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Showing posts from February, 2025

Vlandian Villages

For me they sound more French than English villages, can you guys tell me if I am thinking right or I am wrong. submitted by /u/Waste_Sheepherder226 [link] [comments]

Congratulations on ruining my family's generational wealth and making us very poor.

submitted by /u/TheyCallMeOso [link] [comments]

Vlandian Superiority Complex.

I have a question for the class, accompanied by a story of my most recent playthrough. I decided to get as far as possible in the game being 120% committed to a single culture. I decided on valandians because I feel they don't have a weak point. Their calvary is my favorite in the game, infantry can usually hold their own against anyone, and if positions correctly sharpshooters are superior to everyone but Fian Champions. I only garrison my Fiefs with Vlandian soldiers. And I am sworn to the Vlandian kingdom. At this point I have what I consider to be unraidable 1 town and 4 castles. All have very good if not maxed out buildings, and over 600 garrison+militia most of which are sharpshooters that destroy raider before they ever reach a wall. And have climbed to over 400 influence points while using them generously to vote. The Vlandians own approximately 30% of the map at this point and we usually end every war with the enemy paying us out. I run around with 250 of the highest qua...

"+%15 damage against shields by troops in your formation." Does this perk work on horse archers' bow as well?

submitted by /u/antiitperest [link] [comments]

Me explaining to my boy F1+F3 is all he needs for success.

submitted by /u/GusGangViking18 [link] [comments]

I'm on console. Should I try warband

You can surmise mods are out of the question. I've seen over the years a lot of you are upset about what bannerlord could have been, but I think it's been a little easier on me because I have no frame of reference. Didn't keep up with development and didn't play the previous one. What the game is now is all I've ever known. That said, should I try Warband for a more fleshed out experience? I'm not sure how it compares. submitted by /u/Background_Value9869 [link] [comments]

Need help with this battle, been stuck on it for a while. Any tips at all would be appreciated. submitted by /u/SussySilas [link] [comments]


Beating sturgia on there turf submitted by /u/DryComfortable3562 [link] [comments]

Starting a new Kingdom based on the Vaegirs

I'm about go start a new game in Bannerlord and form the Vaegir kingdom. What units should I use that bests mirrors the underrated warband faction, and best roleplay the former Vaegir Guard that the Empire was used? submitted by /u/KxSmarion [link] [comments]

Did yall know you can turn mercenaries into vassals? I didn’t

I just tried hiring him to my kingdom when he was my prisoner but he pulled up the dialogue to join my kingdom instead of just being hired. This happen to anybody else? submitted by /u/brighamthebeast [link] [comments]

Me looking at the lords of my realm when I make a bad investment:

submitted by /u/GusGangViking18 [link] [comments]

We must hold the stream

Some screenshots I thought were pretty cool. Third one is a separate battle, but the first two are before and after shots submitted by /u/eggwizard69 [link] [comments]

I need help making a preset (well, technically need someone to do it for me)

submitted by /u/TheLordOfMiddleEarth [link] [comments]

Just Finished My Mighty Conquest

Sorry for the shitty picture (on console) but I just finished my conquest of Calradia. No mods, no scumming. Led the Southern Empire because I really like the Southern Empire. Only took me two generations but I completely wiped every faction off of the map after hundreds of sieges and battles. At one point we were down and reduced to two towns and a few castles. I’ll start a new save soon, I’ve just been looking forward to this for a while now. submitted by /u/Top-Newspaper7528 [link] [comments]

This is for anyone needing fine steel

So I’ve googled and done everything I can but for some reason nobody is answering my much needed question fully: which weapons give you fine steel early on? So far I’ve found a couple. So for anyone who’s desperate to find a way to get some fine steel early-mid game these weapons smelt into fine steel Pugio Themaskene pike Voulge Tribesmen throwing dagger So far the best one very early on is the Pugio as it’s extremely cheap, but I found that you can find in most towns a stockpile of 100+ of tribesmen daggers that once you’ve got the money are fairly cheap. Themaskene pikes and Voulge’s also give fine steel but definitely are a good chunk of money. If anyone has any more weapons they’ve found that smelt into fine steel please let me know because I’d like to add it to my list submitted by /u/Particular-Claim9639 [link] [comments]

Convince me to play aserai campaign

And tell me please who is best woman to Marry submitted by /u/Maorros [link] [comments]

Do enemy armies always automatically B-line to your new castles?

