediately attacked by “the forest people”. Captured again, escaped again. Immediately attacked by bandits. Captured again, escaped again. Immediately attacked by more bandits. Captured again. I swear this is not an exaggeration - i was attacked and imprisoned 5 times in a row. And then i quit. Wtf am i supposed to do? I have 1% health. I’m in the middle of the enemy kingdom trying to get out but i swear i cant take 2 steps without being captured again. Wtf kinda bs is this????? Edit: 10 times in a row now. Theres bandits on every side and i cant escape submitted by /u/hotdog-water-- [link] [comments]

it done crash my game

Exception information Type: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException Message: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Source: mscorlib CallStack: at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) at TaleWorlds.Library.Common.InvokeWithLog(MethodInfo methodInfo, Object obj, Object[] args) at TaleWorlds.Library.ViewModel.ExecuteCommand_Patch1(ViewModel this, String commandName, Object[] parameters) at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.Data.GauntletView.OnCommand(String command, Object[] args) at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.Widget.EventFired(String eventName, Object[] args) at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ButtonWidget.HandleClick() at TaleWorlds.Ga...

anyone know how to fix that

Exception information Type: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException Message: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Source: mscorlib CallStack: at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) at TaleWorlds.Library.Common.InvokeWithLog(MethodInfo methodInfo, Object obj, Object[] args) at TaleWorlds.Library.ViewModel.ExecuteCommand_Patch1(ViewModel this, String commandName, Object[] parameters) at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.Data.GauntletView.OnCommand(String command, Object[] args) at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.Widget.EventFired(String eventName, Object[] args) at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ButtonWidget.HandleClick() at TaleWorlds.Ga...

earning old in multiplayer

Hi, In the multiplayer, not online mod, the multiplayer option right at the start, I sort of leaned into it today for the first time and cant find out anywhere how to earn the gold onto my profile. I don'tmean the one earned by playing inside the battles etc. I mean the one that is on profile represented by a middle age's typical bag of sort (sorry second language) I cant find anywhere how to earn it. Does someone know please? submitted by /u/LeBonCameron [link] [comments]

The campaign is horrible late game!

I am ruler of western empire, Vlandia Aserai, and Khuzait have all declared war on me. I personally wiped out Vlandia first but as I was focusing on them my other armies are know where to be found. Aserai are running around free raiding everything (91 raids) and khuzait is pushing east hard. I’m now focusing on Khuzait cause I made Vlandia beg for peace but not more then a couple days later my empire is voting for war against them !!! Like are you stupid ? Why ? Now I gotta spend 1000 influence to get them to stop the war from starting again and everyone dislikes me for it. I have 4 armies out including mine and someone please tell me why all 3 of my armies are TRYING TO SIEGE THE SAME MF CASTLE !!!! THE ASERAI HAVE RAIDED US 91 TIMES AND IM PUSHING KHUZAIT BACK MYSELF WHILE THESE DUMB MFS ARE FIGHTING VLANDIA.. I can’t for the life of me continue to play like this, these Ai make stupid decisions, and they all team up on me when I try to call for peace. I hope to god there is a updat...


submitted by /u/Nickolas_Bowen [link] [comments]

Jump from vassal to own kingdom is insane

I think the jump from being a vassal for an existing faction to making your own kingdom is insane. When YouTubers say, regularly, that you should have a million denars... that just seems wild. Also, why can't I rally my own parties to join me when I want to attack? I was a Battanian vassal for a while and started to build up a little nest egg. I got tired of losing to Vlandia all the time, so I left and wanted to start my own kingdom. It's not even option for what feels like HOURS of gameplay still. The game seems like it has kind of "experience gated" what could be the coolest part of the game... being your own faction leader. I don't feel like I'm being impatient, either. I probably have 50ish hours on this save. I'm not asking for any changes to the game or anything. Just sharing my experience here because I know some of you will understand. It hurts so good. submitted by /u/bluebelly83 [link] [comments]

Tis but a flesh wound

submitted by /u/newtocoding153 [link] [comments]

What to do next?

