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Showing posts from September, 2022

Bug report in need of FIx

My game keeps crashing occasionally when I enter towns. I have GTX 4060 with Updated drivers, 200 GB of free space lef ton my 1TB hard drive, 16 Gb ram, and the setting on game are on freaking medium only, why does this keep happening? I know how to mess around with files and appdata if required, I just want a working solution. Not this is vanilla too, no mods, though some mods are downloaded for multiplayer, none are active submitted by /u/jim20130 [link] [comments]

Battles laggy but only on stream

Hi ​ I was streaming some bannerlord today and on my end I experienced no lag whatsoever, but when I entered a battle regardless of the size the armies the stream only got like 2 frames a second. But as soon as the battle ended it went right back to smooth. I tested a few other games that uses a lot of computer resources, but I didn't experience the same thing. Is this a game bug or is it my Capture software? submitted by /u/DandersonJA12 [link] [comments]

To find and buy high-end armor and weapons search for a town with a smithy workshop. They produce the high-end armor for their respective culture (in this example: Vlandian closed helmets).

submitted by /u/roffels7 [link] [comments]

I'm trying to get this Lord to defect but he's asking for so much money. Is this normal?

submitted by /u/ChocolateDavis [link] [comments]


submitted by /u/imretardeadd [link] [comments]

Wanna play some Custom Multiplayer Maps in Bannerlord?

submitted by /u/generalchAOSYT [link] [comments]

Help! whenver i try to start a campaign I get this error. Does this have something to do with my installed mods? (second image)

submitted by /u/tomer8375 [link] [comments]

CA Eagles Rising MOD - Awesome stuff! Leave some comments about what you think about it! ⚔️🛡

*High Quality Armor & Weapons! * Mutiple factions with more to come ( see pictures for details) * RBM patch compat! * Will run with most all mods or just a base playthrough if you just want to change things up a bit! * Can download manually or through mod manager! *Not my mod, I just really enjoy this one and are helping them get this out there! Go show them some love. ⚔️Check it out on Nexus! ⚔️ submitted by /u/ItsEzyABC [link] [comments]

Banner kings crash

Every time a battle is over the game crashes , I use the latest version of game and bannerking mod , RTS camera mod , distinguishing service mod and open source armoury mod . Please help submitted by /u/Additional-Ad-2933 [link] [comments]

Does anyone else also get annoyed/angry when their own soldiers die in battle?

I am playing a nothern empire lord campaign, I am the strongest lord and have a elite unit of cataphracts. When i have battles and sieges i always get annoyed/angry at the enemy when my soldiers die. I also think like they have families, values and loved ones as a bit of RP. So each time one of my elite soldiers fall i have to kill atleast 10 times as many of the enemy. So i was wondering if anyone else feels the same about their soldiers? submitted by /u/Bunnybom [link] [comments]

How do I get the lords in my army to dump almost 2 million grain (Overburdened can't move)

submitted by /u/cheesyfriedrice [link] [comments]

250k grain from defeating 1 vlandian army

submitted by /u/cheesyfriedrice [link] [comments]

e1.8.0. Mod List

A few things to keep in mind if you are using Nexus Mods. Always check which version of mod it has selected for download. Better go to files tab and manually select which version you need. Following mod list is for game version e.1.8.0 and is in the sequence that I have tested. Bannerlord.Harmony BetterExceptionWindow Bannerlord.ButterLib Bannerlord.UIExtenderEx Bannerlord.MBOptionScreen BALordsAndHotDaughters Native SandBoxCore Sandbox CustomBattle Multiplayer StoryMode HarmonySummary Vexillum TrueController BALordsAndHotDaughtersBelow BetterSmithingContinued EquipBestItem AutoResolveRebalanced AdjustableLevelUpPoints BanditMilitias Bannerlord.Diplomacy BattleStats BetterHUD BetterTime CharacterReload Cheats CompanionPartyControl FRACAS GovernorsHandleIssues hotbutter ImprovedGarrisons PromoteToNobleTroop LetMeFight Leveling_rebalance MercenaryMaidens PartiesSellFood PartyScreenEnhancements ProfitableWorkshops_EDP RaiseRelationWithTownAndVillage RaiseYourBannerPlus RaiseYourTo...

