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Showing posts from October, 2022

Looking for advice on troops for a infantry only army (

Like the title said I’m looking at building a foot soldier only army and don’t know what are the best troops for what roles……….but those Fian Champions go hard af but lack the vibe I want and that is a solid melee unit(s) and some archers to rain hell down submitted by /u/Short_Shoe_122 [link] [comments]

Bannerlord crash

Hey there, i'm facing an issue, my game just crash, that crash reports is the same since the 1.7.0 and keep following me at every update :/ file:///C:/Users/jorda/Desktop/crashreport.html submitted by /u/SnowBloodWolf29 [link] [comments]

moving troop to groups on console

I'm on PS5 and trying to change the group my troops are in, somehow a bunch of horse archers are now with my infantry. Any idea how to do this on console? Recently switched from PC and it's driving me crazy. Thank you submitted by /u/isthisforeal [link] [comments]

Fiefs - More importantly, towns.

I am using maybe 600-700 influence to get the army together to take Fiefs. I have taken 4 Castles and I have been on the ballot to run the Fief, I have won 3 out of 4. I have taken 2 towns, I have been on the ballot for 1 out of 2; even though I am one that created the army, I lost the ballot, the other one I didn't even make it to the ballot. What am I doing wrong? The Castles/Towns we are talking about are neighbours to Fiefs I am in charge of. submitted by /u/FilthyPlaysTV [link] [comments]

Few combat-related questions

I'm using Realistic Battle mod but I'll take any answers, RBM or vanilla, just please state what are you commenting on! I'm having trouble to learn how to fight in 1vMany scenarios when on foot. The opportunities to learn are very scarce and it's very punishing to fail. I guess you could just stack movement speed and strafe with a long weapon or something? I can clear hideouts solo and 1v1 pretty much anyone, but I really struggle with 1vMany even against Looters Blocking requires 2 inputs (block button & directional button). Is there any way to make it work so that I can just hold down block and use mouse to change direction? I found a mod that is supposed to do it but it seems very outdated and crashes the game on startup Thrown weapons get increased speed with skill levels Their starting range is really poor, but if I understand correctly projectile speed adds to both range and damage. Can they ever rival stuff like Noble Longbow or Hickory Crossbow in terms...

Help application faced error

So I've looked at all the reddit posts and tried every fix I could find. And yes my pc meets all requirements I've deleted all mods I've uninstalled (including all local files) and reinstalled Tried deleting language folders ( suggested from a random YouTube video) And the cherry on top is I can start up multiplayer just fine but single player always gives unknown error. I'm at the point of deleting this game just to forget about it at this point... to much frustration lol any new ideas would be much appreciated submitted by /u/Historical-Profile-1 [link] [comments]

Save file corrupt?

Okay so i was writing a mini mald statement when i fixed it lol. Don't worry if it happens, hit save as (it's just the autosave that corrupted) Go delete the autosaves Can do this on ps4 no idea about other consoles and obviously pc can do it. If you get "save error" in your game hit save as, delete the corrupted files, continue playing your game. Hopefully this saves someone! submitted by /u/ComfortablePie1594 [link] [comments]

Had no idea ur wife could have twins.

​ submitted by /u/XxJuice-BoxX [link] [comments]

Steam workshop error

i'm encountering a new error when i launch the game. the game starts but this error pops up before the launcher and a second time when the game loads. anyone know what this is referring to i tried looking the workshop id up and get nothing. submitted by /u/Templar0805 [link] [comments]

Was wondering where the northern lords were hiding...

submitted by /u/Dragudo [link] [comments]

So far on Xbox series X.