So I’ve amassed a wealth of 5.46m and growing every day with a string of caravans. I’ve out lived the king of Vlandia and since my influence was so high from my income and rep with nobles they crowned me king of Vlandia. I’m playing on sandbox mode with a clan rank of 4. I’m just really not sure what to do, how to go about my next steps really. Any suggestions? submitted by /u/TapInfinite8818 [link] [comments]


submitted by /u/Vink1ng [link] [comments]

Everyone's best mods

I love this game but I'd love a bigger variety in factions... maybe some more units or cool weapons. Does Calradia at war still work on the new update? What's everyone's suggestion? submitted by /u/tristynjbw [link] [comments]

How long does it take for a faction to to die?

I've taken all the land from the Western Empire but their still around and their not going away. We're still at war they raid my villages and are just super annoying I thought that once you took everything from a kingdom their clans would leave them and they'd just die out but its been awhile and they still have 10 clans and I can't get peace unless I wanna pay them 1800 gold a day even though I've beaten the shit out of them which in my view is a poor game design choice submitted by /u/BasilTheLovable [link] [comments]

Troop Deployment System on Crack?

Okay, so I don't know if this is a big or if I'm just missing something but can someone please explain why, in the pre-battle deployment screen, does the number of troops I have in a group change, even if it is 'locked,' whenever I change a different groups number. For example: I have 6 groups. 1 is infantry with a shield preference,2 is cavalry/mounted archer with no preference, 3 is just cavalry - no preference, 4 is archers with no preference, 5 and 6 are both infantry/archers. Group 5 has a polearm and javelin preference and 6 is a heavy armor preference. I have locked the number of archers in group 4 at 16/32 (41%) Group 1 infantry is locked at 22/64 (32%) Group 5 archers are locked at 9/32 (57% is what it says, though clearly that is not accurate) the infantry are not locked in at 39/64 (32% is what it says - also inaccurate) Group 6 has 3/64 (35% - clearly inaccurate) infantry - unlocked and 7/32 (2% - also clearly inaccurate) archers - unlocked. Now, let...

Really enjoying documenting my latest playthrough with the Photo Mode in game

submitted by /u/CharlieWorque [link] [comments]

Can we appreciate/share the incredible emergent storylines that unfold in Bannerlord?

In my first winter as a Vlandian vassal, Sargot fell to the Battanians. Preoccupied with the first Sturgian war, the cowardly savages bided their time and took the city while our armies were far away, fighting a different enemy deep in frozen North. There was nothing we could do. Sargot resisted. In the dead of night, a Vlandian blacksmith named Erdurand armed a small militia of farmers and tradesmen and instigated a bloody rebellion. Only a week after the savages had breached the city walls, they were scurrying back over them like rats; fleeing Sargot and retreating back into the mountains. Erdurand became something of a Vlandian folk hero after that. Derthert had granted him lordship. He found a wife and started a family. After I befriended him, I became so fond of him that I was compelled to take him under my wing. I bolstered his army with elite soldiers from my garrisons and I used my influence in the kingdom to validate his own. I fought beside him in countless battles against...

RBM Dismount Issue

I'm noticing with the RBM mod, when I dismount say, cavalry archers, they default into the normal archer group. This is an issue as I like to tactically dismount units behind enemy lines for example, especially with custom troops or companions. In vanilla bannerlord this isn't an issue. Also, if they return to the large archer group, I cannot manually make them mount up again, because the whole archer squad tries to find horses. Is there any way around this? submitted by /u/TylerIrith [link] [comments]

Why bannerlord, why?

These conspiracy missions are getting out of hand submitted by /u/Flaky_Conversation77 [link] [comments]

Constant Warfare

Im constantly at war with Vlandia and the West Empire. I serve Caladog an we have wiped out the sturgia an taken most of vlandia an we. I am unable to wipe either or out because everytime I am able to make progress either caladog accepts the proposal for peace even if we are winning or we get in another war with either faction. One of the big problems is both factions have more lord than we do somehow. If I don't add lords to the kingdom does Caladog ? Can yal Bannerlord vets give me some tips to wiping out my foes. Ps I killed dirthead an garios is also desd. submitted by /u/akanooneyouknow [link] [comments]

Question about pregnancy.