Now That's A Lot Of Food!

Is anyone having this issue? Every lord and every army has like 300k grain to 1million grain.... making map speed 1.0 all around the board. its impossible to form an army and be somewhat mobile to defend where needed. Any thoughts or things you know that i probably dont would be appreciated!! submitted by /u/TheBoofMan [link] [comments]

Bannerlord is only alive cause if mods

The late game isn’t bad as it just doesn’t exist the whole loop ends around their 5 and once you meet a certain apex the font drops instantly. I’ve never conquered calradia cause it’s just so danm boring. With multiplayer in the state that it is right now this game is only alive cause of its modding community why should I not think otherwise. submitted by /u/Beginning-Upstairs31 [link] [comments]

Entire game just reset...?

So I've got a warband save going on, native gold, awesome custom troop tree i spent forever on, and a good chunk of territory. Then, for some reason, I launched the game, and all my settings were changed or reset. Just, all of them. Resolution went down for some reason, sound settings all changed, even the battle size and difficulty. WTF happened? And is there a fix? All my custom troops got reset too, and are just guys with no armor and all 0 stats. I'm absolutely furious and need to know if there's something I can do. Submitted September 27, 2022 at 02:09AM by saryeen

ERROR - Could not load merged xml file correctly: ItemsError: Object reference not set to an instance of an obect.

Reinstalled the game recently and have been getting the error message above. I'm able to launch the game but once I click on "new game" it crashes and shows error. I have some mods download and have checked to make sure they're updated to the current version. I've also made sure to unblock all dll files. Any suggestions would be great thanks. submitted by /u/leopaldo [link] [comments]

Western Empire parties kept raiding one of my villages one by one, allowing me to easily defeat and capture ~20 of their nobles

submitted by /u/Chantlis [link] [comments]

having a disk write error on steam

like the title says im having a disk write error and steam doesn't seem to be able to verify the game files (it gets stuck at 99% for an hour +). ive tried most other fixes, restart steam, uninstall/reinstall, empty cache. not sure what to do. please help submitted by /u/Bearzap34 [link] [comments]


submitted by /u/BannerlordPlays [link] [comments]

Which weapon do you guys focus on, whether that it’s good or you like it?.. what do you mean I can’t bring a 2h sword, 2h axe, 2h polearm, 1h sword and shield, bow and arrow into the battlefield?

submitted by /u/Unregistered-Archive [link] [comments]

Modding Help

I've had some fucky situations with mods but this takes the cake. I've searched the internet trying to figure out how to fix these errors to no avail. If anyone can help in anyway I'll kiss you. Before you suggest, I've checked .dll files, tested certain mods standalone with it sometimes working, everything is up to date, I've even cross-checked the files that work with the files that don't to try and find any errors. I've also had these issues with any mod since the game released or a few months after. I'm in a bit of a gutter. Not to mention that even the core vanilla stuff (Sandbox Core, StoryMode, etc.) all have the yellow ! I'm happy to clarify more details if needed. https://preview.r...

The Gap Between 1.8 and full Release

I’ll try to keep this short and positive. Build 1.8 feels far from done but, having. Played the game for nearly its entire development, it’s come a long way from what is was. Every update seems to spring the game forward by leaps and bounds in quality and fun. If we consider 2.0 to be what the released build will be, I imagine 2 large patches worth of improvements, bug fixes, and adjustments to the game by its release or at least a 1.9 release build followed up by a 2.0 patch within a month or two of release. I tend to forget that the pandemic derailed a lot of game production and man companies seem to be releasing half finished or unpolished products. At the end of the day, I understand even if I don’t approve. What do you guys think? Do you think 1.8 is the final build? Or do you think like me and see 1.8 as the final public version before the big update that is the final version? submitted by /u/ChevalierdeSol [link] [comments]

What mods can I run with a weakass laptop?