So far on Xbox series x my experience with the game has be amazing, no crashes, no bugs or graphical issues, even in large 100+ battles I don’t think I experienced much of any lag, even on sieges. I’ve been having plenty of fun playing over 15 hours in the short days I’ve had. A way massive upgrade from Warband. One thing I am loving is blasting through a formation on a 60 man cavalry charge. submitted by /u/Own_Breadfruit_7955 [link] [comments]

dadas? more like mamas

​ submitted by /u/NYweldDuster69 [link] [comments]

"this is Perfect .. TOO PERFECT I am displeased and demand a 50% cut"

submitted by /u/SleeplessAt3am [link] [comments]

alright then

submitted by /u/MemePoster2000 [link] [comments]

Multiplayer is Australia is impossible

After all this fanfare about the multiplayer and campaign development time going into multiplayer, you can't even play it in Australia. 0 servers with below 200 ping with players on. Why are there no dedicated servers? Such a disappointment. Submitted October 29, 2022 at 12:40AM by Coomercide

This smithed sword rolled +12 points, first time I've seen anything over +10 after playing hundreds of hours

submitted by /u/Omgzjustin [link] [comments]

Saying goodbye to my 300 year long EA campaign after the full release :(

submitted by /u/mackianodonaldo [link] [comments]

Heroes don't train their recruits

Hi, I have a problem, that heroes in may clan don't train their armies, they're just roaming pointless around some cities and do nothing no matter if they;re passive, agressive or defensive. Am i doing something wrong or it's a bug? submitted by /u/WielkiDodos [link] [comments]

Loving MB2 on Xbox series S (god has made the world purple)

submitted by /u/Friendly_Medicine804 [link] [comments]

I'm the common enemy

submitted by /u/iwhhf [link] [comments]

S/o to the all the early access folks.

Got this on Xbox on release. I’ve gotten super into this game and all the detailed questions I’ve typed into google seemed to be answered by folks from months ago. Idk if the bugs from months ago hold true but this game is great. I’m not very experienced so I decided to forgo my own kingdom and just signed with Vlandia. Trying to navigate how to get enough influence rn to start making some moves on the empire. Any advice on what to do in this stage appreciated. I just slaughtered the conspirator supply line and one of the lords declared war on Sturgia. Prior to that it was war with Aserai which ended in a stalemate. I think Sturgia is a better target IMO easier to move troops into. submitted by /u/sirlancer [link] [comments]

Anyone else got bugged facial hair? I can't make a fabulous Vlandian mustache because most of the facial hair options give a sh*tty looking stubble alongside it ( sorry if it was already posted, can't find other reports of this on google )

submitted by /u/Talp4 [link] [comments]


After spending lots of time with Vlandian armies in different wars, shortly before a fresh war with Aserai i became an official vassal of our King Derthert. I participated in every battle as we clean swept 2 towns and 2 castles. I GOT ALL FOUR WITH ZERO QUESTIONS. Also looted my first Destrier down there. I guess i have my own mini fiefdom in the desert now. Also it's Sanala which i've heard/seen is a really good city and Askar which is in a pretty great geographical spot. Aswell someone else owns the castles on the frontline side i own the safer ones so, minimal garrisons! Seems like all my work taking the time solving local problems in Vlandia's heartlands and being a generally honourable knight paid off. Cherry on top my workshops back in Jaculan and Valend are bringing in cash. All Hail King Derthert! (Death to Derthert one day...) submitted by /u/ComfortablePie1594 [link] [comments]

2 handed Blunt Weapons?

Not sure if its just RNG or what, but I cannot seem to find any 2 handed blunt weapons. I was aiming to take a lot of prisoners for that sweet sweet ransom money and want to channel my inner Warhammer by well...running around with a big fuckoff hammer. Only problem is I can only seem to find one handed maces. Am i just getting screwed on shop/loot rng or are there just none in. I remember Warband had a healthy selection of 2 handed blunt instruments. Unless my memory is too colored by mods anyways submitted by /u/Camo_005 [link] [comments]


never forget me 😔✊🏼 submitted by /u/BigBoiiGoBam [link] [comments]

Removed access to e1.8.0 beta?

submitted by /u/tkot2021 [link] [comments]

Bannerlord on ps4

Hello everyone, u just installed the game on my ps4 yesterday but it doesn’t run very smoothly especially in big battles (300+ unities) does someone know how I can make it smoother? submitted by /u/DAAAAYUUUM [link] [comments]

Tutorial is nonsense.

