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Showing posts from March, 2023

Bug report in need of FIx

My game keeps crashing occasionally when I enter towns. I have GTX 4060 with Updated drivers, 200 GB of free space lef ton my 1TB hard drive, 16 Gb ram, and the setting on game are on freaking medium only, why does this keep happening? I know how to mess around with files and appdata if required, I just want a working solution. Not this is vanilla too, no mods, though some mods are downloaded for multiplayer, none are active submitted by /u/jim20130 [link] [comments]

Breaking guests rights ala "the red wedding"

One of the ways I've been expanding my kingdom is crushing every city rebellion cause by other factions. Vlandia are hopeless at causing these and I'm currently at war with them, so when vlandia besieged the rebel city I broke into the rebel city so I could use the rebels to fight vlandia with me. I intend to crush the rebels myself after we take out the vlandian besiegers. To do that I need to fight a rebel lord on the open map first. Ugh. I wish TW would allow you to enter a neutral city under "guests rights", but then betray them and assault the defenders from inside the walls, obviously with reputational loss to some lords and a declaration of war. You can already do a similar thing in quests by assaulting gang leaders houses when they refuse your persuasion/you dont want to pay to release the hostage. There should be similar betrayal mechanic for lords. submitted by /u/devillurker [link] [comments]

Alright Vyldur i think its safe to assault

submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Gas-167 [link] [comments]

Building a companion army is way more fun than I thought it would be

I downloaded the nocap and equip best mod and decided it was time I have an irresponsible amount of companions. They honestly all start out kinda shit, but once they start to get good, they get real good. I have now started to use character manager (character reload will not work for me, may be a gamepass issue) to rename companions based on their role. I have a few Caravan Masters, a few with the title Captain, and once I get my kingdom rolling I’ll be naming a few Governors and Commanders. I almost feel like this should be a vanilla option. Yeah, sure, being able to have enough companions to run all the alleys, all the caravans, and govern your fiefs is a bit broke, but the amount of time and resources required to get those companions to even fairly decent levels feels rather balanced already. Companion army. 10/10 do recommend. submitted by /u/BonesawIsReady1013 [link] [comments]

Can't finish 'Eliminate Northern Empire'

So I've conquered literally every castle and town in Calradia, Eliminated the other two empire factions, but for some reason my war progress with the Northern Empire is at stuck at -100. We had 74 prisoners and it STILL was at -100. If anyone could give tell me what to do to finally finish the main story I'd be super grateful. (Also I'm on ps4 so commands are out of the question) submitted by /u/Zealus24 [link] [comments]

Why are my clan members so useless? all 5 Kingdom's power is a total of 8k, whenever I capture a Tief all the kingdoms come swarming on it. my clan members have a minimum of 150 men who won't and refuse to defend themselves when if they are being taken with parties with 30-40 men

submitted by /u/Village_Capable [link] [comments]

Any tips for a newish player?

Im just recently getting into bannerlord and played a little bit of the campaign before I found this reddit. Any tips you guys have for my new playthrough? Any difficulty setting recommendations? I like a challenge but I'm not trying to prove anything either just playing to haveba good time and chop heads. submitted by /u/Vex_Howler [link] [comments]

My modlist keeps making me crash. Please help!

Hi everyone, I need help desperately, I keep crashing in my game and I don't know which mod keeps doing it. I am using the Novus Launcher and all my mods are up to date(currently on v(1.1.0) , so I feel like it must be a load order thing. I am able to get into the game and play around for a bit, then randomly after an NPC interaction I will crash, sometimes it will just crash while I am traveling around. Here is my mod list. Any help is very much appreciated, I would really like to play this game with some of these mods to make the experience that much more. Here is the list of my mods I took EditLord out of that list btw, still didn't fix anything. submitted by /u/0rur0 [link] [comments]

Caladrian thrift store

Do you ever wonder about the downstream effects of all the loot trading in this game? Like I’ll win a battle and the spoils will include weapons, armor, horses, gold, commodities, all of that makes sense. But it also includes a lot of boots and shirts and hats looted off the bodies off the less fortunate. Can you imagine being some shopkeeper, and a lord rolls into town fresh off a battle to sell you like 20,000 denars worth of bloody clothes? And yet, there’s always a demand for them. Where do they go from there? Do the poorer residents of my fiefs wear the clothes that my men stripped off the corpses of the fallen? Is it like how, in some developing countries, you’ll see people wearing a losing team’s commemorative merch from a major sporting event? submitted by /u/thomastodon01027 [link] [comments]

