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Showing posts from December, 2021

Looking for advice on troops for a infantry only army (

Like the title said I’m looking at building a foot soldier only army and don’t know what are the best troops for what roles……….but those Fian Champions go hard af but lack the vibe I want and that is a solid melee unit(s) and some archers to rain hell down submitted by /u/Short_Shoe_122 [link] [comments]

Culture or skill

When you choose a governor for a castle or city, do which do you choose from the above? I believe having governors of the same culture helps with loyalty, but finding one that also has good steward skill needed for governing seems like a needle in a haystack. submitted by /u/Cockanarchy [link] [comments]

Diplomacy mod breaking mercenary function?

Hi, I'm only 100 hrs into Bannerlord so learning everything on the go. Just figured out how to install mods so that was great. But I only want the Vanilla experience and a few essential fixes so currently I only have 2 mods installed: Diplomacy & True Prisoners I installed the Diplomacy mod soon after I broke away from Aserai as a Vassal and created my own kingdom, so it's literally a brand new experience for me to run a kingdom. But I really needed to hire mercenaries, so the messenger feature really helped me to track down all the minor clan heads and try and talk them into working for me. However, I am running into a few bugs(?): Some clans will not give me an option to hire as mercenary, even if they are not currently hired by anyone else. It's not the "You don't seem trustworthy", it's literally not there. Some clans that's already hired by me, will literally defect and be hired by another Kingdom later the same day. I don't ...

It appears that my Unquid lives in a society...

submitted by /u/DenisBellamont [link] [comments]

Kingdoms of Arda 2020, 2021 and what to expect in 2022

submitted by /u/Magical_Gollum [link] [comments]

HUD disabled

Hi guys. So I am playing on 1.6.2 and wanted to record some footage on bannerlord I have the RTS camera mod installed but I don't know how to turn off the Hud so I can film? I want everything off the health of my player and the icons on top of the soldiers heads I don't know if there's is a way to do this or a mod. Thanks in advance submitted by /u/Dovakin911 [link] [comments]

New player. Not sure what to do now that I'm a vassal.

I bought the game a couple days ago and have no idea what I'm doing. I'm currently Clan 2, started with the Empire and declared allegiance to the Southern Empress after I became a vassal. I had a decent business going on killing looters and barbarians and getting some gear through the arena, but I didn't realize I could make a lot more when my liege was at war. I ended up getting a decent chunk of money from a war with the Western and Northern Empire factions. Currently I'm still Clan 2 with a band of about 80 troops. I'm trying to get a castle and I assume that I get this by getting 200 influence (?). I'm completely lost as to what my next step is. I get influence at a very slow rate, I rarely find battles I can legitimately fight in during a war due to the small size of my army, and I'm just wandering around my liege's empire aimlessly looking for arena fights and good market deals right now. Any tips on what I could potentially be doing in this g...

Anyone know how to switch character? I ran into a bug.

After joining a battle, I ended up dying and was spectating one of my soldiers so I just decided to reload a save because I couldn't be bothered waiting. However, when I reloaded this save I was no longer playing as the character I created, but instead who I can only assume to be the soldier I started spectating when I died in the battle. If I try to reload to further previous saves, it still happens. So I ask, is there a way to switch characters back to the original character I created? submitted by /u/Maxsuragi [link] [comments]

Coming back after a year, is smithing fixed ?

I am thinking about restarting a campaign after seeing the 1.7.0 beta patch note and I was wondering : Back in the day, when you smithed any weapon then smelted it, this weapon in particular would reappear then be sold by some random merchant in a random city, flooding the market with all the stuff you smithed. Does this bug still exist ? submitted by /u/RoutineOk4026 [link] [comments]

Help needed with the version of the game.

Hi, I've just finished the Bannerlord campaign and I wanted to start installing a couple of mods but I'm having some compatibility problems between my version of the game and the mods and the game crash all the time. The mods that I'm most interested in are Freelancer - Eagle Rising - Dismemberments and so far I've installed version 1.6.5 of the game, is there any version of the game that is more geared towards mods? If yes, which one should I install and how? I'm using Steam. Thanks to everyone who will answer. submitted by /u/Cerozz_ [link] [comments]