Just began playing. Went through the whole Combat Training. It says to look around the Village to find the Traveller while dealing with 3 Parties. Found 3 empty campsites outside of town. L1 only shows the Headman as a point of interest. Not finding anything, anyone. Went to the Overworld, nothing. Game seems cool, but it just flat-out assumes that I played Warband or it just has a crap Tutorial. Been gaming for decades so I'm pretty sure it's not me. Well, maybe slightly. But jesus, be friendly to franchise newcomers or something. submitted by /u/TwistfulThinking [link] [comments]

A tutorial bug

Has anyone had the issue on console yet where you go to fight the leader of the camp in the tutorial and when you go to talk to him after killing his camp guards. The message reads you can’t interact with this character during tutorial. Even though he is the tutorial! And then everyone is there just frozen and invincible and all I can do is retreat. Rebooting the game didn’t fix it. submitted by /u/LaziestScreenName [link] [comments]

I banged the Sturgian king's wife before he died. She claimed the throne. Then she had twins.

submitted by /u/mackianodonaldo [link] [comments]

I detect this graphic glitch on 1.9.0 gameplay, is this known issue?

submitted by /u/OdashiKonbu [link] [comments]

[BRE] 500 players on Bannerlord !

submitted by /u/lesarchivesdecolbert [link] [comments]

I lost the will playing the game.

Im a mount and blade veteran so im pretty confident with my playtroughs,the last time i played bannerlord was March April this year,last week i got hella excited when i saw bannerlord by accident. Created my character and went to conquer Calradia,short story short got my lvl 30 character full family +8 companions all geared up 2 mill in the bank.Got myself 3 towns and 3 castle and because i wasnt declared as a kingdom no one atacked me,when i did that it was chaos in 2 full days everyone decleared war on me and no ammount of money could save me 9000 to 12000 plus tribute from everyone.Tried to recruit lords but no matter how good youre relations are they ask for ridiculous ammounts,i just got disheartened and wasnt seeing a way pass that.I dont know if its recent patches or something but before wasnt like this,any advice? submitted by /u/Expensive-Man7702 [link] [comments]

Any idea how persuasion works?

I love this game, is pretty fun and addictive af. But is pretty frustating that most mechanics arent expalined at all and i have to google to get and idea. Im tryng to convince some lords to join my new kingdom but keep failing the persuasion check. I have good relation with them and high charm. I just want to know how it works. Thanks. submitted by /u/SaintJeremy96 [link] [comments]

Are there any mods to enable tribute payments from enemies when they want peace?

I just picked up the game not too long ago and I just found out that no matter what you will always have to pay tribute for peace as the player, and that the AI will never try and even ask the player for peace. I feel like you should be able to get kingdoms to pay you when you’re wiping the floor with them, and the fact you can’t really bugs me. submitted by /u/indescisive_cookie [link] [comments]

Best fief-to-clan ratio when starting a kingdom?

How many fiefs per clan do you find to be ideal when starting a kingdom in order to ensure your villages don't get razed? I'm very late to starting a kingdom (11 towns and 14 castles), and each of my attempts to start a kingdom involve the entirety of fiefless Khuzait declaring war and raiding villages I took from them when I was a minor faction. I don't have enough friendly parties in the area to stop them and they destroy my countryside. How many clans owning the land would pose a legitimate defence force? submitted by /u/igotthestupidapp [link] [comments]

Stressed? I'm not stressed.

​ submitted by /u/Ambitious-Pair-1358 [link] [comments]

Best tier 1 units in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord

submitted by /u/TraxDarkstorm [link] [comments]

Is there any way to get rid of this chat? I know I can disable some reports, I don't want this chat at all.

submitted by /u/Own_Alternative_4297 [link] [comments]

I died to forest bandits on day three in my new bannerlord save.