When they can’t ride their horses up siege ladders… Vae Victus :)

submitted by /u/ImperialSandbag [link] [comments]

Pros vs Cons

I am in the middle of rounding up the nobles of Battania, what will happen if I execute them? Upsides and downsides on this one. submitted by /u/DarthPewo3k [link] [comments]

Excuse me!? I won a duel with bandit guy and got this. Sell or keep? Just started game

submitted by /u/PandaKing550 [link] [comments]

You spin me round

submitted by /u/tmdgh7544 [link] [comments]

Is killing my wife wrong if she won’t have a 3rd kid?

My wife just refuses to have this third kid. Both of my brothers had 3 kids immediately. My younger brothers 2nd wife (the clan demands more members) is already on her 2nd but mine won’t pop out the 3rd. I married her when she was 25 and by 31 she’s had two kids. She’s 34 now and from what I’ve read 35 is when chances drop significantly. My question can I just save scum and reroll a few weeks to see if it happens, has anyone tried? I finally found a good looking wife and I would hate to have to replace her. And since divorce isn’t an option…. submitted by /u/Diligent-Proposal-19 [link] [comments]

The rebellion continues!

10 towns to the cause so far, and Faroc finally got the imperial wife he always wanted. Even better, she's the sister of one of my only "friends" from Fercread was in his mercenary days, and half a savage. Vlandians can't prevent rebellion at all apparently, and there's constant rebellions in the east without my input at all. The world is starting to get wierd. Every Vlandian town outside their homelands are ripe for rebellion right now. Having one imperial governer ready might be a problem, we'll have to see. No open spaces at the moment and we need to hold onto our potential Khuzait governer because imperial's are almost as bad at holding their lands as Vlandians are in the west. Bonus picture from the skirmish before Balgar, rode ahead and thought "damn thay looks cool" Shakhor my HA captain is even in it to my right lol. submitted by /u/ComfortablePie1594 [link] [comments]

Jerk decided to disappear *after* i gave him a clan name and some castles

submitted by /u/US_Witness_661 [link] [comments]

Giving away fiefs

So I'm trying to plan ahead. In the early days of beta release there was a (bad) decision made that made the king unable to give away fiefs he directly controls. (I'm the king, I do what I want) so I'm wondering if that mechanic is still there or are we free to give away any of our feifs that we want ? submitted by /u/Zyrexius80 [link] [comments]

Olek is a Greedy Bastard

Have a bit of a problem and hoping someone has the answer. Recruited Olek to the Battanians and this old bastard is claiming ALL new fiefs. He has had top votes in the last 20 new fiefs we took and I am never in consideration for a new fief even if I did all the work. What can I do to give myself a chance to be considered? Or what kind of blackmail does Olek have on Caladog? submitted by /u/Zmer1216 [link] [comments]

Question about M&B:2 multiplayer

So I'm struggling to find solid answers here with a mix of outdated and info and things I believe only related to mods. Is there a way to play a campaign coop? Even if it means player 2 is basically just tagging along in the battles, also if yes can they also control soldiers or are they limited in what they can do? I don't actually own the game but was hoping to play it with a friend Submitted March 27, 2023 at 12:09AM by sGvDaemon

When it's 3 to 1 odds but you're fighting... Sturgia. At least my father in law leading that army was smart enough to try running from me, see ya next war Godun

submitted by /u/GreedyAdarion [link] [comments]

Prophesy of Pendor getting stand-alone game

That’s my interpretation of the post and comments found here on the official POP Facebook page: Submitted March 27, 2023 at 01:24AM by Lord_Mordi

Cheating death

My playthrough has really turned around. Almost at 500k. Got 6 towns, 2 castles with a good cash flow. Parties, kids, etc etc. I’m 42 meaning I’m getting closer to death and I still haven’t finished grinding trading/smithing. I haven’t started a kingdom, waiting to hit 3 mil. So I have decades left and I really want my OG character to sit on the throne but I just learned today that I can DIE OF OLD AGE AT 60?? That really sucks man. I’m cool if I’m dead at 80 (I’m aware that in these times life expectancy was far shorter) I keep reading on google about turning this off and I seriously need to turn it off. How do I do this? Also what happens to my stats?! Please don’t tell me I have to regrind all my stats especially smithing. Any help is appreciated 😅 I’m on console submitted by /u/Diligent-Proposal-19 [link] [comments]

Didn’t realize the new update buffed battanians so much(Xbox)

submitted by /u/likeQuincy [link] [comments]

What do I do?