I have a really shitty laptop that has a dual core 1.2. GHz CPU that struggles with loading Chrome. Warband runs about 20-25 FPS when I run it at 50-75 battle size which is fine for most battles except big ass sieges and full-on kingdom wars between 1k troops. I completed most Viking conquest battles by maximizing battle size, going into a corner of the map and watching YouTube as the battle unfolded in 5 FPS. I wanted to know what Warband mods can I run with my current specs? Need something that isn't demanding with regards to battle size. Submitted September 25, 2022 at 03:00AM by ezio1452

Bannerlord mod where you can make your own custom troop group

Hello,is there any mod for bannerlord that allows me to make groups for troop and order them separately. Like I want to make a group of companions and order them separately and not just together with infantry/cavalry. I want to make different orders for different infantry types by grouping them like we used to in warband. Submitted September 25, 2022 at 01:12AM by tikendrajit

Aserai Vs Sturgia Strongest Troop Comparison | Mount And Blade: II Banne...

submitted by /u/AceOfSpadesYT_ [link] [comments]

If I become a vassal will I lose fiefs I had before entering service when I leave?

I’m trying to start a solo kingdom but last time I tried I got war declared on me so many times the second I declared myself a kingdom, will I lose fiefs I had before joining a kingdom upon leaving or are they included in the give back or keep option? Also how can I deal with everyone declaring war on me immediately? submitted by /u/Warm-Ad-7280 [link] [comments]


submitted by /u/ColossusTiga [link] [comments]

I made a spreadsheet for all the names in Bannerlord!

The list is here. I went into Bannerlord's files and dug out "spcultures.xml", which has all the (I assume) randomly chosen names you'll see in any given playthrough. The only exception is Vlandian clan names, which follow a format of "dey (place of origin.)" For those, I just copied over everything from the Wiki and then filled in the rest with all the Vlandian villages and cities. If there's any canon names from Bannerlord that aren't in this list, let me know and I'll try and add them (with maybe a lil marker that they're not from the spcultures file.) I might also see if Warband has anything like this. Submitted September 23, 2022 at 10:27PM by IcarusAvery

Can you use Morgh's Editor to find hidden items in mods?

I've had some luck with edit mode, the save game editor and simple word of mouth, but some mods are less well known and harder to find info on. I've never used Morgh's Editor, and when I watched a video on it, the content didn't seem to show where to find said items ingame, other than their stats, and possibly if they were tagged for merchant sales or not. For anyone who plays the ROTK mod ( ), there's a whole bunch of hidden chests in various scenes. I won't say EXACTLY where they are, but these are the locations I found ones for sure. This isn't a comprehensive list and I might've missed one. Towns: Luoyang, Xiangyang, Chang'an, Chengdu, Xiapi, Jianye Castles: Jianmen County, Chibi, Taishan County Villages: Penglai Island, Zhuo County (peach garden), Guilin, Longzhong Special Locations on the map: Four Ways Inn, Mt Xuwu Submitted September 23, 2022 at 02:01AM by Big...

I thought I was doomed!

submitted by /u/Ok_Equipment6958 [link] [comments]

Mod to deal with town/village notable

Hi, in my current game I started my own kingdom and is a king. One of the notable in the my town always piss me off ever since I first visit this town(he didn't really do anything, I just don't like his look so I always target this guy caravan when we are at war) Now that I am a king and he has -60 relation with me and his influence is still 200+. How can I get rid of this guy? I am a fair and just king of my own new found kingdom, I am the law, I define the tradition, shouldn't I be able to just jail or gut anyone I want? Is there a mod to imprison anyone? "Imprison Anyone Mod" maybe? submitted by /u/Afraid_Courage890 [link] [comments]

Advice for late game conquering the map?