Appraiser perk(first trade perk) works for horses

I was planning to play as a nomadic trader where I trade a lot. I leveled my trading skill to 25 and was about to pick trade good boost since most of guides if you are merchant pick and sell horses and other goods, else pick other if you gonna go to war and sell equipment. then I stopped thinking "I can equip horses... does that make them equipment?" and I tried... horses that I was selling for 95 are now selling for 96 I don't know if I am being oblivious, dumb or someting but I had a mini shock when I realized this so wanted to share :D submitted by /u/Kuraetor [link] [comments]

Help needed with version of the game

Hi, I've just finished the Bannerlord campaign and I wanted to start installing a couple of mods but I'm having some compatibility problems between my version of the game and the mods. The mods that I'm most interested in are Freelancer - Eagle Rising - Dismemberments and so far I've installed version 1.6.5 of the game, is there any version of the game that is more geared towards mods? If yes, which one should I install and how? I'm using Steam. Thanks to everyone who will answer. submitted by /u/Cerozz_ [link] [comments]

Most/ Least Favorite to Attack

What’s your most and least favorite faction to attack? Personally I’ve been at war with the Khanate for probably a year straight in game. All the cavalry makes battles take twice as long to catch people , pain in the ass. I love going against the Vaegirs or the Sultanate, well rounded armies make fun battles . submitted by /u/Brolaire88 [link] [comments]

Cant Launch Bannerlord

So I wanted to play Bannerlord after like half a years break, but when I opened the launcher and launched the game, it won’t launch. I have no mods BTW. I checked task manager and it’s still running taking my cpu but after waiting 20 min, nothing happened. I already reinstalled and verified integrity of game files. I’m on the latest stable version (E1.65 I think). submitted by /u/J1liuRHMS [link] [comments]

1.7 armies at war keep doing nothing

Hi. So I got back into the game with the 1.7 beta and so much has changed since release. I'm having a great time as a smith/vassal from Vlandia but we are at war with Sturgia for a long time, like 3 months, and the armies don't do anything. They keep forming and depleting. In the meantine, they walk from villages to villages without ever sieging or attacking. It's pretty boring. Does it do it for you too ? submitted by /u/Silly-French [link] [comments]

What version should I play on?

Just got Bannerlord because Warband was a lot of fun. However, I've been finding it hard to mod the game. I keep on crashing. I have a few questions. What version is the best for modding? There seems to be many versions, and not all mods are compatible with the current one (1.6.5) What mods should I have for a playthrough? I don't want to play the game vanilla since it's going to get stale, unlike if I play it with mods. Does the version matter? What do they even add? Is there a limit to how many mods you should have? Out of my 4 hours of playtime, 3 hours were probably spent testing mods. submitted by /u/Snoo_58191 [link] [comments]

To kill or not to kill

I am not sure is it worth to execute all lord prisoners ? As I see, less enemy lords means less enemy armies. Although as a penalty I only gets some disrespect from their faction and siblings, but anyway I wouldn't join enemies so I can ignore that. On the other hand for setting prisoners free I got only a bunch of gold ~2000-6000 coins or some relations improvement. So do you kill your imprisoned lords or mercenaries or let them go, and why? submitted by /u/Legitimate-Parking69 [link] [comments]

Playthrough Challenge (more action, less bore)

So! There is a way I have started playing Bannerlord lately to avoid the horrors of being a mercinary at peacetime and trying to farm renown from looters and quests. DISCLAIMER: I have no idea if this is already a common strat or playthrough. I see a lot of posts that complain about the game being slow or boring during peacetimes. So this is my way around it. Rules: 1. Fight smart: Difficulty set to realistic player damage, the rest is at your own discretion. The Survivalist: The only equipment you can wear are items you loot, win, or craft. (With the exception of horse armour, bows and arrows). This means you cant just throw your favourite armour or weapon on when you have the money, you must earn it! No buying from shops. Violent independence: You may not become a vassal or a mercenary. You must pick a faction, go into their territory and wage war ALONE (but with your party). If you need food, raid a caravan, if you need more men, recruit from prisoners. You must stay in ene...

Best warband quotes part 2

So alot of people last time didn't know some quotes existed so I'm gonna improve this time, and I had to really skim the text down. reddits a twat View Poll Submitted December 29, 2021 at 03:54AM by long-shlong-badong

What happened to the developer that made Renaissance, 1257 AD Dark Ages, and Age of Sparta?

