So I decided that I'm doing pretty well I've got a balanced army and leading a pretty good campaign against the western empire. So it's time for me to use some influence points, make an army, and take a castle. I call three lords to me and start my besieging of Ataconia Castle. I'm hoping they'll get here before enemy forces do, were I so lucky. I'm brandishing 144 troops. Well the first fight I take is a handful of lords and troops that come out to around 350. I'm pretty sure I'll win but I'm expecting some heavy losses. 3 dead 2 injuried hell yeah. I'm flying pretty high when an army of about 250 rolls in 0 losses. Now my reinforcements arrive and we're sitting at 500ish and another enemy army rolls in just before my siege camp is done. Again win with almost no loses. I would like to point out at this point out kingdom has almost double the strength of the western empire and I've captured almost half their lords during this single siege. I'm about to hit the button to lay waste to this castle. Bam Derthert has made peace with western empire against his counsel. What made it worse was this yellow bellied coward made our kingdom pay the western empire for the peace. So long story short almost single handedly kicking western empires ass when our king wave the white flag.
Submitted January 26, 2021 at 06:09PM by sparkysshadow
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