This is my first playthrough. My character is now in his 60s and I just had 2 children born. I’m planning to retire him as soon as one of them comes of age. Over the course of this campaign there’s been quite a few lords that I want to track down and execute. So if I start doing that, will my heir inherit all the negative that comes with executing them? submitted by /u/Worth-Consequence247 [link] [comments]
AD 1257 and Medieval Conquest seems to offer quite a bit of new features. How come it's not as played as P.O.P?
What's your biggest issue with AD 1257? The building system is very cool, and Lords dying seems to add a bit of flair in my opinion if your good friend dies in battle. As far as I'm aware POP doesn't have any of that, what makes POP or even Prisno better in your opinion?
Submitted February 27, 2017 at 10:53AM by Durnofbranches
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