Got a new computer set up and went to reinstall some mods for Warband and saw that the mod 1257 AD was wiped clean from Moddb, then checked workshop and Nexus. Went to see if any of their other mods were around but they’re apparently gone too. Does anyone know what happened? Submitted December 29, 2021 at 01:31AM by bigneckgang

HELP. Brothers wife stuck in purgatory

So, my brother nogands wife Liena is currently stuck in marunath “holding”. She is neither in the keep or the tavern, and I NEED to acquire her for governor/army purposes because she’s a GOAT. Any tips? I can’t create a party for her or assign her as a governor :( submitted by /u/Kraken121819 [link] [comments]

Being declared war upon on all sides.

Title. Just got the game a week ago, and I'm playing with the Southern Empire and with hours poured in, my personally-led armies expanded the borders of our empire and reduced the North and South to a few towns and castles. Now it's mid-late game and everyone's declaring war on us (save for Battania). Whenever we find a period of peace, the lords decide to disturb the long peace between us and some other faction we haven't had war with in a year or so. Sturgia, Aserai, Khuzait, North and West have declared war on us in rotation. Now Vlandia just joined in. I check diplomacy, 0% support in making peace. I love the game but this is just absurd. I want to conquer Calradia in a clean playthrough but I'm really tempted to just use cheats to knock out some enemies, or maybe to just kill Rhagaea and take over. I'll definitely look for some mods in my next playthrough. submitted by /u/KnightOfArsford [link] [comments]

A quick question(that surely is not a bait despite how ''obvious'' it looks) to veterans of this game.

Whats the point of cavalries and orchestrating a charge, if a random looter with a branch with 30 reach he just took of from the tree he was dozing underneath a while ago, can hit ME before my supposedly ''200 reach lance'' can hit any single one of them? It doesnt even knock them down. Might as well delete the horses from the game because they dont feel like the towering bastions of field warfare that they were way back when, at all. Money is not a problem for me, luckily, but holy hell, if this 40 bucks is not one of the worst wastes i have ever experienced in my life. Note to self: Do NOT buy games that has been in development for 10 years and then it still gets published as ''early access''. Red flags all over, i know. submitted by /u/Glacial_cry [link] [comments]

Im about to lose my mind, somebody please help me.

So im in no way a tech-genius or anything resembling one. But i think i've watched all the videos on youtube explaining how you mod the game, AND I STILL CANT GET THE MODS TO WORK. Im not even running any big mods either.. Currently im ONLY trying to run Vlandian Armory ( This one ), a simple color enabler for banners ( This one ), Bannerpeasants ( This one , the 30 soldiers per 1 banner), Improved Garrisons ( This one ), and Harmony ( This one ).... Please tell me what im doing wrong? I've unblocked the DLL files wherever i can find them, i've made sure that the mods arent taking each other out, but most of the time none of them show up when i start the game? The other half of the time i cant even start the game without it crashing. Please, sombody help me out here. Submitted December 28, 2021 at 06:26AM by Braggibo

Only 3 lords voting who should get captured fief

In my last run (1.0.7, Battanian) 4th time after capturing new fief only 3 persons (including me) are voting - I can vote for myself then everyone gets 33% or chose one of other guys. Is this normal? In every run before other lords were joining voting (at least for lowest level of support). We (Battania) have a lot of alive clans. submitted by /u/StahSchek [link] [comments]

When making a banner for your clan makes you laugh

submitted by /u/shadowmarine0311 [link] [comments]

Finally reached 300 Smithing!

submitted by /u/ronronaldrickricky [link] [comments]

What is the difference between the current version of Bannerlord vs Warband?

Recently, I'm having thoughts about buying Bannerlord this Winter Sale. I did my own little research about it and it seems to have better graphics, gameplay, sieges, etc. However, I'm still hesitating because of its price which is about 1,440 pesos (28.62 USD). Compared to Warband which is about 148 pesos (2.94 USD), it's a giant leap of price for me. I currently own Warband and I do enjoy the sandbox experience. Together with the land management, the raiding/battles, and political stuff (I mean you do quests for them for relationship points so I guess that counts). So title says it, what is the difference between the current version of Bannerlord vs Warband. More specifically, does it have such significant change yet that it's going to be worth the price? Should I wait it out until full release? Thanks! submitted by /u/frodz23 [link] [comments]

"Don't look directly at the bugs"

submitted by /u/Dhooker10 [link] [comments]