I've finally gotten to the point where I have my own kingdom, maybe 5 cities and 4 castles or so, each one owned by a separate loyal vassal I promoted from companions. Have better loot mods so easily over 10m gold, best of everything I need, high stats, can field almost 380 troops myself (khans guards and darkhans) 1-2k with armies. The main way I can make progress is to initiate a war, take a city or castle and immediately end the war to fortify it, paying tribute if I need to. It's sneaky but it works to a point, but the way the AI plays is they declare war basically at the same time until its a 1v3 or 1v4 war. It forces me to either lose everything I've gained or pay massive tribute to pay off some enemies and focus on 1v1 war. Paying so much tribute and having mods to help with money just feels like cheating though and ruins some of the fun, but so is feeling unfairly piled on by multiple kingdoms at the same time whenever war breaks out. Mods or not, it feels unbalan...

My gay lover died mysteriously?

Ok I dismissed one of my companions while back because I really needed a medic real bad, previous one died. My companions slots was full I figured I'll dismiss him for now until I get to Clan level 3 to find my gay lover, but then he apparently died! In the same city I dismissed him from and it says he mysteriously disappeared! I need to know what happened to him, is it some sort of glitch, or bug? After all those time running from the Imperials I can't believe he just died from depression like that. I can confidently say his ancestors are smiling at him, and the emperials cannot say the same. submitted by /u/Previous-Ad-7280 [link] [comments]

Alternative commands menu mod

I have a 60% keyboard and am in need of another way to control my armies. Remapping is not comfortable and I would love if there was a mod that adds another way to control them, like maybe clicking a button and a radial menu shows up. e.g., click 1 to select infantry, and a menu shows up with all the commands and I just drag my mouse and release over the one I want. ​ Any other options welcome submitted by /u/MishakaRY [link] [comments]

Can I trade for a prisoner in a vassal's dungeon?

I'm king of the Vlandians. I made one of my companions (Bitterdraught) a vassal and gave him Quyaz. Someone in my kingdom captured Emir Talas and dumped him in the Quyaz dungeon. I just captured Qasira so Talas is fiefless and perhaps recruitable. Short of making peace with the Aserai (or waiting for Talas to escape) is there a way (in either the base game or a mod) to get Talas out of the Quyaz dungeon and into a dungeon of mine where he'd be recruitable? If I try to trade with Bitterdraught (in Qasira) or his clan member that he appointed as Governor of Quyaz (in Quyaz) I don't see any options for "trading" other than giving money. submitted by /u/ChocolateEater626 [link] [comments]

Cav sucks??

So I've been playing this game in and off since release, but have recently got really into it. I have the dragon banner and have backed Vlandia. But something I've noticed is that when I have cav in my party, they either die really quickly, or run around doing not much of anything. Is this normal? Am I missing something? submitted by /u/Regretoot2334 [link] [comments]

Absolute Noob

I just downloaded bannerlord yesterday after watching many videos on it. Im at clan tier 3( I’ve been absolutely no life-ing it). I have around 20k with a workshop and a caravan. A vassal to the empire with 84/84 troops. I have watched endless videos on tips and different guides and I still feel completely lost. All I do is just run around and get in fights, I do normally win so that’s the bonus( easiest difficulty). So instead of watching YouTube videos and trying to understand, can y’all give a man some help hahaha! What should I be doing! Thank you! submitted by /u/GoatComments [link] [comments]

Vlandia vs Empire

Question is always asked on the thread but I honestly want to see more insights. Also I forgot to add but it’s mainly about their armies and their potential partners in campaigns Submitted September 20, 2022 at 03:39AM by jirrooo

Controlling feiefs

So im planning out my campaign and want to create my first kingdom. ive watched a couple of guides etc but a question im having is why dont i just own fiefs myself as king? I get loyalty might be an issue but as long as you have companions who can remedy that it should be fine right? think i saw a video where theres this "bug" or whatever where lords betray your kingdom to join an enemy faction even if you are winning submitted by /u/RoadLeftForDead [link] [comments]

10 Tips for new players

submitted by /u/Mjp_1989 [link] [comments]

Leveling up workshops

so when you open the window where you get more information about your owned workshops, it says that the workshop is level x. but i have noticed that no matter for how long ive owned a workshop, it always says level 1 and i havent seen any possibility to increase said level. does anyone know what i am supposed to do? submitted by /u/sceema333 [link] [comments]

Normally I go for an RP army comp but now, I’m going for gold.