I swear I cannot advance as a vassal. I'll play as a merc for a long time, build up some good money, a seasoned/upgraded army, and then when I'm ready, I'll join as a vassal. Usually, the first castle the faction conquers (after I join), they'll give to me, assuming because I'm the only vassal without any fiefs. But almost the instant they do so, the enemy pretty much b-lines it, without fail, without exception, like clockwork every single time. The instant I receive any land, I know for a fact that a huge army is about to show up to take it. I can never keep a castle for longer than like 2 weeks before an enemy army of like 900-1200 shows up to sack it, and my own faction is suddenly no where to be found and does absolutely nothing to try and help me defend it. So they sack it, I lose it, my faction later takes another castle, gives that one to me (since I'm the only vassal without any fiefs), but... like clockwork... the enemy b-lines it and sacks it. Rinse ...

I panicked

submitted by /u/ChunkyMonkey1998 [link] [comments]


Can anyone please tell me how to get the overview of the map in battle in ps4. Like in total war I like to command troops continuously cannot do that in normal camera. submitted by /u/Otherwise-Sleep-5059 [link] [comments]

The finished homestead from the "Homesteads" mod.

submitted by /u/PancakePirates [link] [comments]

Thoughts on this army comp?

Also, I want to know what is the playstyle of imperial legionaries? For linebreakers, I just rush them and they slaughter absolutely everything submitted by /u/MasterUnknown6 [link] [comments]

Slowly getting into Battanians to be the KING đź‘‘

So I joined Battanians when I was young, now married and have 6 kids(they are still kids) my age is 36. I am a great friend of my king Caladog, his age is 57. My clan has the most influence like 3k, even the king had 2k. So my ask is it better to wait for the king to die and become Battanians ruler(if possible) or kill this kingdom and create my own? submitted by /u/FarInsect9982 [link] [comments]

Is this game still being worked on?

Recently came back to this game after not playing for a year hoping here would've been some much needed updates but it looks to me like the game still heavily relies on mods to be fun Has there been any sign of life for 1.3? submitted by /u/Appropriate_Tree_501 [link] [comments]

Can clans regift their fiefs?

I was playing a new campaign, set up my Kingdom started my conquering. I had been granting companions fiefs that matched culture and were geographically close. After I conquered a Vladian city I gave it to another a new Vladian companion. Move on to the next castle and lay siege. After taking it I realize my new Vladian clan has 3 fiefs. 2 castles were seemingly gifted 2 him by other clans. Can they re gift the fiefs? Because now he has 2 wrong culture fiefs and I'm watching loyalty plummet in them. submitted by /u/Annoyed-Agent-8625 [link] [comments]

SaS realm of thrones

hey im trying to get Serve as soldier and RoT to work i saw tommykay doing it on stream but cant get it to work for myself ive rolled back on versions to 1.2.11 with the basic needed mods and cant get it to work but the streamer did it fine any help would be great thanks :) submitted by /u/King_Julian103219 [link] [comments]

Kuzait homies pulling up with that boof pack

submitted by /u/eggwizard69 [link] [comments]

I genuinely can’t bring myself to do anything besides making a horse archer centric army

They’re just so fucking cool and you only need like 50 of them to take out most lords unless they also have a lot of Calvary. Like half of my games are just me picking off random villagers, caravans, and lords, then running away when an actual army shows up. I fucking love the mongols, even with Eagles Rising I picked the Sakaii or whatever they’re called. Like I tried to make a mixed army focusing on Fian Champions and sure they were good but they weren’t them. Horse archers are just so strong and you can’t even call them cheese because that’s just how they worked irl. I want to be a mongol so badly dude Also I genuinely hate every unit the Khuzaits have that aren’t horse archers, like, why do you exist? submitted by /u/MechanicusTechPriest [link] [comments]

The Homestead mod is really neat

submitted by /u/PancakePirates [link] [comments]

A way of pillaging a settlement without occupying it?

I know there was a mod a while back that did this. Im unsure if its still compatible or not though, I read somewhere that this has been implemented into the game now? I have not played for about a year or two and thinking about another playthrough and this is one of my my favorite things to do. (be an absolute menace to calradia and burn it to the ground). submitted by /u/tinymightymous [link] [comments]

What’s their story?

Always wonder who these guys are and where they’re going/coming from. (From the loading screen) submitted by /u/Key-Act-7441 [link] [comments]

What are your usual first steps in the new game?

What fo you usually do when you start a new game? What are the first steps of your John Bannerlord? For me it is the following: - obsolete: look for tournaments, especially those which have horses as reward. Easiest way to get early game money. I abandoned this way now though, the growth is way too fast. - buy a donkey and start to commerce. Like, buy silver in Ortysia, sell in Lageta etc. First 10k are to be done this way, avoiding as possible the confronations with bandits. - simultaneously I start to explore to find good companions, hire them, buy them horses and donkeys to trade further. Once I get 2-3 of them I start to hire peasants to fight bandits. - also I do various small tasks in villages and cities, the ones which don't understand much fightings. Bring grains; deliver some stuff elsewhere etc. How does it work for you? Anything else interesting to do? submitted by /u/Cathayraht [link] [comments]

Attempting to explain Neretzes Folly.