1v1 Custom Battles for multiplayer

Id really like to see 1v1 custom battles for multiplayer. Yourself and another player both control their own individual AI armies and should be able to command them just like custom battles in single player. If they kept the setup identical it would create a completely different aspect of the game that I feel is a big missed opportunity/market. Would you like to see this mode in multiplayer? View Poll submitted by /u/king-cajun [link] [comments]

Game keeps crashing

I don't have any mods installed just playing the vanilla game and Bannerlord keeps crashing on me. It says "Application crashed because a fatal error occurred while reading a file" Common cause of this is a corrupted game file. -File: ../..Modules/Native/AssetPackage/pack_4.tpac -Error : Decompressing failure Ive already deleted all my save game data and uninstalled then reinstalled the game. Is there anything else I can do? submitted by /u/Charismatic_engine [link] [comments]

Did TW gave modders full support yet?

Hello, I havent played this in months and I'm not very up-to-date regarding this but did TW finally gave modders all the tools they need in order to make total conversion mods? I remember there was an open letter made by several well established modders requesting for full modding support and TW actively refused because those tools are internal or something like that. Are there any news regarding this? Will we ever see total conversion mods? submitted by /u/LukasBroskie [link] [comments]

What Do I do? I don’t have the Create a Kindom button on my clan page. Is it still bugged?

submitted by /u/Epik_P [link] [comments]

Single and ready to mingle.

submitted by /u/ClubComedy3 [link] [comments]

The Southern Empire

Why is it so "scuffed", the wars are always unsuccessful. Armies roam around without a purpose and only defend territory deep in our land, no advances are ever made. Oh and to top it all off the army generals will somehow bleed troops without any good reason even if we have the advantage of 3:1.Please end my suffering :))))))))) submitted by /u/RomanZuk [link] [comments]

"We totally fixed the ladders lol"

submitted by /u/wizard_brandon [link] [comments]

New Player: Battanian or Vlandian, Smithing

I got into Warband recently, and just bought Bannerlord. I got the idea to play a male character this time, since apparently being a woman isn’t a way to marry into a castle anymore like it was in Warband. Is that true? Also, I had the idea to go with a character who uses smithing (and is the son of a town smith and worked there as an adolescent, giving me two bars of smithing from the start). Is that useful, or is it better to put those points into combat? I like the idea of being a crafter, and I know that there’s money to be made there, but not whether the initial investment is worth it. Also, I’ve heard that it’s really important to get stewardship, leadership, and tactics up. Is it better to take skill points in those at character creation, because they’re harder to grind, or is it better to focus on combat skills in character creation, to get you through the early game? Finally, culture. I like how Vlandians look more, and the bonus to mercenary income seems pretty nice, but ...


I have not played BannerLord in about 5 months. Decided it was time to play again. Opened stream up. Not only does it say that I have played 40 hrs in the last 2 weeks, but my game is uninstalled. I literally opened it about 3 days ago just to make sure the beta downloaded properly which it did. Anyone ever heard of anything like this?! submitted by /u/Bracown [link] [comments]

Let's just move to Vlandia...

submitted by /u/SirSmokeALot4200 [link] [comments]

Let's just move to Vlandia...

submitted by /u/SirSmokeALot4200 [link] [comments]

Bannerpage: Can't Get Companion Back After Defeat

So I lost a battle against a bandit-esque group (Routiers or something, I think), and a bunch of my companions got scattered. I tracked them all down by using the Traveller to tell me where they were---all of them except Baheshtur. He doesn't show up on the list of companions I can look for, and asking the ransom broker if I can ransom a companion yields a result that's as if I don't have anyone missing. I've cheat-teleported to every city and looked in all the taverns, and I can't find him. Has this ever happened to anyone before? Is there a fix? Can I summon Baheshtur with a cheat, somehow? I'm playing a horse archer who heavily relies on companions, so having the horse archer companion is critical to my success in this playthrough. Submitted December 25, 2021 at 11:44PM by Voronov1

Sassanian (Eranshahr) Imperial Banner, the Derafsh Kaviani

submitted by /u/TheCoolPersian [link] [comments]

bruh wtf I have to pay my wife a wage!?

submitted by /u/Napolino1 [link] [comments]

Is it just me who thinks that the battle troop manager really sucks? I'm trying to make a menavliaton only unit but it keeps putting recruits and units that don't have polearms in it. The old way was much easier and better.

submitted by /u/Napolino1 [link] [comments]

Realistic Battles Mod anyone?

submitted by /u/varysbaldy [link] [comments]

Newbie question: How do I build an army?