Ive decided to metagame the hell out of my current vanilla playthrough and go for an army comp of only the best of the best from a faction and recruiting nothing else from them. If another faction has a better version of that unit, I simply let them die for my glory and replace them with upgrades. Vlandian Banner knights, Battanian Fian Champions, Sturgian heavy spearmen and line breakers, with some imperial cataphracts mixed in for variety. My party is smashing parties up to 50% larger than it with minimal losses. While playing as a Vlandian noble reclaiming his birthright is fun, my current playthrough of becoming the God-Emperor of Calaradia is a blast. submitted by /u/ChevalierdeSol [link] [comments]

Vlandian/Imperial crossbowmen are NOT good troops

Ranged efficiency : In LionExodus's ranged efficiency test, Imperial crossbowmen ranked 7rd and vlandian crossbowmen ranked 6rd. Crossbows can deal more damage per shot than bows however they also fire slower so the overall DPS (damage per second) is way lower when compared to bows. They also have way less ammo (20 bolts while most archers have 60-64 arrows) No, crossbowmen are NOT more effective than bows even against troops with heavy armor. Yes, they do have a 15% extra range when compared to fians but keep it doesn't justify having almost 4x less amo and less DPS. Melee efficiency : In LionExodus's melee efficiency test, sharpshooter ranked 4rd among ranged troops and imperial crossbowmen ranked 3rd Every month a random website just lists the sharpshooter in a top 10 list and they claim things such as "they are as good as any other infantrymen in melee" which is not really true at all. As you can see, not only they are bad against other t5 infantry but...

Crash at Startup?

Sorry for making a thread but I can’t find any solutions. I’ve deleted and reinstalled the game 3 times, deleted all saves that previously used mods and deleted all mods before I even uninstalled. As soon as the game boots up and after I hit play now, it goes into the screen before the menu screen and crashes. Any suggestions lads? This has plagued me for about 4/5 months and I’ve decided it’s time to fix the issue. submitted by /u/Ciigmeyer [link] [comments]

Are you people using a controller to fight in melee?

So i am a newb, trying to figure out combat in MB2. With range weapons that is no problem, but in melee i just die. I really mean it, every single(single!) enemy beats me in a fair fight. The tutorial is not really helpful. I tried as many as ~30 Tourneys and i have no won a single one of them. In the eariler stages i can win by exploiting the chaos, but in 1on1 against an enemy with a shield i just lose like everytime while playing on "Bannerlord"-difficulty. The problem is, that i have to aim at the enemy to block, stun and hit and aim away from the enemy to perform swing strikes with an onehanded sword(everything else gets easily blocked/misses all the time). So i normally run sideways, while aiming and swinging at the enemy at the other side - but then i like never get the correct aim to shieldbash. Or i get the shieldbash right, but cant move my mouse fast enough to perform a swing attack afterwards in time, so i do a stab or overhead attack which often misses or...

Short comparison of cavalry in 1.8 vs 1.7

submitted by /u/Helerek [link] [comments]

what is your best field battle without using fian champs? this is mine.

submitted by /u/Head_Bus_8842 [link] [comments]

Identifying What's Causing GameTick Crash On Modded

Hey there, I'm getting a game tick crash and Better Exception Window isn't pointing to any specific mods. I've tried disabling every mod I can disable mid-playthrough and it's still persisting, I've loaded to an earlier save and it still happens, I've verified game files and it's still happening. Any chance someone can think of what might be messing me up, or tell me how to figure that out? Here's the outer exception callstack at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.GameComponents.DefaultTargetScoreCalculatingModel.GetTargetScoreForFaction(Settlement targetSettlement, ArmyTypes missionType, MobileParty mobileParty, Single ourStrength, Single& powerScore, Single& distanceScore, Single& settlementImportanceScore, Int32 numberOfEnemyFactionSettlements, Single totalEnemyMobilePartyStrength) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.GameComponents.DefaultTargetScoreCalculatingModel.GetTargetScoreForFaction_Patch2(DefaultTargetScoreCalculatingModel this, Settlement targ...