If I got stuff wrong please explain it to me. Neretzes folly is a quest you receive during the campaign, requiring you to ask lords about the Battle and such, I’m simply trying to piece together the lore and explain it from a battlefield view rather then a giant abomination of thoughts and small answers. Basically, Neretzes Folly, as it’s called. Was an absolute nightmare for the calradian empire. It saw the overall collapse into civil war and possibly the worst battle ever fought in the continents history. As one could describe it as a massacre or a shit-show. The battle involved two sides. Firstly we have the Empire, Khuzaits and then the Aserai. Secondly we have the Sturgians, the Battanians, and the Vlandians. Now for the battle itself, From what we can guess without diving in too much, we can piece together that firstly- It was a significant battle- It resulted in the complete fracture of the Calradian Empire- It resulted in A LOT, of dead people. (I mean a lot of them too...

Look at my boy Cynak's RIZZ. 10weight. Man is so fast. Thamaskene sword and targe

submitted by /u/SwampGoatDND [link] [comments]

How does learning limit work?

I maxed out my character's endurance and dumped focus points into smithing but it capped my learning limit at not max. The same thing happened to my athletics. Could someone please tell me why this happened or how to fix this? submitted by /u/MGARTIFICIAL [link] [comments]

Why does everyone hate me :(

I used cheats submitted by /u/No_Independence_8 [link] [comments]

Quest log exclamation mark stuck flashing.

I've noticed that my quest log's little exclamation point is stuck on, even if I open the tab and click on each quest, it still stays stuck. I tried taking new quests, let them time out and even used save cleaner mod with no success. Even tried just ignoring it. It's always the little things isn't it? I'd hate to lose a save due to an annoying blinky light lol but it is getting to me at this point. submitted by /u/PancakePirates [link] [comments]

How disappointing

submitted by /u/limenade420 [link] [comments]

Well, that one down already LOL. With Svana's help too since she's my bro's wife.

submitted by /u/Connect_Spray_7107 [link] [comments]

Weird UI(?) Problems and Crash

submitted by /u/GunBuilt [link] [comments]

POV: you’re a recently disorganized looter party and you see a 5000-man army nearby

submitted by /u/No_Annual1128 [link] [comments]

When the fuck will Derthert die?!

He is literally pushing late 70s in my play through and my clan rank is 5… All old coward does is sit in his castle while it’s constant wars going on, I don’t even know how long it’s been since he started a army… or even touched grass… does anybody have any tips? I can’t sneak into towns when he’s taken prisoner because of my clan rank… I noticed the more your clan rank up, the tougher it is to sneak into towns to start a prison break… so do I just wait till this old fuck dies of old age?? submitted by /u/AccordingExam5539 [link] [comments]

Guess Sturgia really doesn't like him anymore

submitted by /u/Timotheus92 [link] [comments]

What are the best bandit troops?

The title is my question in it's entirety. I'm giving myself a challenge on my Viking King character, that being using bandits only until i create a kingdom. And only then can i use my custom Norse-Based troop tree i made with My Little Warband. But i'd like to know what troops work best for this. On a test char i used a mix of Sea Raiders and Forest Bandits which worked well but got shredded by Cav and Horse Archers. So what would be a good mix of troops to use? I'm using Better Bandits so all bandits are buffed a good bit. submitted by /u/Connect_Spray_7107 [link] [comments]

Declaring player faction/kingdom peace in console on Bannerlord

I’m trying to use the console to declare peace between my own personal kingdom and the Kingdom of Castile (Europe 1100 mod and Diplomacy mod) through console commands. I found Castile’s faction id in the mod folder but have no idea how to find mine. My Kingdom is called Rafeyum and my clan is called Scouterite Command: Campaign.cs_declare_peace empire_w rafeyum Error: Faction is not found: rafeyum Whenever I tried doing it with two factions in game it worked and they’re no longer at war. Thanks for the help, I’m sure I’m missing something but I’ve searched this over an hour. submitted by /u/Expensive_Affect964 [link] [comments]

A Fian's wet dream. submitted by /u/duchuy613 [link] [comments]

Has anyone else seen this piece of armor? I just came across it in Pen Cannoc

submitted by /u/Enough_Tension2756 [link] [comments]

Am I the only one that thinks the character models in this game are just inherently kinda wonky and just ugly?