Playing campaign and just got the quest to destroy the northern, southern, and western empires. Sept the problem is, I already deleted the Western and Southern Empires, they're both at -100 out of 100, and whenever I defeat one of their parties, it doesn't go up. But the Northen Empire still has some Fiefs, and whenever I take one of theirs, or destroy one of their parties, it goes up. So do I let them take some of my fiefs, and immediately take them back? Or will it fix itself over time? Edit: It changed over time. The Southern and Western Empires are no more. :) submitted by /u/NoCLUewutIdoINg123 [link] [comments]

Am I just an Ugly boy?

It’s time for my character to make some babies. I thought he was tall and handsome, and I bet his mother would agree(although she’s 💀) I’ve tried courting 5 different woman and all of them told me they aren’t attractive to me. I really hate that this is a thing, I can’t marry someone that isn’t attracted to me. Anyone found a way to fix this? submitted by /u/Diligent-Proposal-19 [link] [comments]

What are some of the hardest towns/castles to siege?

I remember in Warband there were a couple castles and one town in the area of the Rhodoks that were much harder to siege than others (and in turn wee much easier to defend) in the game due to the approach the attackers had to take and the lines of sight defenders had. Was just wondering if there are any similar places like that in Bannerlord. submitted by /u/KillMeASon- [link] [comments]

Ghilman Nobles Reincarnate?

I'm aiming for a quick run up to declaring my own kingdom, so I pledged myself as a butter b**** to help expedite the steamrolling of the territory I want. Cough cough, Battania. Well Battania got carved up by us, Sturgia, and both Western and Northern Empire pretty quickly and I got a whole lot of nada. Currently I'm just moving around instigating massive, open field battles to cripple both sides while I wait for the rebellions to kick off. Just had 2 WEmpire doomstacks come to try and break the siege of Lageta. 700 versus ~1600. So. To the point of the title. All 4 of the nobles from the Ghilman clan were in this fight, on the WEmpire side. We all know they ride those fekin camels and stick out like a sore thumb in nearly every army aesthetic. I'm cruising around on my Wadar at mach 8, and naturally I'm drawn to these fools riding their triangles on stilts. I skewered these poor bastards at least 20 separate times, especially Ghulam. I saw his name flash across my ...

We've taken Ocs Hall and Sargot yet still they declare war

submitted by /u/HaraldRedbeard [link] [comments]

Mercenary leaves kingdom but still captures Fief for Sturgia

I was traveling to Thractorae Castle to defend against the enemy, only to find them leave Sturgia as I got there. I wasn't given a prompt to declare war, fight or defend against them, so I walked away. Only to see they still captured it for Sturgia, who had just offered peace to me.. submitted by /u/Holiday_Log_5014 [link] [comments]

When you “DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR” a little to hard

submitted by /u/reendzoo [link] [comments]

Hemorrhaging money

Built my self a nice Aserai clan in service of the Southern Empire. Took over all the Aserai lands and installed Aserai governors and finished all the building projects in the cities I own. Had about 1.6 million bucks. Got to the point where the Southern Empire controlled about a third to half of Calradia, and this is the point where we're at a war with three other factions or more at all times. So naturally, I figure, if we're gonna be in a three front war all the time, might as well assemble the Dragon Banner and get the ball rolling. Now, with the constant raids, I'm losing like 10k a day. I'm resorting to conquering enemy cities just to sell loot like some entry level mercenary to keep my head above water. I have to travel to a new city to sell my shit every single day to stay afloat. Every large army I fight, I end up executing all their lords, and for at least two of the factions we're fighting, they've stopped producing large armies (but are still raidin...

I need help!

I became the leader of a kingdom without having handed over the banner to the former king. Is there any way to proceed or do I have to go out and create my own kingdom / relinquish leadership and hand over the banner? submitted by /u/Orguu [link] [comments]

Me chasing down and slaughtering fleeing recruits while ignoring the actual battle still raging

submitted by /u/credrup10 [link] [comments]

Is auto resolve broken?