I was playing a brand new sandbox game on bannerlord difficulty and I got into an encounter with 10 forest bandits by myself. I figured "they're just forest bandits, I can just kill them!" and promptly get downed by 10 arrows coming at me all at once. Literally my first time being downed and I'm dead, got the new cutscene and the "you are not part of this world anymore" dialogue and everything. 10/10 save right here, wish I could have such a long and story-rich playthrough like this every game. submitted by /u/levitp [link] [comments]

What happened since Bannerlord was announced

Now that Bannerlord is getting its full release, let's look back at how long it took to get to that point Ubisoft has released 8 Assassin's Creed, one of which was released twice 5 Battlefield games have been released Paradox Development Studio has released 6 games (7 with Vic3 releasing on the same day as Bannerlord) and 61 major DLC Isis rose and fell 24 Marvel movies have been released There has been 3 American presidents Russia has invaded Ukraine, twice Game of Thrones has ended and its prequel has started (last episode of S01 was leaked btw, for those who don't want to wait till Sunday) GTA V was released and remastered Cyberpunk 2077 was announced, released and partially fixed The world has gone through a major pandemic Breaking Bad saw its prequel start and end Elizabeth II died A kid born on the day of the announcement is old enough to play the game Star Citizen is still in early access Winds of Winter is still nowhere to be seen Submitted Oc...

Lord deaths

Has anyone else noticed that since the last update that few to no lords die in battles? I'm 9 years into my current playthrough and have whacked countless lords in the head with my romphalia, but nobody ever dies. Even in the ticker box in the main map screen when im travelling. I haven't played in about 8 months until now, but I remember lords dying being more common. I'm playing vanilla and have deaths enabled with the middle option between "realistic" and "none". submitted by /u/DankestofHerbs [link] [comments]

Items in the inventory suddenly disappear (Warband)

Yeah. That's it basically. All I had in my inventory (books, horses, weapons, armor) just disappeared after I loaded the game, except for all my food, which is still there. This is the second time it happens in the last 2 weeks. I'm playing diplomacy mod (idk if that has anything to do). Has anyone else experienced something like this before? Submitted October 22, 2022 at 12:42AM by Ok-Case9337

what do you guys think?

submitted by /u/RitoDurito [link] [comments]

THE GOD OF FERTILITY | Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord (Sturgia) | Campaign Gameplay #01

i would love any and all feedback! cheers 🍻🍻 submitted by /u/BigBoiiGoBam [link] [comments]

Day 236 and I JUST learned Party skills don't stack the way I thought...

So, I'm brand new to the game. Aside from a couple "trial runs" that never made it past day 20, this is my first real playthrough of the game. I'm completely hooked (and have already preordered Banner Lord for console when it comes out next week.) But, there are some aspects of the game I'm still not 100% familiar with. For example, this entire time, I thought that any NPC's party skill points would stack with the other NPC's skill points in that skill and then that number would be added to my own skill points. For example: Let's say I have one NPC with 2 skill points in tactics, then I have another NPC with 1 point in tactics, and a 3rd NPC with 3 points in tactics. I thought that all of those points would stack with each other as well as with my own. But now I'm learning only the HIGHEST NPC skill will stack with mine. (The trainer skill being the only exception.) Meaning I've wasted a RIDICULOUS amount of my NPC's skill points. 🤦‍♂️ Th...

Scouting missions be like:

submitted by /u/Stentik [link] [comments]

Running out of money in Bannerlord

Hey, I'm a long time Warband (Floris mod) player. I bought Bannerloard on pre-release but have barely put any time into it until I started a new game very recently. But I'm really struggling to stay solvent and am quickly running out of money. In Floris, I was used to buying land at every town as a way of raising money but I'm just not sure how to do it in Bannerlord. My daily costs are now 2k. I had 140k at one point but now down to 20k and I just don't see how to stay afloat at this point, so any advice would be much appreciated. I have one town and its 2 villages. I suspect I may have overextended the amount and quality of troops I have. In Warband, I was used to packing a town full of troops and training every one up to the top level. I have pruned back the number of troops in my town from about 220 to 150, but my overall costs still seem unsustainable. Submitted October 20, 2022 at 05:19AM by FzBtz

quick qeustion

does setting your combat settings to "no deaths" mean just important characters cant die, lords, clan members and companions cant die or literally nobody can die?like regular soldiers because i prefer having important characters not die but iam fine with regular soldiers dying, thx submitted by /u/DecendedDemon [link] [comments]

When should I be confident enough to start my own kingdom? Steps?

