I swear I cannot advance as a vassal. I'll play as a merc for a long time, build up some good money, a seasoned/upgraded army, and then when I'm ready, I'll join as a vassal. Usually, the first castle the faction conquers (after I join), they'll give to me, assuming because I'm the only vassal without any fiefs. But almost the instant they do so, the enemy pretty much b-lines it, without fail, without exception, like clockwork every single time. The instant I receive any land, I know for a fact that a huge army is about to show up to take it. I can never keep a castle for longer than like 2 weeks before an enemy army of like 900-1200 shows up to sack it, and my own faction is suddenly no where to be found and does absolutely nothing to try and help me defend it. So they sack it, I lose it, my faction later takes another castle, gives that one to me (since I'm the only vassal without any fiefs), but... like clockwork... the enemy b-lines it and sacks it. Rinse ...