Help in identifying crash cause (modded)

Hey y'all, hopefully this is an appropriate place to ask this, as I couldn't really find a solution elsewhere. But, I am having a repeat crash on my modded game, where I am getting an " Object reference not set to an instance of an object. " error through the Better Exception Window screen. Normally, I can find the causes of errors using that window, but in this case it can't determine what module is causing the crash like normal. From my research, that error can be caused by item mods, but the only mods I have for adding new items is the Open Source Armory mod, and the Banner Kings mod, and from what I can tell both are pretty stable, and no one else is having this issue with either one. The obvious fix people would suggest is try turning mods off one by one and seeing if the crash persists, but unfortunately basically all my mods require a new game to be removed. This crash is not persistent in the early phase, and usually starts becoming persistent afte...

Derthert is the worst

I have 100 relation with him, over 50 relation with most clans in Vlandia, and the mofo only gives me TWO castles after I have taken every town and castle for him. Sometimes I create an army and lead it, sometimes I take the place just with my own men. I’m never even on the ballet. He then gives every single one of them to Calatild who loses them because they keep revolting lol. So I take them back, he gives them back to Calatild, and the cycle repeats. What am I doing wrong? submitted by /u/okaysweaty [link] [comments]

Strongest infantry, change my mind.

submitted by /u/Mjp_1989 [link] [comments]

There´s something missing from Bannerlord

I love Bannerlord, the battles are awesome, the game is very polished and runs really smoothly, I can run battles with 1000 soldiers like a breeze. The new equipment mechanics and perks and all that are nice, but there´s something missing and I dont know what. I just "care" about Warband more. In Warband I know everyone, I know who I like and who I dislike, I care about what specific lords think of me, I feel like I am part of the world while in Bannerlord I feel like Im just grinding and making number go big so that I may afford more armies to expand my kingdom. Its weird because Bannerlord gives you more options when it comes to kingdom management but I cant force myself to care about any of it. One of my favorite memories from Warband was winning a Turney in the north, giving the honor to the daughter of some lord and fleeing with her so that we could marry behind his back, I eventually took refuge under the Rhodock Banner and became great friends with their lords. I ...

Crash report help

I keep getting the below crash. Two different saves, one within a couple days of start, the other 350 days into the game. Crash repeats despite efforts to shake up the seed of events. Trying to figure what is causing it, or what specifically is fucking up so maybe i can have a better idea of what to try. Any help is of course appreciated. ​ at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Settlements.Locations.Location.GetLocationCharacter(Hero hero) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Settlements.Locations.LocationComplex.GetLocationCharacterOfHero(Hero hero) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignBehaviors.HeroAgentSpawnCampaignBehavior.OnGovernorChanged(Town town, Hero oldGovernor, Hero newGovernor) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.MbEvent`3.InvokeList(EventHandlerRec`3 list, T1 t1, T2 t2, T3 t3) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignEvents.OnGovernorChanged(Town fortification, Hero oldGovernor, Hero newGovernor) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignEventDispatcher.OnGovernorChanged(Town fortification, Hero...

Game gets stuck on loading screen going into ARENA. Then crashes. Please help!!