My army got wiped by the Aserai while sieging with Rhagaea and now I see her running around with another 300 man army while I barely could get 40 low level troops from the villages. I saw in a video I shouldnt take out troops from the garrison but even if i did they have just a few of the troops I like (horse archers and cav). Am I missing some way to recruit troops or is it by design that you have to have peasants for 3 weeks between every big fight? submitted by /u/gaxit [link] [comments]

Prisoner Glitch

For Lower tier prisoners when you take them just click shuffle them (single clicks) back and forth from left to right and they will all become recruitable just keep clicking them back and forth and keep the recruitable ones on the right of the screen so far it has worked for me for every troop except Imperial Elite Cataphracts can’t get the top tier of each unit tree to work but everything else works, I’m on 1.7 vanilla submitted by /u/jbnett [link] [comments]

What music is this?

Help me kinsmen, I'm trying to find the masterpiece that played during my character creation on singleplayer campaign mode (I'm new btw). I couldn't find it on the internet, maybe you know the name? submitted by /u/Aldarir [link] [comments]

Smithing HELP!

I've just gotten into smithing. How do I know my weapon will sell for more? Is it okay to assume that the more resources I put into it it'll sell for more? Thanks. submitted by /u/Environmental-Eye658 [link] [comments]

Rogue playthrough has breathed new life into this for me

Recently watched Strat's roguery skill guide and decided to give it a try using his suggestion of crossbow early on etc. ​ ​ Absolutely loving it, early on was pretty rough but interesting. Getting up a group of 8 or so Sea Raiders and suddenly things started taking shape. Worth a shot if you've always gone the traditional smithing/trading route. It's easy enough to get up a few workshops and then start snowballing once the skills kick in. submitted by /u/Raumarik [link] [comments]

War Council meeting

​ Scenes in castles like this make me desperately want some kind of war council mechanic - were you can meet and discuss the priorities of the next (or current war) with other lords. Submitted December 25, 2021 at 02:25AM by mfilitov

Can’t Create a Kingdom? (Sandbox Mode)

Been a vassal of the battanians and have been clan level 4 for a while. Decided to leave the kingdom (from the kingdom screen) and chose to keep my fiefs. However, afterwards the kingdom tab is greyed out, and I see no option to create a kingdom on my clan page. With a level 4 clan, multiple fiefs, and 4 parties with hundreds of troops, why can’t I create a kingdom? submitted by /u/Elundh [link] [comments]

Spear rant.

TLDR Included at bottom. I long for the day I don't have to use mods to make spears great again in Bannerlord. The developer choice to lock them into the momentum system in a way that makes them useless except for a lot of finagling and dragging, or only on horseback, is baffling. Too many people still suffer from the delusion that spears are second-class weapons to "REAL" weapons like the sword, the fantasy version of two-handed axes, "greatswords," and the like. Spears are second fiddle to nothing. They aren't the king of the battlefield. They are THE GOD of the battlefield. The backbone of armies, the bane of best laid plans. They hit like freight trains, are nimble and quick, and in the hands of a skilled fencer are superior to nearly any other match up 1v1. Used by the most common man and the most noble men of high dynasties. Respect their authority and power dammit. Tldr: Spears fucking rock. Not peasant weapons. Quit making them suck in vidya gam...

My biggest siege battle yet

Jaime Lannister led his 5.7k army to take the bloody gate, but little he had known this is not ordinary castle. this is bloody gate. ​ Westerland vs The North(Trial of seven kingdoms mod) submitted by /u/CaptBarras [link] [comments]

Rarely mentioned but still very helpful tips and tricks for Calradian conquest in Bannerlord

After a couple hundreds of hours burnt in Bannerlord, I feel like I've managed to gather a certain list of tips and tricks that are not really mentioned all that often but still can be very useful in your playthrough and can help you fight through the sheer tedium that is Calradian conquest. In no particular order: ​ Never auto-resolve sieges as the attacker. Don't even think about it, not even when you outnumber defenders 3 to 1. Autoresolved sieges are hilariously in favor of the defenders: even if you start personally and do nothing for 15 minutes straight - your troops will still do a much better job and suffer far fewer casualties. It almost feels like auto-resolve models 1.6.5 sieges lmao. Therefore... Always auto-resolve sieges as the defender. The odds are strongly in your favor. Personally, I've seen auto-resolve winning 200 vs 750 sieges for me - something that's almost impossible to pull off in the 1.7.0 patch. Don't count on allied AI capturing t...