I have over 300 hrs and only created a kingdom a handful of times due to getting my butt kicked almost immediately after creating it, literally. What are some key steps I should make. I usually wait until I have 2-4 castles and I am tier 5 then I create it but no matter what I do I get destroyed and rage quit. Is there a certain point where I can be certain that I'll be able to succeed, any tips to not getting deleted from life by foreign factions? Cheers submitted by /u/Ambitious-Pair-1358 [link] [comments]


I recently made my own kingdom but the relationship with my lords are frequently going down and I don't know what to do. submitted by /u/Wickedmicro [link] [comments]

A clash of Kingdoms 8.0 is playable?

I heard there was drama over this mod but also heard it was good, I subscribed to it on steam but I have reap people say previous versions are better but never really explain why so can I actually play the 8.0 version or not? Submitted October 19, 2022 at 09:32PM by kregerty

Any mods that help make recruiting clans easier? (Bannerlord)

Hey all, I’m playing 1.8 and trying to do my first run where I become a faction leader. Got my faction off the ground, took some land to give away, got half a million in the bank…I’m ready to start building my faction up with some big clans, but I just end up with “I’m happy with my current ruler, and neither our relationship or your purse can change that” with everyone I talk to, even landless nobles with nothing left to lose. Honestly just a mod to open that door up and let me have the conversation would be enough. I’m at the point where I have so much money and nothing to spend it on so I’m down to buy some loyalty. Submitted October 20, 2022 at 12:50AM by ImnotfamousAMA

Wait for official release or not?

Hi everyone. Been following this game for some time and love the genre, seeing as official release is coming up i have a few questions (apologies if this has been asked before). Do you guys think there'll be any substantial change/update on release day affecting core gameplay? I'm currently waiting for release but do you think i should just go ahead and pick it up now? It will of course be my 1st time playing Submitted October 19, 2022 at 04:38AM by SnooPeppers8553

Unlucky guy right here

submitted by /u/Fizzyfadd [link] [comments]

Is there a Bannerlord Skill XP unblocker?

So one of the features of banner kings is that it makes it so you always gain xp on skills, if you don't have focus and stuff it will only ever drop to 5% of xp. Banner kings is a bit heavy for some other stuff I'm trying to run but wondering if there is a mod that will do that or similar. Im not looking for full xp gain, just like 5 or 10% without focus and ability. Maybe a setting I can tweak? Submitted October 18, 2022 at 11:44PM by DM-Lord-Skorm

Diplomacy hopes

Obviously with the full release around the corner we are all excited for the future of BL2. One of the main things I'm interested in is how will the dev's improve the diplomacy aspect of the game. I'm curious to hear what you guys think may be added/ what you would like to see added in future patches regarding diplomacy? submitted by /u/Platypus-Responsible [link] [comments]

Texture pop in

Anyone having increased issues with pop ins recently? Haven't played the game in a while. Started a new playthrough and I've noticed some issues with this that I don't remember before. I've always noticed it a bit but never bothered me until now. The worst is blood on characters during a battle. Literally pops in about 20 metres away. I play with all the graphically settings up to max. submitted by /u/NoahCape [link] [comments]

managing towns and castles

Is this broken or am I doing something wrong, I'm playing as Vlandian vassal and I've captured and own many Sturgian towns, but Revyl and Varnovapol I keep losing those towns constantly due to rebellion, it has come to the point where it doesnt make any sense at all, I give mercy when I capture them and establish solid security from start 150+ garrison, but shortly after I lose loyalty even though I choose loyalty drift, yes I get I'm not the same culture but still it's really annoying that just as you capture the town in a short period of time you lose it to rebels, I don't see any sense in this, will this be fixed with full release or what? submitted by /u/East-Truth [link] [comments]

Strengthening the level of trade

I wonder how to reach trade level 300 relatively quickly without cheats and mods? My current trading level is 230 and I play the vanilla version of the game (patch 1.9). I have about 4 million denarii at my disposal. Leveling up takes longer and longer, and my patience can't take it. If it goes on like this, I will paint the entire map before I reach that magic level 300 of trade! submitted by /u/Maofead [link] [comments]

Obligitory review of bannerlord.