Just in general, especially in the face the models are just derpy looking and have like a fetal alcohol tinge to all of them lol. Even compared to Warband models, they didn’t have anywhere close to what I’m talking about in Warband. submitted by /u/Lawbringer722 [link] [comments]

Best number of influence one can have.

I had the same thing for my gold but it was 123456 and I forgot to hit the pause button so yeah 🥲 submitted by /u/AbyssalDragonForce [link] [comments]

Questions about recruiting vassals and vassal strength

Is there a vassal to fief ratio y’all follow such as having a few clans with tons of fiefs or do you recruit another clan after every new fief taken? Do clans with multiple new fiefs start to become visually stronger(like level up their steward skill and use the settlement money to host larger parties)? submitted by /u/UssssA [link] [comments]

Glitches with PoC mod banners

Do any of you have any idea what's causing this? It seems like a glitch is causing some of the banner details to be covered. I get this glitch with the clan banners of fen Gruffendec, Pethros, Osticos, and Comnos submitted by /u/ZealousidealHorse657 [link] [comments]

Need advice on what to do next

I have about 7 fiefs and 10m debars as a vessel for vlandia who is currently at about 15k strong army wise. It’s getting kind of stale and I’m wanting to start my own kingdom. Should I declare with or without my fiefs? If I keep my fiefs can I declare peace or should I just leave the fiefs behind? Also, I have about 4000 influence still and need advice on how to use it. Thanks in advance! submitted by /u/Chemical-Breakfast59 [link] [comments]

Any beginner tips??

I cant get the grasp of the game, after the tutorial that much. Im open to any help you guys can give! submitted by /u/Sour-Squirrel [link] [comments]

Are cavalry actually useless?

Hear me out, before running to the comments. Outside of horse archers, cavalry are either light or heavy, and accordingly serve two functions in battle. While the light are meant to be a mobile fast-response force capable of hit and run attacks and flanking maneuvers, the heavy are intended to serve as shock troops capable of breaking lines and shattering infantry and archers. But in actual Bannerlord battles, they just don’t do this. Unlike in Total War where you can properly maneuver your cavalry and have it target select units for maximum effect, in Bannerlord when you tell the cavalry to charge they just scatter everywhere. This makes them basically useless, often getting killed because they don’t support each other and beeline 20 different directions. Whenever my battles open, the enemy cavalry attacks mine, but then mine fail to response properly in a cavalry skirmish even if I delegate command. They end up doing nothing the entire battle until I send them to charge in the end...

Do you guys claim or conquer?

How do you guys win Bannerlord? As I saw there are two options: 1. Become a vassal to the coolest guys around and wait for the king to die and try to balance the vote in your favor. 2. Start your own kingdom and make the game look like Doom medieval. If I join an existing one, I can experience the political part of the game. "Helping" the king get to the death bed shouldn't be dificult, but starting your own sounds more rewarding. I had quite a difficult time starting one on my own, because all you seam to ever do is run around taking towns and defending them after while paying tribute to anybody. What do you guys consider to be more enjoyable? And how would you argue your choice? submitted by /u/CluelessDoppelganger [link] [comments]

He accepted his fate

submitted by /u/aftothysia [link] [comments]

How much food do AI parties have?

I'm besieging a castle, I've already starved out the garrison, but it has like fifty parties in there who are the bulk of the defenders. Can they even be starved out? Has anyone done it? Does anyone know how long it will take? submitted by /u/Separate_Draft4887 [link] [comments]

Things I wish they would add part 2

My last post was battle instruments like bugles or bagpipes when you give orders, and war dogs that are coded like companions (aka can oersonalise and they don't die) Here's some more. Asking rulers of weak kingdoms to join yours. Like my current playthough rhagea lost most of her empire and she'd be perfect for my amazon esque faction but I can't ask her to join me. All I can do is let her lose and wander off to die. When a baby is born it should be like ck3 "it's a boy! Name him". Like you have more control over your conpanions new clans than your own kids submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Cry4399 [link] [comments]

6 people charged as Peel police investigate butter thefts totalling more than $60K

submitted by /u/Plane_Display2499 [link] [comments]

What is there to do after the main quest or conquering the entire map?

What is there to do after the main quest? Is it worth conquering the whole world and then going onto a new save? How can i make my campaigns and just games in general have more flavour and be more fun? I usually just do; Tourneys to clan tier 1 When im a mercenary i do tourneys and loads of smithing I usually become a vassal when i commit to a faction Vassal: i manage fiefs and give the banner if im doing the campaign And then most times i manually kill my liege in a prison break or in battle just to become faction leader. Then i either unify or destroy the empire in campaign Or in sandbox try conquering the map That becomes my greatest ambition and when im done that the game feels kinda bland. submitted by /u/CommonTomatillo3753 [link] [comments]