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How do I fix these mod errors? I'm playing on the most recent STABLE branch and just DL'd these mods 5 mins ago, unsure WTF is happening here

submitted by /u/RotInPixels [link] [comments]

Worst trade deal in the history of trade deals?!

I’ll try to keep it short. Playing as Vlandia, and the first real burst of land I got was during the first war with Aserai. I got Senala, Quyaz and some castles in between, random guy gets Askar, we pushed them to the river and now I’m rich. Flash forward 5 years after we went on to repeatedly bully Sturgia and Battania for a while, suddenly the 3,000 pop Aserai are feeling brave against the 14,000 pop Vlandian Chads. How dare they?

Then we get to today. I spend a day off playing, having fun, crashing now and then right before winning a siege, normal stuff. I essentially dedicated like 4 hours to the solo eradication of the Aserai while the rest of the kingdom beats off outside of Marunath, the whole time Derherth is giving everything I take to Ospir. That’s fine tho cuz I don’t want to be the vlandian whose land is just the old Aserai territory.

I have them pushed all the way to Hubyar, they have lost like 5 armies and I’ve countered several sieges with one 800 man army of my home boys. All they are throwing at us now is recruits and any mercenary they can find and I’m feeling fantastic. Just before I am able to assault the city, kingdom votes for peace. I’m thinking that’s fine cuz I’d like to mend my shit and not have to keep fighting off recruits, until I turn around and see that fucking ospir figured he’d switch to the Aserai… they got everything back and more. I could role play this as a reason to rebel but I don’t even want to keep playing. I just feel disgusted.

Edit: when I wrote the title I thought giving the land back was part of the peace deal. Nope, just ospir being ospir.

submitted by /u/Solid-Ad7137
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