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Those don't look like "Plains" to me.

So, I end up loading into a fight after reading the Auto Resolve where it says that the battle location takes place in the "Plains" as well as looking visually at where im located on the map with not a single tree in sight around me, and then i get a marsh surrounded by trees. Begs another question, if I would have auto resolved, would it have auto'd on that map I loaded into or would it have auto'd with a Plains modifier to cavalry/horse archer troops? submitted by /u/tjburke93123 [link] [comments]

I dont get it anymore.

12 years of development and it barely if at all improves on warband. And theres people still defending this game first you said its all gna be fixed whit full release now you say future updates. i honestly dont get it i see people defending the dumbest stuff here wheter its making all the lord bland shallow nothings and making everything menu based bevause it was "annoying" to actualy have to find a guy to tell him something. This game is as big as an ocean but as shallow as a puddle so much potential wasted. I think everyone before release expected it to have atleast diplomacy like in the warband mod but nope diplomacy is not even existant anymore.

Marshalls removed now its every dumb and dumber lord can create an army every 20 seconds and do nothing whit it except lose every battle because you cant order them to do anyhting. Also defatinga n army in warband actualy meant something since you knock out the enemy kingdom for atleast a week esspecialy if you capture the marshall but in bannerlord that 2 k men army you just destoryed will be replaced by one that has slightly more recruits a day after it has been defeated.

Courting has now been replaced by 2 rng persuasion checks and 2 cow dowry. I rember how in warband i was courting a woman (lady nelda) and even dueled a diffrent courtier because of her only to get told i need 20k for the marriage which forced me to quickly declare war against the sarranids so i can capture one of their citiess and hold it till i get paid.

Lord personalities are also gone no more are the times where you will despise haringoth because all he does is insult you and do nothing or loving count deglan because he saves your kingdoms first city from an army multiple times then leads an army to to conquer multiple castles and even one time he basscialy besieged a city in which i was imprisoned and he freed me which was very nice.

Relationships affecting anything bassicaly gone no more are times where you can convince a lord to bassicaly kill himself or support you in every vote because you had achived 100 relations.

Theres also many more missing stuff like feasts, ministers, good companions.

But yeah bannerlord adds stuff like smithing and more in Depth fief managment. Thats cool and all and the fiefamagnet is pretty great. Smithing on the other hand is cool in concept in reality to create a cool weapon you have to grind for 2 in game years before you can even start imagining of creating it be ause it will take a other year to unlock that one golden pommel.

Bannerlord also adds policies whic is nice and all until you realise that theres 4 good ones and 20 shit ones.

Bannerlord also adds a dynasty sytem which sounds cool until you realise that the intercactions whit your fammily are also non existant and the chances of you dying of old age and getting to be your child before you get bored are minimal. Also whats up whit every brother and sis looking identical this game literally becomes the clone wars after one generation.

Also something controversial but still nice. Why did they remove sexism it was cool playing a female char in warband and getting diffrent dialogue and having to do stuff diffrently. Like for example since uspatnding lords are very honerable and traditional they will not want to marry a woman who fights while cunning and martial ones wont care. I also rmeber how you had to do more to convince a king to accept you as a vassal lile persuade him and stuff.

While kingdom management wasnt much in warband it was still something since you had to solve feuds, organise feasts, look out for disloyal vassals whil in bannerlord theres none of that. A lord whit 100 relation will still defect randomly.

Also mp while i didnt play it much i heard that during ea the serves crashes very often and now that i am playing hwo has this still not been fixed 3 rounds and the server crashes like bruh.

Sorry for if its hard to read kinda cant use one hand rn.

submitted by /u/No-Feedback7251
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