I have played Warband for over 400 hours and Bannerlord for 40 hours, I am playing the 1.9.0 release of Bannerlord so basically the full release is later in the month, here are my thoughts. Positives: The battles are fun, so chaotic and atmospheric. Having a battle in a blizzard, watching my men trudge through swamps, and creating a shield wall to defend against the empire's lances and arrows. All fun and they did a good job here. Everything to do with your character is well done IMO, the great character creator is superb, and the perks are really fun and allow a lot of replayability. Wanna be an archer and captain your own archer team that does bonus damage? You can do that. Wanna lead your troops from afar like Stannis Baratheon? You can do that wth leadership. Wanna make loads of dough like Tywin to fund your armies? Stewardship. I like the influence system, you join a faction, beat enemy lords and your faction lords will more likely follow you into battle it was a pain som...

Had the most fortunate playthrough today.

I started a campaign a day or two ago, sturgian, always sturgian or battanian. And try to play destroy the empire….well I had just built enough reputation to become a merc company for sturgia, when I get a marriage request for my brother to marry Rhaegea. So instantly got 90 relationship with southern empire, and immediately said “fuck these guys” and left for the Southern Empire. She let me join as a Senator, gave me a bad ass sword and a mess of elite troops and then let me marry her daughter. First empire play through I guess, it just seemed a little too predestined at that point to not take her up. Now anytime a castle or city is taken she gifts them to me almost always, and I just have to scramble to figure out how to defend them all now. Really weird playthrough, never had so much stuff just fall in my lap like that. submitted by /u/KuatosFreedomBrigade [link] [comments]

These blokes are straight out of the game.

submitted by /u/bolo_porra [link] [comments]


So I am a vassal of King Harlus I have 3 fiefs, Ismarla Azgad and Tasdamash my army limit 85 at the time and I am picking fights with lord who Swadia is in war with so I can get renown. My question is how can I increase the army limit more effectively because gaining renown seem a bit slow and time consuming. submitted by /u/bbazse02 [link] [comments]

Are Crossbows not worth the investment anymore in bannerlord? (Vs warband)

So back in the warband days I remember crossbows were a great low investment ranged option for characters that didnt want to heavily invest points into ranged. It was great as I could have my melee focused or commander build and still have a decent ranged option when going into sieges and whatnot. With the skill system it seems like if I were to invest points into crossbow I might as well put them into bow or throwing for a more effective option to get the best bang for the buck. Is there any practical reason that I should be trying to use crossbows over bows? submitted by /u/Ataniphor [link] [comments]


When you execute someone everybody just hates you. Why not having good relationship with their enemies and bad relationship with their friends? I can see this way it would be easier to destroy a whole kingdom because their friends/enemies list would be most likely the same. And this is not good for gameplay. Still, current situation also doesn't make a great sense. You're in war, you execute your enemy and your king/queen starts to hate you. Maybe this could be limited by not getting hatred from your own kingdom. You spend some time to have friends in your kingdom to back you up when you become the authority or to call them to your kingdom if you leave and start a new one. I don't care what other lords think but losing my friends is what keeps me from making executions. Any ideas? submitted by /u/nebilim6 [link] [comments]


I can't seem to escape the crash on startup. submitted by /u/baobabfuqr [link] [comments]

It use to be so simple

submitted by /u/MarcusBrutus85 [link] [comments]

[Bug] Black Screen after finishing Battle

So this has been happening to me for a while, for like the last 3 months (at a guess), after I finish a battle, and go back to the world map, i get a black screen (with limited ui elements), but cant interact with anything, for a good like 20 seconds, and then the rest of the ui comes back, and the game plays like usual, ive tried uninstalling/inreinstalling, removing all mods, undeplaying nexus vortex. Even Now as I play with steam workshop mods, this bug is still happening. PS. i also tried with 0 mods both before and after steam workshop dropped submitted by /u/JusticeChef [link] [comments]