So I’m at war with the aserai and I encounter one of their glorious doom stacks. It’s going well as I’ve completely wiped out all their cav, ha, and master archers. So I’ve completely tipped the odds right? No I didn’t, I eventually went down and had to auto resolve. I still have 850 men that are battle ready and they have about 430. Ofc they end up whooping my ass and I nearly lose to them even though I outnumbered them 2-1. Is auto resolve just a no go right now? submitted by /u/Biglou277 [link] [comments]

When Rhagaea asks why she should hire me as a mercenary:

submitted by /u/Greystar2426 [link] [comments]

My single imperial recruit after 4 consecutive sieges and the deaths of all his friends

submitted by /u/PigGuy1988 [link] [comments]

Vlandia needs another neighbor

Vlandia becomes too strong every game. I have played at least 6 campaigns and Vlandia is always the strongest after 15 years no matter what. Them only being neighbors to the Battanains (W. Empire barely counts) makes them only ever be at war with 1 faction. For a nation as strong as Vlandia they need more competition. Paradox could easily add another nation between the Aserai and Vlandian (Galend/Jaculan to peninsula near Quraz) coasts or something like that. The Khuzaits (polar opposite) border 3 nations compared to Vlandia 1-2 (if u count W. Empire/barely counts). There needs to be someone to check them if that makes sense, tired of them becoming the end game “boss”.Or at least make them go to war with more than one faction at a time they r too strong for the AI to do that. They just need to make them be at war more often vs decent opponents early on, Sturgia and Battania get gangbanged by Vlandia every game, buff them or nerf Vlandian warfare. Thoughts? bc only Vlandia ruins late g...

Why does the enemy spawn big armies?

submitted by /u/Humble-Permission-48 [link] [comments]

Caladog r u ok?

submitted by /u/honkinDeagle [link] [comments]

How do i get the rest of the kingdom involved in a war as a vassal?

I'm a vassal of the Rhodoks, and raided a villager trail. This got me into a war with the Sarranids, but not the rest of the kingdom. I thought i should raid some villages and attack some parties, and now my bounty is 75000. How do i make the war encompass the whole kingdom of rhodoks so they can peace out for me Submitted March 22, 2023 at 01:32AM by bluntlyguncle

Been playing a week

I’m fully addicted, I haven’t done the quests just been pillaging the northern empire. I own 5 castles, 2 cities and I’ve executed about 20 of their lords. Now every time I’m in a battle or raid somewhere, 2 random kingdoms declare war on me and immediately start attacking me. Is there anything I can do to stop this? They will only accept peace through a council or some bulls submitted by /u/Handbreakers [link] [comments]

Fun stuff to do?

I'm enjoying the game quite a bit, but I'm getting a little tired of being a mercenary and grinding out the same fights over and over. What else is there to do? I've got around 225k saved up so far. Isn't there some criminal gang sneaky stuff or something I could do? I remember breaking lords out of dungeons in Warband being fun, but I haven't seen any quests for that kind of thing yet. Any ideas? submitted by /u/Fuck-College [link] [comments]

Sent troops automatically loses even when you outnumber the enemy. Only happens when I send against Valandians?

submitted by /u/Trick-Cobbler-6072 [link] [comments]

You get to instantly create/enhance a mod, what do you make?

I'll start: I've always thought it would be cool if each of the Vanilla factions in-game had a set of culture bonuses that you could choose from. I always feel weird not grabbing Battania because of the 50% movement buff to forests, I think a mod that includes having more options to choose from would make me feel better choosing someone else. submitted by /u/DontGetLongAtMeDude [link] [comments]

Friendly Fire mod is justice for all

I’ve got Xorberax’s Legacy installed and within it is the friendly fire mod. I’ve taken it upon myself to go from keep to keep and kill any cruel lord in their sanctums. The game registers them as a battle death so I receive no penalty for executing them. I am justice. I am a reckoning. I. AM. DEATH. submitted by /u/ChevalierdeSol [link] [comments]

Commanders vs Hero Troops?

Now that we have the option to include hero troops in formations, what exactly are the benefits of that versus a Commander with specific perks to lead said formation? Do hero troops also give their perks within the formations they’re in? Do they take over if the commander of that formation falls during battle? I need answers! Thanks. submitted by /u/Ciigmeyer [link] [comments]

I am dieing here!