Are certain women able to get pregnant more than others? Because Alynneth won't have a 3rd kid even with the perk to increase pregnancy for the life of me but Corein was popping out kids left and right without the perk on my last playthrough without me even trying before it corrupted. Or do I just have bad luck this playthrough? Also do traits even matter? Because that's the only reason I married Alynneth instead of Corein. submitted by /u/Ceaseless111 [link] [comments]

They Almost nailed the combat..

And they still did a damn good job. Normally I’d start out by saying how “there is no sprint and there needs to be a simple Dodge step” and while I still think sprinting and dodging moves could still work, what we have in the vanilla game (I’m on Ps5 cuz I had to sell my pc last year 😞) far surpassed my expectations. The hit detection, so far has been delightful and learning to use two handed weapons (with timed block of course and normal enemy A.I.) how to strafe pikemen and sword thrusts or backstep to dodge feels more statisfying then a well timed Elden ring dodge. I’ve also tried “ducking” a few times and couldn’t believe it worked out a couple times. One thing I will ask: where are the decapitations and limb removal? Too much for the game to handle? Besides jumping and using and overhead attack what (which is hardly practical except in tournaments maybe) the jump seems useless. I’d much rather have a dash (with sheild up or sword up) and a sidestep maneuver (the dodge mods ani...

What does cheat mode do?

I tried turning it on to open the console but that didn't work However I found out that I can recruit 10 of each troop is I press p Does it do anything else without any input like that? submitted by /u/TheYeetForce [link] [comments]

Troop Formations

So hold on a moment. There is a separate formation for Horse Archers from Calvary. But there isn’t a separate formation for Spearmen and Shock Troops? Because I would argue that you would want a separate formation for those from the usual infantry. Since Shock Troops don’t have shields it would be much easier to micromanage their approach to improve their survivability. Why can’t I have a shield wall engage the enemy and have my Shock troops follow me behind the shield wall? That would be an amazing tactic. Then there is the spearmen. Why can’t I have a separate formation for them so I can have them set a spear brace for Calvary approaching? There is not even a command to make them brace in the first place. Which is also frustrating that would be rather useful. This is the main reason why I will never use these units. Because of the lack of ability to properly manage them separately from other infantry units. I shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to manage a clearly different unit...

Released Prisoner Dialogue Loop

Does anybody know of a solution to this? I'm on 1.0.1 and I've never had this happen to me before and couldn't find more info on it. This happens every time I siege and take a castle or city. ​ This doesn't happen when I free prisoner lords from enemy lord parties. submitted by /u/notQreamie [link] [comments]

How come some wives give birth to more children than other wives?

I know it's not just because of the age difference because some young wives still don't give birth a lot of children. I notice in some of my games, certain wives will easily give birth to 3 to 4 children when they are young and certain wives will give birth to 1 child only when they are young. And it's not because sometimes, I don't choose the virile perk because I always choose the virile perk. submitted by /u/LordTuranian [link] [comments]

Campaign ruined? (Help)

So I’ve been playing a ton since the game has come out on console and was able to carve out a decent size of territory in sturgian lands through taking over towns seized by rebels to avoid war with the factions. I ended up doing the dragon banner quest because I didn’t really know what it was and chose to bring down the empire. Ever since doing that I’ve been working on building my kingdom even though I’m having to fight off what remains of the Sturgians as well as Vlandia who is gigantic after taking over a lot of Sturgia and Battania. Anyway I’m at constant war with either of them and can manage and grow, but then this quest Istiana’s conspiracy plan fills up and now I’m at war with all the empire plus Sturgia and Vlandia. I can fend off 2k men vs me and my part in a settlement with 6-700 but I can’t survive with the entire map minus Aserai, Battania, and Khuzaits attacking me. And worse off with the main problem is that I can’t make peace with any of the empire because of the quest...

« We waged wars until it destroyed us all »

submitted by /u/aManIsNoOneEither [link] [comments]

Reinforcements spawn all over map?