Unbreakable bromance?

Okay, so I think I have a big problem. So I have conquered most of the continent for King Ragnar. All we have left to conquer is one city and one Castle that belong to the Rhodoks. The only issue is, king Ragnar and I are the only ones left in the kingdom of the Nords. Apparently every other Lord in the entire Kingdom committed treason and left Calradia. The Rhodoks have a total of 1 King and 3 Lord's. All three Lords are in my dungeon in Uxkahl. I mean I guess starting my own kingdom of going to be that much easier. But is it normal for it just to be me and king Ragnar ruling over all of but one city and one Castle? Ultimate Bromance I suppose Submitted December 24, 2021 at 12:38AM by Awkward_Inspector_53

Something off my chest

I got bannerlord about a week ago and I’ve been absolutely loving it, so I talk to some of my friends who also had it and recommended me a bunch of mods such as realistic battle mod, cut through everything mod, training fields mod, dismemberment, horse charges etc etc. what frustrates me is I downloaded all those mods plus MCM, harmony, Modlib and so on and so forth. But after downloading every single mod and the required mods that needed to go with (which is fucking ridiculous) it completely crashes and breaks my game and I literally had to do a factory reset of the game (thankfully saving my game file folder) so now I’m just playing the base game again albeit with the cheat mode activated to give it some what of a fun experience, it’s just unfortunate because all those M&B mods looked absolutely amazing. submitted by /u/DiabloBratz [link] [comments]

Split Units

Hello, are we able to split units into smaller units? For example, 100 infantry units were divided into 2 units. Is there such a thing? Any mods that do this? Thank you submitted by /u/vdionel [link] [comments]

Guys I am so happy I bought Bannerlord for 1 dollar from a Chinese site! Can anyone tell me how to unlock the 3D mode, I couldn't find it in the options :(

submitted by /u/illig_khan [link] [comments]

How to get the castle while in faction

So, ive raided the castle, took it by only clan forces but i still lose it to AI BS voting. Is there a way in which i can actually get it so its not taken by some AI. There is so much wrong with this game and so far i feel like ive wasted money on a game. Submitted December 23, 2021 at 09:16AM by Lodka132

Any updated guides on building a kingdom + suggested mods?

Thinking about jumping back in. I'm looking for: (1) new guides for getting your first kingdom started (2) favorite mods I don't mod too heavily, because I don't like updating everytime there's a patch and the mod breaks, BUT if there is a mod for dealing with bandit camps , I'd love to know about it. submitted by /u/BadAssPatriot [link] [comments]

Love the snow in this game...

submitted by /u/jezuztheone [link] [comments]

Cool mist/fog lighting?

I keep noticing in youtube videos and other people's streams this misty fog effect in battlefields that make the game look a lot better, but I'm finding no setting for it. All my graphics are at max, while I'm hoping it's something simple and obvious I'm also kind of not because I don't want to be dumb. submitted by /u/lil_freed [link] [comments]

Do mods spoil your game?

I always find myself installing a few quality of life mods. I then find the grind too much, so i install a mod that increases my xp. I tell myself it's just cutting out unnecessary grind. I install cut through mods, which undoubtedly gives me a combat advantage because i can cut through three enemies at once. I love these mods. But when i get to the mid game and i have lots of money and renown, i feel like i never earned it because of these mods! How do you guys play? Vanilla? Or do mods like the ones i've mentioned sit well with you? I was thinking about starting a fully vanilla game, but the time it takes to grind without mods puts me off. submitted by /u/SamLauder93 [link] [comments]

When the Enemy Team Works Together!

submitted by /u/theothedogg [link] [comments]

Mount and blade bannerlord

hi guys, i was going to create my own kingdom in bannerlord. i did all the required quests. but in the clan window, there is no create kingdom button!!!! WTF. i cannot find it anywhere. what should i do? submitted by /u/InvestmentLazy3165 [link] [comments]

Does marriage make AI less likely to attack you?