I am in a seige (defending) 1311(enemy) to my 435. Im a pretty decent archer and i can repel the first 'wave' but eventually i just get crushed by their reinforcements. I am awful at using the catapults so i just leave it to my troops. Is this my problem? Does anyone else have any defending seige tips? Any help from a friendly lord would be much appriciated. submitted by /u/Due-Jackfruit-4415 [link] [comments]

Extreme and Random Relation Loss

submitted by /u/2002ChipotlePC [link] [comments]

Battanian Lore

Did High King Caladog slay his adopted father King Uthelain? Fen Derngil seemingly believe so. Vlandia or Sturgia could have easily assassinated him to get Battania angry enough to spark revolt against the empire I wish the lore expanded more than the little notes we get here and there. Headcanon is fun but doesn't hit as hard submitted by /u/Holiday_Log_5014 [link] [comments]

Outnumbered win!

3 to 1, not even close. The battle The aftermath submitted by /u/LikeableKiwi123 [link] [comments]

Economy tips?

Any tips on maintaining a positive passive income? I’ve only been able to keep daily gold positive when receiving large tribute payments. submitted by /u/hittheyams [link] [comments]

The Aedolon Empire has united the land of Calradia

submitted by /u/Elenderion1 [link] [comments]

Rhaega Stole My Brother

I was at the beginning of a campaign playthrough and just rescued all my siblings from the bandit camp. To my surprise, I got a notification that Rhaega was requesting my brother's hand in marriage. I had never seen that before! Seeing as she was the woman, I thought that by accepting she would join my clan. Turns out it was the opposite. Now I've lost the strongest member of my clan and I'm sad. Submitted March 18, 2023 at 03:14AM by FallGeneral

Rhaega Stole My Brother

I was at the beginning of a campaign playthrough and just rescued all my siblings from the bandit camp. To my surprise, I got a notification that Rhaega was requesting my brother's hand in marriage. I had never seen that before! Seeing as she was the woman, I thought that by accepting she would join my clan. Turns out it was the opposite. Now I've lost the strongest member of my clan and I'm sad. submitted by /u/FallGeneral [link] [comments]

Rhaega Stole My Brother

I was at the beginning of a campaign playthrough and just rescued all my siblings from the bandit camp. To my surprise, I got a notification that Rhaega was requesting my brother's hand in marriage. I had never seen that before! Seeing as she was the woman, I thought that by accepting she would join my clan. Turns out it was the opposite. Now I've lost the strongest member of my clan and I'm sad. submitted by /u/FallGeneral [link] [comments]

Made an attribute and focus planning chart, thought I'd share it here for anyone to use at jotting down them min-max builds, download link below.

submitted by /u/InvoAngelus [link] [comments]

Question about party size (Mount and Warcraft mod)

Hi, im currently using the Mount and Warcraft mod and I saw that I have a base limit of 300 troops for my party (instead of the usual 20), but I cant increase that size, I have tried with the leadership skill and with the cheat mod (which does work without the world of warcraft mod). That 300 limit is set even on new characters, so as far as I know is a limit set by the mod but im not sure. Anyone has had the same issue? submitted by /u/adivinahuele21 [link] [comments]

Question about party size (Mount and Warcraft mod)

Hi, im currently using the Mount and Warcraft mod and I saw that I have a base limit of 300 troops for my party (instead of the usual 20), but I cant increase that size, I have tried with the leadership skill and with the cheat mod (which does work without the world of warcraft mod). That 300 limit is set even on new characters, so as far as I know is a limit set by the mod but im not sure. Anyone has had the same issue? submitted by /u/adivinahuele21 [link] [comments]

i love the siege atmosphere of this game

submitted by /u/Kergitli_apollo [link] [comments]

Poor Aserai and I've only just reached clan tier 1

submitted by /u/The_Flawless_Gun [link] [comments]

Wrong way guys

The most irritating issue with sieges is having to micromanage the attacking infantry, because if they are near some ladders, and the ladders get pushed down again, they just automatically go over to the other set of ladders which is 100m away usually. Instead of just putting back up the ladders they have there and then continuing. I wish the devs would fix this. submitted by /u/DefinitelyFrenchGuy [link] [comments]

The enemy shield wall ignored my archers so I was able to flank and create a crossfire between my horse archers and my normal archers as their infantry decend into their death.