Help I'm addicted to bannerlord

Usually I rip mount and blade every now and then for a couple weeks max used to be warband mostly for the mods but bannerlord is starting to get more mods started on realm of thrones then went to eagle rising, I've been playing non stop for a solid month now, when I get home I start up. If the warhammer mod gets an update soon I'm gonna be stuck on that forsure when/if I get tired of eagle rising soon..... btw the armors on eagle rising are absolutely insane. Also who else here has rarely played bannerlord vanilla I probably have like 50 hours in vanilla the rest is modded submitted by /u/NYweldDuster69 [link] [comments]

does anywant have this money problem in Perisno?

Hey guys do you guys have this problem in Perisno? , whenever the weekly money report comes (idk what's it's called) it always says that I gain money (you know it's green and stuff) but my money seems to always decrease, it decreases the same amount as how much I supposed to "gain" So any of you know why this is happening? Submitted October 15, 2022 at 01:38AM by Least-Double9420

Lore Theory on the Sword Sisters

Taleworlds likes to keep their Lore open for interpretation, therefore I figured I'd have a hottake at the lore of a minor, yet unique, unit of the series. War has been ravaging the empire for years now, only made worse by the Great Civil War. Men are drafted at the youngest possible age, their fathers having fought for the emporer and they themselves now in the crossfire of three Emporers. Their Wives and Daughters can either follow their male family members, or stay at home. However, they run the risk of either falling pray to a enemy army or one of the numerous roaming bandit gangs. However, there is a third option. A band of women came together, under guidance of veteran legionaires, to train these women to defend themselves. These fighters, known as Sword Sisters, would form a matriarchal Order and while many of their members went back home to defend their property, some chose to roam the world to work as mercenaries. The Order of Sword Sisters, surviving only on donation...

He doesn't know that after this I'm going to cut his fucking head off!!!!

submitted by /u/Das_Maus [link] [comments]

lord farquaad?

submitted by /u/Rivusonreddit [link] [comments]

Hell yeah!

submitted by /u/Benkach99 [link] [comments]

I like Bannerlord a lot! Buuuuuut...

No, really, I do. In fact, it's one of my favorite games ever. Like Warband. But nothing's perfect. I have some gripes and with release so close it seems like they won't change. These aren't... Hard to fix problems. I get that making AI is hard, I get that bugs will always exist. I get that resources are limited and you cannot add every feature you might want to. So my problems are limited to design choices. Khan's Guard are stupidly broken. I feel bad about using them. They are absurdly too good. It's fine that they're the best horse archers. It's not fine that they are also the best melee cavalry, the best shock infantry and very good foot archers as well. Very few cultural bonuses feel fun or impactful. I don't know what more to say. I wish picking a culture mattered for more than owning fiefs. Related: There's way too much forest. Ye gods. The only cultural bonus that really seems to matter is Battania's, because Calradi...

Sturgia ain't an infantry faction?

Why is Sturgia's T6 troop cavalry and not infantry? Bein a norse-inspired faction I'd expect the Sturgian Heavy Axeman to be the T6 or something like the Nord Huscarl, but a Vaegir on a horse? Just seems weird to me. Especially since it's the fourth T6 cavalry troop and none of them are better than Vlandia's... submitted by /u/Vales066 [link] [comments]

A question about team composition!

Has anyone figured out a pure blunt weapon team? Is there a cavalry unit with a blunt polearm? I know having minimal to no ranged would suck, but I kinda want to try this for a playthrough, and was having a hard time sifting through all the information of units. Only reason I want to try this, is to have an only sell prisoners/items playthrough, and imma need a team ready to hunt and knockout by the thousands. Pls help submitted by /u/Durtmat [link] [comments]


I’m recruiting for a XBOX multiplayer clan. We will participate in organized clan battles and attempt to be the best in the community. If you are interested comment your discord below or join this link CLAN DISCORD submitted by /u/Jazzlike_Repair_1437 [link] [comments]

How do you guys defend bridges?

submitted by /u/RitoDurito [link] [comments]

Bannerlord mods don't work on my steam deck.