I am an Imperial mercenary band that served to Vlandians for promise of glory. Right now I got multiple workshops and great army with lots of money made with them. Planning to leave it to join an imperial court to take over other imperial lands. My kingdom level is 3 but got great companions. I had a question:Does marriage with king's daughter or relative mean anything when I leave the kingdom. Like does he attack me if we got marriage between if I form my own kingdom? I am planning to find my own kingdom far away from him but still I wanted to know submitted by /u/Kuraetor [link] [comments]

Coming back to the game. What mods should I download?

Hello guys I Played a lot of bannerlord at the release and then dropping, mostly cos the mods I liked didnt keep up with the patches. I like to have more difficult in the game, I played some vanilla and after 3-4 battles I have already elite units. I liked a lot of the mods that changed the troop trees or added more. Wich mods do you think I should download? My "requests" are : increasing difficulty, balancing troops + more troops, more armors and weapons. Thanks everyone submitted by /u/Il_GranMaestro [link] [comments]

I think I've found my favorite weapon

submitted by /u/HGMIV926 [link] [comments]

I'm having crashing issues on startup on 1.6.5. Any ideas of what to do?

submitted by /u/GrahamTelevision [link] [comments]

Can I support myself by giving myself the Dragon Banner? I somehow became Emperor before continuing this quest.

submitted by /u/Xavier-Constantine [link] [comments]

Two characters randomly blinking, I'd never noticed this before - or perhaps they don't approve of the night battle?

submitted by /u/jaffster123 [link] [comments]

e1.7.0 Siege Defender AI (immediately disobey their starting orders, did I miss something?)

submitted by /u/GIJogie [link] [comments]

CTD when loading battle?

All of the sudden I have started getting CTD's when loading a new battle. I'm a few hours into a campaign. Any thoughts or suggestions? Playing on 1.7... I will likely revert to the stable build to see if that works. Thanks! The CTD happens after I have chosen to engage in battle. It does not seem to happen for interior town scenes, although I did get one CTD when in the middle of smithing. The battle initiation CTD's happen 100% of the time (all of the sudden, several hours in). submitted by /u/That_Basic_Land [link] [comments]

After you successfully destroying a kingdom you can get all of their property at once

submitted by /u/TailorNormal [link] [comments]

Trading Mnemonic

My brain is prone to mnemonic device creation. They're typically senseless and slightly vulgar, but they're a lot easier to remember than a list. For trading, I enjoy setting the settlements numbers yellow when I'm selling, and either yellow or light green when buying. I only worry about my inventory's colors when I'm approaching capacity. Because I don't want to miss out on selling to a town missing a particular good, while I'm going down their list buying and selling, I... Sort by name. Beer-butter-cheese-clay-COW (this rolls off the brain) Date a fish with flaxen fur . Put grain on your grapes, and slap your hard wood on the hide of a hog. I like girls in Iron Jewelry and leather linens , they make my meat need oil . Rome was famous for Olives and Pottery. Stand RSS watch like a sheep. (Raw Silk, Salt) Silver tools are opulent, like velvet, wine, and wool. So if you want the easier-mode trader experience, you can go down their list...

Best way to capture a fief when creating your own Kingdom?

Originally joined the Sturgians to get levelled up and participate in wars, for the sake of progress. I’ve now left the Sturgian Kingdom and want to capture a castle to make my own kingdom. Every time I start to siege a castle, a 600 man death-stack walks round the corner to attack me. Any tips on capturing your first castle? submitted by /u/652684010101 [link] [comments]

Mod Monday

Welcome to Mod Monday! In the comments of this post, a list of mods that have been created or updated in the past week can be found. This list is currently restricted to just those posted on Nexus Mods, but we plan to expand this to include other websites (such as ModDB) and the Steam workshop as well. This week there are 15 new mods that have been published and 85 mods have been updated. If you have created or updated a mod, note that you do not need to ask us to include it in the list, it is automatically compiled. If you published your mod on Nexus in the past week and can't find it here however, contact /u/MitchPTI and he'll have a look into why that might be. submitted by /u/MB2BannerBot [link] [comments]

AI not recruiting bug?