submitted by /u/covetousix [link] [comments]


submitted by /u/helloworld69x [link] [comments]

The square is OP

Form one infantry group. Dismount the cav. Hit F5 to put them in a square. I’ve defeated armies that outnumber me 4 to 1 using the almighty square. The cav melt against the holy right angles, the Horse archers only see shields, and by the time the infantry get close you can shield wall > charge to envelop their line. I wish I’d learned the way of the square sooner. submitted by /u/BonesawIsReady1013 [link] [comments]

Taking prisoners prisoner

When you defeat a group which has prisoners - I know that you can hire those prisoners into your army but is there a way to transfer them into my prisoner pool? I'm roleplaying as a bandit lord - Im not interested in freeing these people. I just want to sell them myself. :P Submitted March 16, 2023 at 01:45AM by Crafty_Butcher

makes sense

​ submitted by /u/EquinoxFatality [link] [comments]

Advice needed

Hi all, I'm a very new player and was looking for some advice on what I think, from what I've learnt so far, might be an alright long term strategy to make a strong kingdom. I love the empire Kingdoms, however they seem to just absolutely take it from multiple wars in multiple directions. I've finally married myself and my brother off and are expecting kids, but I'm think it would be best to leave the Northern Empire which I'm currently a vassal of and join one of the border kingdoms. My strategy is this: join a border kingdom as a vassal, get fiefs and either take over the faction, or leave with a few fiefs to start my own kingdom - then I'd only have one initial neighbour warring with me. So; thoughts? Criticisms? Blind-spots? I'm very new so feel free to educate me on any horrific oversights. submitted by /u/Hugford_Blops [link] [comments]

Update caused my Encyclopedia and tutorial to be reset on my end game run and I'm pissed.

Anyone know how to fix this? I have nearly 1k hours in the game and the new update caused my late game run to get it's tutorial and Encyclopedia to be entirely reset. Never encountered something like this so I wouldn't know how to fix it. It's a minor annoyance but I'd rather not travel the map to "see" every fucking hero. Makes more sense to do it this way, but I honestly preferred the older already filled out one. submitted by /u/A_Canadian_in_USA [link] [comments]

Nost efficent action to level smithing?

Some of the guides are very outdated and I keep getting misinformation. What's the most efficent per skill point if money doesn't matter? I was told smelting does but I get like nothing for anyone even if they have FP in it. Making charcoal seems to be the fastest to me. Just trying to get tier 3 so I can make my own swingable polearms without wasting 20 years in game as I still want to run tourneys and only resting when I'm waiting for something else. Any good guides thst have been updated would be great thanks. submitted by /u/ScorpioLaw [link] [comments]

remember everyone complaining about bannerlord being broken mess?

So i heard news about talks about first dlc for bannerlord with steady stream of patches and updates bannerlord weve been getting i vaguely remember everyone on this reddit has been bitching about "selling us broken game" and "never gonna fix it", i told you so, i fucking told you so, taleworlds isnt ubisoft or treyarch or ea that promise one thing and they never fullfil it, they promised to work on the game for years to come, they simply wanted to release it as full for consoles to build more revenue so that diehard fans like me can already access it. I bet yall feel real dumb now. submitted by /u/GreatBannedSoviet [link] [comments]


Hi, I'm replaying Perisno on warband. Does anyone know how to find the assassins who stole the portrait, I've been reading some posts, from 2017, saying they spawn by bulga and the central river. However I've waited for a game week there and they haven't spawned. I'm hoping in 2023, there's more information on this Submitted March 14, 2023 at 04:03AM by Mundane-Ideal-5205

I feel like I've been very, VERY understanding with the devs with this game, but...

1750 hours in. Every patch, I've played the fuck out of it. This patch is the most broken, disfunctional piece of shit I've ever played. Autoresolve, sieges, legendary smithing bugs, and more. For those not in the know, there was a beta bug where troop tier didn't matter in autoresolve. I.e., you could pit 50 legionaries against 100 looters, and you'd lose an autoresolve--and you'd lose BAD. Ironman campaign, endgame army, beat the enemy off in a hard fought battle to the point I have ~60 fians left against ~100 tier 2/3 cav. Tactics 125. I was wounded in the battle. End result? They win, and they win with 80% still alive. BULL. FUCKING. SHIT. Taleworlds, seriously, fuck you. How the FUCK do you let a fucking KNOWN, GAMEBREAKING BUG LIKE THIS from a beta version release into live? WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT OF A BETA IF ALL THE BUGS I SAW THERE JUST KINDA MIGRATE INTO LIVE? Let me guess, you're on a release schedule because PMs and other shitfuck idiot man...