Hey guys, ive tried updating my drivers, and trying different cities, but it happens every time i try to enter an arena to talk to the arena master, or enter a tournament. I get stuck on the loading screen. Not sure what else to do besides reinstall, but idk why id have to do that. i have the latest version of the game, i think>? 1.8 Its happened several times now, and im getting discouraged not sure where to go from here. the games been working on my PC for years. idk whats going on. submitted by /u/buttsecks514 [link] [comments]

The Ultimate Guide To Bannerlord: Steward.

submitted by /u/laricyon [link] [comments]

Fair deal 👍

submitted by /u/Alternative-Leg-6705 [link] [comments]


Does anyone raid? I made a character recently and went raiding with very mixed results but overall it doesn't seam worth it. submitted by /u/DonkeyAwkward [link] [comments]

Guess there's no point to picking captain perks on your character, sure makes me feel stupid...

submitted by /u/X3rxus [link] [comments]

Behold, my Anime sword!

submitted by /u/Head_Bus_8842 [link] [comments]

This is so sad. I just give him my pocket money instead.

submitted by /u/Irrumasta [link] [comments]

Clan recruitment and abandonment is absolutely broken

I'm goddamn tired of searching the entire planet for that one unicorn of a clan that is actually willing to swap sides. So give them territory, a lot because god knows there isnt' enough lords to go around to be sparing. And then they just up and leave? Sure they leave all of their holdings, but that just makes even LESS sense. They were a poor nobody, now they are a powerful lord, and they just throw that all away? for what? The hiring and desertion of clans, Is the single most frustrating thing in this game. It's an unfun mechanic, and needs to be overhauled. It makes late game an absolute chore submitted by /u/Prownilo [link] [comments]

I want a video editor for Bannerlord 🥺 to record my battles

submitted by /u/GothQueenEmily [link] [comments]

wtf bnormal troops in a bandit bace this is vanilla

submitted by /u/No_Subject1055 [link] [comments]

The best looter set. Has the highest armour while also having ranged attacks

​ submitted by /u/majorksaksak [link] [comments]

My name is Himil Ubchit, not Harald Hadrada.

submitted by /u/Gankyuns [link] [comments]

I'm 20 hours into the game and this was the greatest battle yet We were besieging Epicrotea when the Northern Empire's main army appeared behind us. They waited while we built our camp, and reinforcements arrived. Two of our mercenary clans abandoned the army and our numbers dropped to half of the enemies. They grew to around a 1000 and attacked us. We held a very powerful defensive point with the river next to us and behind us was a chunk of land where we kept the archers, connected by a bridge which our infantry protected. Their cavalry couldn't flank us and our horsemen (lead by me) would constantly kite the enemy, causing confusion and chaos amongst the ranks, completely disrupting their advancement. It became a massacre for awhile but there was so many of them. I was downed around the 3/4 mark of the battle. Never realised just how powerful a big crossbow volley can be, even when your charging through ...

Bannerlord 'Roleplay' Event - KILL THE KING!

submitted by /u/theothedogg [link] [comments]

Anyone know what the issue is and how to fix it?

submitted by /u/The_Crazy_Crusader [link] [comments]

Bruh what happened to cavalry now?

1.8, cavalry (even banner knights) are somehow not able to destroy a small group of LOOTERS in one go. They don’t couch, then don’t stab, they just go for the charge damage (which is pretty disappointing anyway because apparently being hit by a 1200-1400 pound/544.31-635.02 kg moving at high speeds won’t knock you out or kill you). It’s sorta believable that a few looters can kill a few of them in autocalc battles because of how downgraded they got. submitted by /u/JonHenryTheGravvite [link] [comments]

is it swadia or swadia?

for all my time playing this game i still don't know how to say it. is it sway-dia or swah-dia? i subconsciously swap between the two ways of saying it and i want a true answer Submitted September 13, 2022 at 04:33AM by sootyea

Warband music playlists

Just got back into warband for the millionth time. I love to listen to music while I play, and i can bet that plenty of you do as well. I would love some playlist suggestions of what you guys listen to while you play warband, a mention would be awsome and a link even better. I'm down to listen to anything except probably like screamo(sorry just not into super heavy stuff) Cheers🍻🍃 submitted by /u/JewTasticc [link] [comments]

Does Totsk work for 1.8.0?

Simply put, does totsk work for 1.8.0? It keeps crashing, I have everything in the right load order and no other mods loaded.(Side note: this is my first time watching GoT. I just saw the “Red Wedding,” scene, I’ve never felt more disgusted, angry, and sympathetic over a TV scene. My emotions are fu**** rn.) submitted by /u/CannonChap0913 [link] [comments]

Warband: Tips on playing as a bandit/bad guy?