Has anyone else encountered a bug where AI lords don't recruit enough and up to a certain point they just go to a village, look like they're recruiting (standing still for a while) but no recruits are added to their party? I'm pretty sure they're attempting to recruit because they only do this behavior if they're doing something in a fief. Also, I'm running a few mods and one of them increases the party size of you and AI lords. Since they're not able to recruit enough, they're always below the 40% threshold to form an army. I know my mod list is fine because when I start a new game, I don't have this issue and I see lords recruiting a lot. I'm just wondering if anyone else has encountered this bug especially in vanilla so I'll know if I can possibly fix this or just start a new playthrough. submitted by /u/gabagool13 [link] [comments]

I love having two castles on the frontline of Derthert's war against every single faction

submitted by /u/LordAdmiralPickle [link] [comments]

I need help

I can't figure out if the vikings DLC in on Xbox but I really want a boat so I'm asking you guys, I scrolled through the wiki but couldn't find anything regarding to whether it's on Xbox or not but I prolly didn't see it since I'm basically blind and am really tired. submitted by /u/P333333N122222222 [link] [comments]

Those bandits sure hit the jackpot

submitted by /u/Aederys [link] [comments]

Companions death. Death roll damage threshold.

Hero death is cool stuff I think. But sometimes it can be very annoying when your fully heavy armor companion decided to die from looters rock. I understand there are examples in real life when peasant with bow/crossbow killed nobel or etc. But on real life combats didn't happened every 2 - 3 min. From my perspective damage threshold for death roll would be a nice feature. You got ballista bolt in you chest or you tanked charged spear with your head - sounds like a nice situations for death roll. But looters rock with 1 - 3 dmg, please... What do you think? submitted by /u/e_catch [link] [comments]

cant launch bannerolord

Always when i launch it says "this application faced a problem. We need to collect necessary files to fix this problem. Would you like to send these files now?" ​ Earlier it hasnt had any problem launching, but now it just wont launch. I dont have any mods on Submitted December 19, 2021 at 09:16AM by cattogamer

Battling the khuzaits will always be a struggle. What a battle this was though

submitted by /u/Monsterarabc0ck [link] [comments]

Rip Ghuzid

submitted by /u/GetKhumDhan69 [link] [comments]

Bought this game on steam after playing on ps4 for years but have no idea where to go now

Spent so long playing on ps4 and having a good time then I get on pc and I got no idea what to do now, I dont wanna do another vanilla game because I've done that before a million times and most mods dont interest me because of the lack of things to do, the most enjoyable one I've found is between empires. What should I do now? Submitted December 19, 2021 at 05:14AM by YellwApe


submitted by /u/BannerlordPlays [link] [comments]

Missing perks

Getting perk notifications but when I click on the character icon, I don’t have any perks. Is this a bug or am I missing something? Thanks for any help. submitted by /u/Cockanarchy [link] [comments]

King is at war with everyone, all enterprises are under sequestration..any way to solve this

Hey guys, Playing warband for the first time and really enjoying it so far. I've encountered an issue however, I have a mercenary contract with the Swadian King and have a high rating with the faction but the kings is at war with everyone except the Khanate , out of my five enterprises 4 are under sequestration so I don't have any money coming in, I won't be able to pay my troops after like a month at this rate. Any idea what to do? If I cancel my oath to Swadia will everyone be cool again ? Don't have any fiefs or anything yet Submitted December 19, 2021 at 03:41AM by Wolfzard45

Couldn't verify some or all of the code yadda yadda yadda.

First of all if there's another subreddit dedicated to modding Bannerlord so I don't have to contribute to clogging up this place with modding questions, I'd be happy to go there instead. I've already checked that the mods I'm using are updated for 1.6.5 (Realistic Battle Mod, ModLib, ButterLib and Harmony), made sure they're in the correct order (Harmony, ButterLib, Native Modules, ModLib, Realistic Battle Mod) and installed the DLL unlocker, extracted it in the Bannerlord Modules folder and ran it like 6 times. What am I missing here? submitted by /u/HammerOfTyr [link] [comments]

So my infantry would just not fill the space between them. I checked and there is no mounted companion in the infantry line so anyone knows how I could make them make a line rather than being scattered like this ? My OCD is kicking my arse right now..

submitted by /u/Sagarrius [link] [comments]

Been stuck here over 30minutes, its the inn and out quest and im 1 step away to win, and the game host decided not to move! The game still going, music playing, the how to play and forfeit is still working but the host NOT!! WUT!?!?

submitted by /u/Ring_Master-j [link] [comments]

1.7.0. Distant Structures in the Background of Battles

I could see Danustica in the background on the 1.7.0. patch while chasing rebels from Husn Fulq. Danustica is visible in the upper center while crushing rebels. submitted by /u/The_Man_Insane [link] [comments]