Co op mod

Anyone know if there is a co op mod available for bannerlord? like me and my friend can play the same map multiplayer? Submitted March 14, 2023 at 12:03AM by BacucoGuts

30+ grandkids incoming and I ddint wage single war against any factions. just buying towns.

submitted by /u/Mammoth-Store740 [link] [comments]

Early game companion keeps dying

Hi all, I have searched and researched on early game tips, so I have done the following so far: my character is mostly invested in Bow, Riding, and Two-handed; after tutorial, bought a second quiver and started farming Looters; after a while, got enough mats to forge an entry-level two-handed sword, which proved more effective against mounted bandits than my bow; bought a "simple short bow" as an upgrade to my steppe bow; hired a companion who had high 1h and Polearms skill. My problem now is that in every battle, my companion, who is on foot, keeps dying because he gets left behind and ganged upon when I do my usual "shoot and scoot" routine with the looters. ​ What should I do? Dismiss and hire a companion who has Bow as well? Get a horse for the companion? Any other suggestions would be welcome. I feel pretty lost right now. Thanks submitted by /u/Federal-Appearance-5 [link] [comments]

What’s your essential mod list

I’ve been playing completely vanilla ever since Bannerlord came to gamepass, and I think I’m ready to dive in the world of mods. I know there’s a lot of recommended lists out there online, but being new to modding the game I thought I’d ask for recommendations on mods and good videos/lists on the subject. What mods have you played that are now an essential addition to the game? submitted by /u/BonesawIsReady1013 [link] [comments]

Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord | An Empire Divided Cinematic Trailer

submitted by /u/Hexciting [link] [comments]

Just personally took out Rhagaea

I didn't even realize it was her until after I killed her. submitted by /u/MrTextas [link] [comments]

Good attribute spread?

Sapling this game for the first time, set attributes to 6 social and 4 control, I want to mostly rely on chant and maybe trade, while having a bow for combat. This is my very first run though, so is this a good amount or am I potentially doing something wrong? submitted by /u/Ferseus [link] [comments]


Anyone having issues with old saves and cities no longer spawning any of the gang territories post update? submitted by /u/BOBBYCHARRIES [link] [comments]

Can't marry

So I'm a tier 2 clan and I'm trying to marry this girl from the Stugian empire. I can only pass 2 of the 3 dialog options. In the end she says that she won't marry without her family's blessings. So I find her father and there is no option for "Uniting their clans thru marriage". So i need to be a part of an empire to marry or do i need to pass all 3 dialoge options?. submitted by /u/Zyrexius80 [link] [comments]

“How about we settle this one-on-o…”

submitted by /u/Bugsxo [link] [comments]

Have any of you ever recruited a former king as a vassal in Warband?

So i was playing Diplomacy, making my own kingdom and i just finished wiping out the Vaegirs so after a few weeks i enounter King Yaroglek of the Commoners faction just standing around in a single man party, not the first time this happens i also used to find Harlaus around when i killed the Swadians, difference is i still have positive relation with Yaroglek so i get the option to talk to him privately and so i asked him "How do you feel about?" and he responded "no one is my liege thats all i say about that" immediately i got a ton of error messages so i left, save my game and talked to him again and now hes one of my vassals, can this break my game? i wanna keep him he has 1600 renown and has a huge army. Submitted March 12, 2023 at 03:08AM by Rompelle

Governor: need help clarifying CASTLE vs SETTLEMENT perks

I've noticed that MOST of the governor perks in the skill trees will specify SETTLEMENT. There are just a couple that specify CASTLE. For instance, the stewardship perk DRILL SERGEANT gives -5% garrison wages in the governed SETTLEMENT. The next available governor perk is STIFF UPPER LIP which gives -20% garrison wages in the governed CASTLE. So am to assume that if it specifies SETTLEMENT it will not apply to a castle and if it specifies CASTLE it will not apply to a settlement? submitted by /u/Edgeveldt [link] [comments]

Funky Sea Raider Warrior

submitted by /u/ZypherofWind [link] [comments]

Recruiting new fighters for xbox !