I just got into M&B after like 10 years and im nearing the end of a playthrough as a good guy, loyal to the king, no pillaging, high honor. Im thinking next i want to be an absolute menace, have the shittiest companions, burn down villages, betray factions. Any tips on how i should chose stats, should i build a big army or focus on personal stats? What should my end goal be? Cheers! Submitted September 12, 2022 at 04:32AM by mostlyshits

GoT mods - which to pick

Hello, There are currently two big GoT mods for bannerlord: Trial of the seven kingdoms Realm of thrones I guess it’s a bit of the same discussion back in the day with warband about “a clash of kings” or “a world of ice and fire” depending of you were looking for more lore friendliness or just an overhaul theme. However at this stage I do not see the immediate difference between the two. There kind of the same with no distinction of one will be more lore oriented. Do you guys have an experience with those? How well they run(alone or with other mods). Any feedback? submitted by /u/Ellixhirion [link] [comments]

Help with my mods

Returning to playing after a while and having trouble running my old mod list (all updated to 1.8) I want to post the mod list but too long to type out and can’t remember where that handy text file with all my mods is. Can anyone help? submitted by /u/Unconsequentialpig [link] [comments]

winnable 🤌

submitted by /u/Alternative-Leg-6705 [link] [comments]

I Guess I'm Switzerland.

submitted by /u/TheCoolPersian [link] [comments]

The people of Reddit I have lost all hope of trying to fix my mods list for mount and blade banner lord 2 can someone please help me that is more knowledgeable than me at this will post the list soon all of the solutions I try fail I’ve tried to install the versions they want and it still fails plz. Submitted September 10, 2022 at 06:04PM by TheLordGeneral21

Bannerlord to Warband Conversion Mod?

I've noticed a rising number of overhaul and map change mods to Bannerlord, and I've been wondering if anyone would ever do a mod that takes the old map, factions, and characters from Warband and puts them into Bannerlord to give the old game experience in a new engine? I really liked the old Mount and Blade games, but since playing Bannerlord from the start of early access, it doesn't feel quite right going back and playing without little things like militias, the diplomacy panel, and other neat little perks. submitted by /u/ADipshitMcGee [link] [comments]

The Shokuho team has prepared a gameplay video showcasing the significant progress we have made on the mod. This video is a celebration of everything we love about feudal Japan, Ghost of Tsushima, Gekokujo and the many depictions of historical Japan. Please Enjoy and join our discord!

submitted by /u/GoldenSmurf2001 [link] [comments]

Help please

when I try to launch the game using the launcher, this always happens 📷 submitted by /u/Vi0let_Evergarden [link] [comments]

I love it when a plan comes together.

submitted by /u/rpxtoreador2 [link] [comments]

An Elder Scrolls Mod

Heya, I’m a simple person. I love Mount & Blade. I love The Elder scrolls. Mount and Blade Warband is the most mod-able game ever. So why isn’t there any good mods? There was the amazing Skyrim civil war mod for Warband that mysteriously disappeared, I can’t find any files for it and all the links that use to lead to it are dead. There’s house wars, an interesting idea, but unfinished and buggy. And there’s countless abandoned Bannerlord mod pages. Is there a secret mod any of you know about? Maybe a link or way to get the old civil war mod files? Any insight would be appreciated, thanks! Submitted September 10, 2022 at 03:02AM by Forsaken_Rutabaga463

I can't Keep up with these settlement issues!

I've got 3 cities all next to each other, and there is just constant STREAM of settlement issues, you solve one, two more pop up. It's taking 100% of my time to deal with them, and since these settlements are not "Primary culture" their loyalty is in the toilet, and just ignoring them results in massive security and loyalty issues, so not dealing with them is tantamount to abandoning the cities to rebelling. Also, if you could PLEASE give an easy way to tell what race a companion is when hiring submitted by /u/Prownilo [link] [comments]