I feel like I cant have real strategy in large battles, I’ll be winning and then all my reinforcements are spawned behind enemy lines and im trying to manage battle on multiple fronts while pulling my own weight in the melee. It is impossible to properly strategize if my army is split up on the map. Im on console, any solutions to this? submitted by /u/Practical-Sand-4620 [link] [comments]

My highest smithing job, almost 100k, never had anything close to this after hours and hours of play

submitted by /u/jemahAeo [link] [comments]

Duel Servers Montage! Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord Xbox

submitted by /u/DoctaStark [link] [comments]

Roguery and heavy bandit playthroughs

So while I have been going over special/bandit units on separate posts I realize that there are some things I should probably mention to help those who may be interested in adopting that type of play style. Before going further a lot of this info is covered by HalCylion over on Youtube. Some of that information may be outdated as that was made when the game was still in beta. But I do give him all the credit for making me fall in love with this play style. I'll start off with early game and work my way up from there.This is also assuming you want a very bandit heavy army. note some steps you can skip if you don't care about starting out with only bandits. So when you create you character and given the choice of starting culture I'd almost always recomend Battania. Not only because it likely contains the best passive in the game, but it's a decent starting point. other option I'd put up for consideration is the Empire for cheaper wages. and also being in the midd...

Duel Servers Montage! Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord Xbox

submitted by /u/DoctaStark [link] [comments]

Routed troops at high morale

I have an army of 260 dudes, all high tier and after literally every battle 5 get routed even when im facing 20 guys and take no casualties i always see 5 routed guys, what is up with this is it a glitch? submitted by /u/Business_Guava_2117 [link] [comments]

Finally killed 100k Vlandian pigs

submitted by /u/BiclopsVEVO [link] [comments]

THIS IS ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE!!! 5000 Troops vs 600 Defenders

submitted by /u/Optimal-Ad-7457 [link] [comments]

Need help trying to create a custom troop tree using my little warband

I don't know how to really create a well balanced troop tree. I am using my little warband. As I am trying to create a archer and infantry troop tree with 1 line consisting of spears, the other consistent of Axes, a different line consisting of a sword and shield, I would ideally want my archers to have good equipment for their tier. I am really kind of lost using this mod don't know where to start submitted by /u/ChrisBailey145 [link] [comments]

Persistent Empires - Crafting, Battanian Armors and All weapons as list

submitted by /u/HzUzunAdam [link] [comments]

Lords and their upkeep

How much should I give to a clan? One of my companions/lord has a city, and they seem to be struggling maintaining an army and garrison. So I gave them a castle as well. But not seen any changes yet. Also, the leader of that clan is no longer the character on my army list, it now looks like its his son? So does that mean the leader is the governor of the town? Didn't know this could happen! Lol submitted by /u/Arkadian878 [link] [comments]

Should making peace still be an option accessable by talking with nobles?

I found myself talking to the great Sultan of Aserai, but he has not the power to make peace anymore.. So why do we have the option left to talk with ALL nobles about making peace when no one is able to make decisions about it? Just a blank dead chat option with no sense.. I really hope ONE DAY we will have an interesting and nice working diplomacy system! submitted by /u/Kelevrus81 [link] [comments]

Poll for mod idea; Timeline and Era

I hope that this post reach to mod creators; is it possible to create something that changes the gameplay of sandbox each timeline and era? You are the first in line with your ancestors, gameplay is more primitive like style until you die and you take control of your children but time changes and it gets more modern as it goes by. Same goes for fantasy style where magic are kinda basic and very foundation of power, limited yet raw power. Children possessing the inherited even a glimpse of powers as future generation goes by and magic, troops, politics get more indepth as time goes by. This create a refreshing take on the game. Can even create an event type apocalyptic, pandemic style for certain era. Maybe even a simple mod for multiple mods get activate/deactivate as time/year goes by (yeah bugs and stuff are probably the problem with this but this kind of mod is more focus on troubleshooting bugs to each era of mods. certain mods are only allowed or specific mod) View Poll subm...