I’ve been playing mount and blade on Xbox for 5+ years. I recently been kinda screwed over on the game by a former member and am looking to pickup the pieces. If you play bannerlord multiplayer on Xbox and sound interested then let me know, we do tournaments, battles, and reward loyal members with Xbox gift cards! We also play other games together. We’re like our own community really. submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Win-929 [link] [comments]

Any idea how this happened?

submitted by /u/tobiusness [link] [comments]

Sieges aren’t worth it

Well thanks to this new patch defending a siege is just a long process of the enemy wearing you down until you eventually lose. I took a keep, and I’m holding it. But two armies of 400 coming knocking at my door. No problem. But they retreat and instead of the option to keep beating on them they can go in their merry way with no loot coming my way. But what’s this? It literally takes them seconds to regain the unconscious troops. They keep coming and I keep repelling. But now it’s starting to piss me off because there’s nothing I can do here. Along comes an 800 troop army and I’m like “fuck this”, I flip the switch and go to the options to reduce damage for me and my mates because this shit is brutal and not at all what I’m used to. Still defending by the way just thought I’d stop and bitch about this horrific change. Keep your Ambush option Taleworlds bring back the day where I can win a defence. submitted by /u/Party-Delay9964 [link] [comments]

Dawg it's time to give up

submitted by /u/Leucochloridium [link] [comments]

Armor sets vanilla to the game?

Just got to work but while I was driving, and I play on Xbox so I don’t have access to all those cool as shit mods you kids have. But just wanted to know, if anyone already had a link of matching armor sets, because I’m so sick of tired mix matching armor pieces for amor quality and looking retarded. Like, I want to look as bad ass as possible, not some jigsaw puzzle that was shaken violently by my toddler, losing pieces… can’t … just can’t stand it anymore. Why isn’t there armor smith skill, so I can improve and make bad ass pieces. That would be so fucking cool submitted by /u/XxCadeusxX [link] [comments]

Help i’m overwhelmed only got 10 hours of game and few hours of youtube and king won’t stop giving me shit

submitted by /u/RenoBen [link] [comments]

Travel Speed idea and Why no sleep?

Simply put, what if the dirt roads where made a little wider and your party could move up to .3 faster just by issuing a “stick to the road/trails” order. (always boosting party speed by .2) Taking it further it would be cool if a perk allowed you to select a companion that had enough leadership skills (and atleast 40 riding skills) and then order them to form a raiding party so that we can still raid caravans and even smaller parties while marching our bigger party/army to our bigger targets. If I’m an army this could effect cohesion and increase the likelihood of a healthy prisoner escape while making your main party/army slightly dissorganized. The raiding party would select all your fastest horses and chase down a given target. You can order the companion to “set ambush” by selecting a viable spot from overworld, If there is one. A high tactics skill would allow companion to need less cover for ambush. Another order could be “attack target” and they would simply chase the target...

Updated the game now mods dont work

I updated my mods on vortex and none of them work I tried manually installing mod configuration menu and its requirements but still nothing (they are all updated for the 1.10) The mod options doesn't appear in the menu and there are no new modules when making a new save submitted by /u/TheYeetForce [link] [comments]

Most Valuable Horses to Sell From Tournaments

Wadar Hotblood Royal Destrier Cossian Asaligat Tyal Horse Unless you plan to use it, Battanian Thoroughbred is the least desired in terms of early game denars. Sells for around 5-7 thousand denars less than Tyal Horse. This is a great way to get a large amount denars in the extremely early game. What’s the point if tournament prizes are randomly generated? There is a way to “reroll” the prize of a tournament. Keep in mind that it is rather painstaking so not everyone would be willing to do this. This does require a bit of save scumming. If you’d rather not or are doing an iron man playthrough, don’t bother with this method. Right before you enter a town, save your game. Enter the town and check the tournament prize. If it’s not what you want, load the save. It seems like the tournament prize is determined when you enter the town. There needs to be at least 3 lords participating to spawn a noble horse prize. The more lords there are, the higher chance of spawning a more valua...

Xbox headphone plug in crash

Ever since the update, any time I plug in or unplug my headset from the controller, the entire game hard crashes back to the dashboard, has this happened to anyone else??? On Xbox Series S. submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded_Duty431 [link] [comments]

Why are my troops split into two groups?

submitted by /u/likelegitnonamesleft [link] [comments]