It seems i should by day 800 have taken most of Westeros including KL. At day 700 Night King invades.
So i just wonder how i am looking so far and if you think i can reach to take some forts before 700.
Im on day 30-ish, i got around 5-7 companions including Gendry, some huge axe dude who is the son of Olaf or something and some female in dark armour who seems to rek on the field. I got decent armor and weapons, right now only around 20 in party since i disbaned like 20 when Morale was dropping like mad. I got no land and am currently merc for Robb. I got around 15 k in pocket, i have mostly just been selling fur and timber and doing coin toss bets. I seem to somehow be allied with several factions including wildlings and Nights watch.
In terms of main quests i have goten to where i gotta find and kill a white walker, but big prop is Jon left my party when i left trying to get men and money and i need like 75k for a Valyrian steel sword.
My plan now is to just focus on making money and right to rule till day 100 by fur selling and getting all companions, then take over Free Folk lands and then Essos / the other place but Westeros, since i do not want to fight the Lannisters yet and i rly like the North.
Submitted April 25, 2019 at 03:19AM by DeprezedKido69
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