I copy and pasted my modules folder from my computer to my steam deck and my mods don't work. to verify that I did not mess up I reinstalled bannerlord on my pc and moved my modules folder and my mods ran fine, what could be causing mods to not work for my steam deck, is Linux the problem? submitted by /u/Left-Knowledge-7108 [link] [comments]

Fight noble lord in nutshell

submitted by /u/NotNatius [link] [comments]

Help with getting towns?

I'm currently having trouble with getting towns of any kind. I've conquered a dozen or two while as a vassal to vlandia, my relations are at 100 with everyone at this point in vlandia, my renown is high, my clan is almost tier 5. And yet when I capture a town (as head of the army, my name never pops up to vote for the town. I've got over 1k hours in this game I've never had this issue before. Any ideas? submitted by /u/nonapuss [link] [comments]

Star Wars Soundtrack

Anyone else noticed that the Star Wars soundtrack makes an awesome alternative score for this game? I'm talking Jedi Temple March playing during a castle siege, Sugaan Essena playing while defending a town, Imperial March while steamrolling the Batanians, Vode An when fighting a battle with overwhelming odds, Darth Revan theme when executing enemy lord's (I have a second campaign going along my Vlandian one where my character is a ruthless Batanian anarchist) just to name a few. Anyone else or is that just me? submitted by /u/shadorav3n [link] [comments]

Caravans are too fast!!

They all seem to have a party speed of 6. How am I supposed to catch them? In one campaign my party has a mix of infantry and cavalry, no where near to being overencumbered, and sufficient speed boosting horses in inventory to get the full footmen on horseback speed bonus. My maximum party speed is mid 5s from memory. In another campaign, my party is full infantry, otherwise same as above. My maximum party speed is 5.3. How am I ever meant to catch caravans with anything but a pure cavalry party? I can't set an ambush and lie in waiting on a bridge or in a forest until they pass by. I can't chase them down either. There's no party speed bonus for being a small party (nor a penalty for being a large party)? Also caravans should be mostly pack animals and should have traders/civilians in their party. Why do pack animals not slow down party speed? They probably should. Was the decision made to give them such high speed because AI parties kept decimating caravans (and th...

Pike AI is pretty good, multiple ranks will stab at the same time to completely skewer enemies. Shame they do no damage

submitted by /u/Orange778 [link] [comments]

the most incompitent leader ever.

this woman right there has single handedly destryed her own kingdom,every time something was conquered she kept it for herself and now she lost it all. yes i did leave her kingdom,notlike she can do anything about it. if im lucky i will catch her and execute. submitted by /u/ShotArgument7204 [link] [comments]

what's up with the crusader blade?

First of all, thanks you for the modern to gave me once one of the most immersive run of a paradox game in my life. Now when I try the mod it doesn't seems to work anymore. Does it function properly for you? And somebody now if we will had an update soon as both games seems to have a quite stable versions now? Thanks! Submitted October 12, 2022 at 01:02AM by Apprehensive-Yam8184

What formation for horse archers?

Default line formation becomes too long left and right in big army and it's cumbersome to manage. But other formations like square, column and circle somehow make them move slower than infantry? How do I deal with this? submitted by /u/Minerkillerballer [link] [comments]

Struggles with Conspiracy War

So with the ultimate cause of bad planning (location + didn’t really recruit as actively as I should have) my kingdom, smack in the middle of imperial territory, is in a rough spot. As part of the storyline I have Vlandia, Aserai, and the Khuzait eating away at my borders. I’ve been running around like a headless chicken pushing back armies and taking back fiefs, but everything I take back gets taken all over again. Thought about bulk ordering chopping blocks for all the lords I have as prisoners, but I’m afraid the relation loss will cost me the clans I have. Any tips on turning this around and saving my new empire? submitted by /u/Zigginatorius [link] [comments]

Harmony refuses to show up in my game

submitted by /u/catman11234 [link] [comments]

Some info for console I found Last gen have "200vs200 with 250vs250 sieges" and next generation have "500vs500"

submitted by /u/No-Particular-3619 [link] [comments]